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Old 20-12-2005, 15:52   #16
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Re: Us poor reporters

Originally Posted by Less
Yeah come on lettie help vitty out lets have some action shot's of what your up to over Christmas, like they say, "A pictures worth a thousand words," so vitty wouldn't have to think too hard about the writing over Christmas!
People want nice shots of bonny babies called Noel, not the Mummies with legs akimbo.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

Last edited by garinda; 20-12-2005 at 16:32.
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Accrington Web
Old 20-12-2005, 16:09   #17

Re: Us poor reporters

Quite right, Garinda

What do all you people who haven't had a Christmas day off in 30 odd yesterday work as, then?

Also, the internet focus is not a bad idea, but it's not Accrington-centric enough for us, especially the 'how to work your pc' idea - specialised mags cover that.

But, I would love to do a piece on say, a family who were reunited by the internet after a long time apart, or look into doing stories about ex-pats' effort to keep iu touch with Accy relatives and goings on.
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Old 20-12-2005, 16:22   #18
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: Us poor reporters

[quote=vitty]Quite right, Garinda

What do all you people who haven't had a Christmas day off in 30 odd yesterday work as, then?

I bet they all say as hard as possible (liars).

Also, the internet focus is not a bad idea, but it's not Accrington-centric enough for us, especially the 'how to work your pc' idea - specialised mags cover that.

This could be a chance lost! broaden your horizens, let the 'obbo' conquer the world!

But, I would love to do a piece on say, a family who were reunited by the internet after a long time apart, or look into doing stories about ex-pats' effort to keep iu touch with Accy relatives and goings on.

I have recently been re-united with my son, Roy thanks to the internet, he came back from Moscow just to tell me to stop putting silly posts on accyweb!

Yes, Folks you heard it first here on Vitty's thread,
Roy is back in Town,
and will see you all at the meet Friday!
("Sorry Roy what was that?, Oh don't tell anyone? well it's a bit late for that it will be a full page spread by Friday Christmas Special and everything).

vitty don't forget if your going to quote this put accyweb's address on!

“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
Quotes & quoting
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Old 20-12-2005, 21:23   #19
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Re: Us poor reporters

Originally Posted by vitty

Also, the internet focus is not a bad idea, but it's not Accrington-centric enough for us, especially the 'how to work your pc' idea - specialised mags cover that.
As do food mags do restaurant reviews etc. Accyweb is a Accy centric positive result of the Internet. It has brought many people together, sparked many interesting and balanced debates and in comparison to Hyndburn life has cost teh council tax payer nowt!

I was only thinking of something the size of the pub review piece, 1/2 questions a week tops.

Originally Posted by vitty
But, I would love to do a piece on say, a family who were reunited by the internet after a long time apart, or look into doing stories about ex-pats' effort to keep iu touch with Accy relatives and goings on.

Why not have a chat with some of our offshore members then. There are loads in North America and Europe and even a good few down under.
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Old 20-12-2005, 23:08   #20
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Re: Us poor reporters

Originally Posted by entwisi
It has brought many people together
Quiet a few romantically, though none resulting in a wedding............yet.

Though, suprise, suprise I do have the perfect hat, ready and waiting.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 21-12-2005, 03:45   #21
Resting in Peace
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Re: Us poor reporters

Well first time in 9 years off Christmas Day and New Years eve guess that makes me a lucky one then lol.

However having read this thread it seems that there are a lot more folks working than most folks think of like bus drivers (I used to drive for HBT and have worked xmas day), taxi drivers and a vast many others.

May i take this time to wish you all a very merry xmas and a great new year.

Please DONT DRINK AND DRIVE and take great care
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