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Old 13-01-2022, 19:06   #16
Full Member

Re: Up to 70million investment for Accrington Town centre.

£70 million would be better enticing companies to set up shop in the borough, so they can afford the all you can drink coffees. The ghetto is full of drunks, beggars people who don't care. Build them a warehouse and send them there. Drop in centers for drug addicts, shouldn't be in the town cent. As It just gives more opportunity for crime. Use Accy Vic, it was a hospital once upon a time.
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Accrington Web
Old 13-01-2022, 19:54   #17
Beacon of light

Margaret Pilkington's Avatar
Re: Up to 70million investment for Accrington Town centre.

Odders, I like the cut of your gib.

It is too late to return Accrington to the vibrant market town it was….for a kick off you need a vibrant market…..and our market is comatose…..and half of it has been sold off to a company that will demolish it and turn the empty space into a car park….it might not be a free car park either.
What has Accrington got that would bring drivers into town… car park not necessary.

These pipe dreams are arrived at by people who don’t live in the real world…..have no comprehension of what the residents needs are…..and are only interested in what could be termed ‘vanity projects’……like the wasteland that is in front of the town hall and the Market Hall.
It was going to be used for all manner of things but is just so much paved nothing.
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Old 14-01-2022, 09:05   #18
God Member

Re: Up to 70million investment for Accrington Town centre.

Think you could substitute accrington for the majority of the old northern industrial towns of a similar size. no better, no worse. lack of proper and wrong investment over the years has caused this. decisions made for tourism. come on i doubt coach companies will ever put accrington, keighley, middlesbrough etc. on their tour itineries now or previously.
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Old 14-01-2022, 09:19   #19
Coffin Dodger.

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Re: Up to 70million investment for Accrington Town centre.

Originally Posted by monkey hanger View Post
Think you could substitute accrington for the majority of the old northern industrial towns of a similar size. no better, no worse. lack of proper and wrong investment over the years has caused this. decisions made for tourism. come on i doubt coach companies will ever put accrington, keighley, middlesbrough etc. on their tour itineries now or previously.
wrong mate Oswaldtwistle is still coaches come to ossy bubble factory.
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Old 14-01-2022, 11:46   #20
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Re: Up to 70million investment for Accrington Town centre.

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
wrong mate Oswaldtwistle is still coaches come to ossy bubble factory.
honestly i do not know why. its not bad but imagine there will be something very similar on their own doorstep. we have been once and its just something else ticked off the list. do locals go regularly.
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Old 14-01-2022, 12:29   #21
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Re: Up to 70million investment for Accrington Town centre.

Originally Posted by monkey hanger View Post
honestly i do not know why. its not bad but imagine there will be something very similar on their own doorstep. we have been once and its just something else ticked off the list. do locals go regularly.
yeh it seems to do ok to me.i dont know why either.
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Old 14-01-2022, 14:13   #22
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Re: Up to 70million investment for Accrington Town centre.

[QUOTE=monkey hanger;1262562]honestly i do not know why. its not bad but imagine there will be something very similar on their own doorstep. we have been once and its just something else ticked off the list. do locals go regularly.

Only if they have nothing better to do, like bathing the dog, cleaning the car, brushing the cat and the 1001 other more importent things in life. ,
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Old 14-01-2022, 14:25   #23
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Smile Re: Up to 70million investment for Accrington Town centre.

Think investment,esp in things like markets would be good. Independent shops,maybe highlighting some of the great architecture of the town would be good too.

I still remember going round the old outside market when i was a kid and seeing tourists from the US and Japan,as well as being able to get a wide variety of things can't now.

But the council would need to not charge expensive rents and to make it attractive to stall and shop holders.
Here's hoping
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Old 14-01-2022, 14:52   #24
Beacon of light

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Re: Up to 70million investment for Accrington Town centre.

Taddy’s Daughter….we had a vibrant market….we had a town that was busy and that brought in people from outside…..but it was left to deteriorate. It was not looked after…it was not made the most of…the potential was wasted…money was squandered.

They moved a bus station that brought people in to a place away from the market and this further cut off the economic blood supply that the market depended on.

Good quality retailers took flight….and cheap shops took their place….this is what happens in areas of deprivation

The town has had money to invest….but it concentrated on vanity projects.
These have not brought any benefits to the town and they certainly have not brought people into the town.

What are currently projected as plans….are in the same category as the previous ill considered investments..they are pipe dreams…castles in the air. They mean nothing that is relevant to the population of the town.
People spend their money in other towns that have made the most over the years of what they have.
I know I sound like a wet blanket, but we have been down this road before…..and it took us into the wasteland that we are in now.
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Last edited by Margaret Pilkington; 14-01-2022 at 14:57.
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Old 14-01-2022, 16:11   #25
Beacon of light

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Re: Up to 70million investment for Accrington Town centre.

The council has passed the plans for the Town Centre Investment Plan. Well, of course they have….why would they not.
It involves 18 projects and can take up to 15 years to be completed.
20 million of the funding is said to be coming from the governments levelling up fund.
Further monies may be available from a Town Heritage Lottery Grant.

Oh yes…a water park….this is not one of those with slides and flumes etc….it is the current Platts lodge…..not sure how it will be ‘dickied up’ to make it a water park…..but I cannot see anyone getting on a bus to visit it.

All this is said to be aimed at making the town a ‘proud, bustling, vibrant area’……dream on.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 14-01-2022, 16:28   #26
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: Up to 70million investment for Accrington Town centre.

Why don't they go the whole hog, ask for a billion that way they can settle for a quarter of a billion, with a proposal for re-developing i.e. knocking down all the terraced houses and building semis with driveways to re-house all those of us that need somewhere to re-charge our electric cars?
Going green is the answer no matter what it costs both in cash & resources,
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Old 14-01-2022, 16:34   #27
Coffin Dodger.

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Re: Up to 70million investment for Accrington Town centre.

less dont add to the bullshine.
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Old 14-01-2022, 17:14   #28
Beacon of light

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Re: Up to 70million investment for Accrington Town centre.

They may not get the 70 million….it is not guaranteed that a Heritage Lottery Fund bid may not be successful. There are other towns similarly placed who will be bidding for money.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 14-01-2022, 17:25   #29
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: Up to 70million investment for Accrington Town centre.

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
They may not get the 70 million….it is not guaranteed that a Heritage Lottery Fund bid may not be successful. There are other towns similarly placed who will be bidding for money.
Whatever they manage to get into their begging bowl no matter how small will be a golden opportunity to announce to the world how much they have achieved on our behalf and whatever and wherever it's spent, I doubt it will make one bit of difference to our lives.
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Old 14-01-2022, 17:50   #30
Beacon of light

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Re: Up to 70million investment for Accrington Town centre.

They are not in their lofty positions Less to make any kind of improvement in our lives…they are only there to big themselves up.
How much was it that PB’s lot spent on the resurfacing of Broadway with a terracotta coloured resin that was a few millimetres thin and it broke up and looked a mess… changed for black tarmac with yellow ‘cornflakes’ in it…..wonder how much that cost.

The whole place is tired and down at heel…if it was a horse you’d have it put out of its misery and make glue from the bones.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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