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Old 10-12-2007, 18:54   #16
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Re: US teen kills 8 people to be famous....

Originally Posted by LancYorkYankee View Post
Yeah, but the thing is he wanted to go out in a blaze of glory. Where was the glory in killing and maiming so many perfectly innocent people. If he truly wished a Blaze of Glory death, why not attack a military installation or something. Or better yet, do a "High Noon" scene by letting the local swat team meet him in some far off field for target practice!!!!!
Too true. I might add that it was a pity no members of the concealed carry citizenry were close by to cut this mayhem short.
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Old 10-12-2007, 19:24   #17
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Re: US teen kills 8 people to be famous....

It's this "right to bear arms" crap ... a lot like the German kriegslustig. There is no need for it. Lets face it, the Brits are not about to try to take back the colonies, the Canadians have enough violence in hockey, and the Mexicans just want a job. So where's the threat? Grenada maybe seeking revenge? Aliens? Evil Elvis clones? The whole thing would be so bloody ridiculous if it weren't for the fact that so many are dying.
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Old 10-12-2007, 19:24   #18
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Re: US teen kills 8 people to be famous....

Originally Posted by bullseyebarb View Post
Too true. I might add that it was a pity no members of the concealed carry citizenry were close by to cut this mayhem short.
Whats the "concealed carry citizenry", I mean I do have a notion of what it/they are but are they some sort of recognised vigilanty group Or is it just your turn of phrase ?
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Old 10-12-2007, 19:43   #19
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Re: US teen kills 8 people to be famous....

Originally Posted by Bonnyboy View Post
Whats the "concealed carry citizenry", I mean I do have a notion of what it/they are but are they some sort of recognised vigilanty group Or is it just your turn of phrase ?
Citizens who have a permit to carry a concealed weapon.......such as myself. In order to legally carry a sidearm, I had to apply to my county courthouse, was fingerprinted by the sheriff's department and subjected to a criminal and phychological background check.

Since my first post on this thread, I found out that the Mall in question banned all guns from its premises and had many signs posted to remind shoppers of this ban. Obviously, this did not deter the perp. Only we law-abiding citizens pay attention to these things.
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Old 10-12-2007, 19:49   #20
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Re: US teen kills 8 people to be famous....

out of interest... for what reasons would you get this permit?
Like the old woman who lived in a shoe, i have so many children i can't fit the tickers in my signature.....

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Old 10-12-2007, 19:50   #21
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Re: US teen kills 8 people to be famous....

Thanks for explaining that bullseyebarb
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Old 10-12-2007, 19:53   #22
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Re: US teen kills 8 people to be famous....

Originally Posted by bullseyebarb View Post
Citizens who have a permit to carry a concealed weapon.......such as myself. In order to legally carry a sidearm, I had to apply to my county courthouse, was fingerprinted by the sheriff's department and subjected to a criminal and phychological background check.

Since my first post on this thread, I found out that the Mall in question banned all guns from its premises and had many signs posted to remind shoppers of this ban. Obviously, this did not deter the perp. Only we law-abiding citizens pay attention to these things.
Thing is hon, if everyone were like you there would not be a problem. In fact, there would be no need to carry concealed weapons. But there are lots of loonies out there, and I don't mean the Canadian dollar, and too many guns. All my guns are legal too. But, according to our laws, I am not allowed to carry a handgun. This is not a problem, because there is no need in my community. In Kingston the police carry handguns, and there are lots of weapons at CFB/BFC Kingston, but citizens walk around unarmed, and are quite content to do so.
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Old 10-12-2007, 19:54   #23
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Re: US teen kills 8 people to be famous....

Originally Posted by Eric View Post
It's this "right to bear arms" crap ... a lot like the German kriegslustig. There is no need for it. Lets face it, the Brits are not about to try to take back the colonies, the Canadians have enough violence in hockey, and the Mexicans just want a job. So where's the threat? Grenada maybe seeking revenge? Aliens? Evil Elvis clones? The whole thing would be so bloody ridiculous if it weren't for the fact that so many are dying.
What absolute bull. First and foremost, an armed citizenry is a bullwark against tyrannical government. Plus, the right to self-defense is inherent. That is the way the American Founders saw it - and they were quite correct in this. History is peppered with examples of their wisdom in this matter.

Never trust a government which does not trust you and wishes to make you weak and dependent.
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Old 10-12-2007, 19:59   #24
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Re: US teen kills 8 people to be famous....

Originally Posted by emamum23 View Post
out of interest... for what reasons would you get this permit?
a) Because I can.

b) Because I am a charter member of the Second Amendment Sisters.
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Old 10-12-2007, 19:59   #25
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Re: US teen kills 8 people to be famous....

Originally Posted by bullseyebarb View Post
What absolute bull. First and foremost, an armed citizenry is a bullwark against tyrannical government. Plus, the right to self-defense is inherent. That is the way the American Founders saw it - and they were quite correct in this. History is peppered with examples of their wisdom in this matter.

Never trust a government which does not trust you and wishes to make you weak and dependent.
What is this "tyrannical govt." thing ... I was under the impression that the US govt. gets to be govt. in the same way as ours and the British govt. I know we will never agree on this issue, but the continued arguments about it show, if anything, how the fascination Americans have for going about their communities armed to the teeth is confusing to so many who also live in democratic societies.
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Old 10-12-2007, 20:02   #26
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Re: US teen kills 8 people to be famous....

noo, i didnt mean why would you want it.. i meant legally, what reasons would you give to get it from the government?
Like the old woman who lived in a shoe, i have so many children i can't fit the tickers in my signature.....

I finally found someone daft enough to marry me, my wonderboy is 11, my monkeygirl is 3 and my bananaman is 2, my beautiful little flower was born in feb 2012
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Old 10-12-2007, 20:11   #27
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Re: US teen kills 8 people to be famous....

Originally Posted by Eric View Post
What is this "tyrannical govt." thing ... I was under the impression that the US govt. gets to be govt. in the same way as ours and the British govt. I know we will never agree on this issue, but the continued arguments about it show, if anything, how the fascination Americans have for going about their communities armed to the teeth is confusing to so many who also live in democratic societies.
Should the democratic process be infringed and the power of the ballot box be made null. I know it is hard for you and others to understand why Americans march to the beat of a different drummer.....but this is what makes us so unique in the world.

There are always assaults on freedom - even here. It would be foolish to assume that life as we know and love it will continue on without our constant vigilance.
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Old 10-12-2007, 20:16   #28
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Re: US teen kills 8 people to be famous....

Originally Posted by emamum23 View Post
noo, i didnt mean why would you want it.. i meant legally, what reasons would you give to get it from the government?
I can keep guns in my home or car without a permit. However, if I want to carry a concealed weapon on my person in a public place, the law in my state requires that I have a permit to do so.
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Old 10-12-2007, 20:26   #29
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Re: US teen kills 8 people to be famous....

Originally Posted by emamum23 View Post
out of interest... for what reasons would you get this permit?
I have mine for varmit control , lots of rattlesnakes at my workplace , they like to hide in the shade under stacks of steelpipe , keep it loaded with snake-shot , although I tend to disagree with Bullseyebarb I can understand her logic and defend her right to have/own personnel protection , one thing to remember , in the US lots of people live in areas where the police response time is more than a 5 minute call away .
Just another point , you have to remember the US is made up of 50 different States with 50 different sets of Laws , just like the EU , where the laws in UK are different to the ones in the Greece or Poland, the Laws in California are different to the ones in Texas, Wyoming or New York .
Having said that , I do think California law needs more enforcement for the illegal possesion and use of firearms , but its not my place to comment on what the citizens of Georgia or any other State vote to allow as legal or not .
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Old 10-12-2007, 20:30   #30
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Re: US teen kills 8 people to be famous....

So you just go to the powers that be and say you want permission to carry a gun? Do you have to give them a reason why?

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