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Old 11-10-2012, 06:37   #151
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Re: vaccine shot

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
I have looked up the Health Protection Agency statistics about the uptake of the flu jab in health care professionals. The most up to date figures are for 2011. Just 34.7% of health care professionals took up the offer of vaccination.
In 2010 the figures were 26%
Looks like the NHS has been reading your posts

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Old 11-10-2012, 07:06   #152
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Re: vaccine shot

That would be a first......especially if they took any notice at all.
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Old 11-10-2012, 10:55   #153
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Re: vaccine shot

Originally Posted by Chris SUI JURIS View Post
My Brilliant Brain | Watch Free Documentary Online
This documentary is really good, but I recommend the first 15 minutes of episode 1, it ties into Vaccinations - you can clearly see what happens during, and how important the first 3 years of brain development is, and thus, why it is they have the vaccination schedule and ingredients that they have, they're chemically dumbing us down and making us infertile, they're creating an epidemic of 'mental health disorders', Autism, Parkinson's, Alzheimers, Cancer and so on, it's shocking most people will never believe it's true.
Well I don't know how long ago you watched that video but the link you posted says it is no longer available. However I found it elsewhere on Google and watched the first 17 minutes but I still fail to see the relevance to the vaccine discussion.

What you say raises two points

1) you believe there is a hidden agenda to give young children vaccines that will harm their brains
2) you believe that the vaccines actually do cause brain damage or 'mental health disorders' as you put it - and infertility!

I might believe they have damaged your brain if you keep posting such rubbish. You're right, 'it's shocking most people will never believe it's true'.

Can I ask, do you have young children? And if you do, have you denied them childhood vaccines? Or if you don't have children, would you deny them vaccination if you had?

Do you seriously believe the powers that be would create an epidemic of autism, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, whatever, when these diseases cost so much to treat? The mind boggles.
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Old 11-10-2012, 10:59   #154
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Re: vaccine shot

Originally Posted by Chris SUI JURIS View Post
Whats folks views on mandatory/forced vaccinations?
131 children vaccinated at gunpoint in Malawi, Reports at the time indicated that parents of unvaccinated children that had tried to escape a local vaccination mandate were tracked down and apprehended, and their children forced to receive the jabs as part of the United Nations' Millennium Development Goals
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Old 11-10-2012, 11:16   #155
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Re: vaccine shot

Originally Posted by susie123 View Post
Well I don't know how long ago you watched that video but the link you posted says it is no longer available. However I found it elsewhere on Google and watched the first 17 minutes but I still fail to see the relevance to the vaccine discussion.

What you say raises two points

1) you believe there is a hidden agenda to give young children vaccines that will harm their brains
2) you believe that the vaccines actually do cause brain damage or 'mental health disorders' as you put it - and infertility!

I might believe they have damaged your brain if you keep posting such rubbish. You're right, 'it's shocking most people will never believe it's true'.

Can I ask, do you have young children? And if you do, have you denied them childhood vaccines? Or if you don't have children, would you deny them vaccination if you had?

Do you seriously believe the powers that be would create an epidemic of autism, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, whatever, when these diseases cost so much to treat? The mind boggles.
1) I believe there is a Global vaccination agenda to give young children vaccines that will harm their brains? YES and it's spreading like a virus lol
2) I believe that the vaccines actually do cause brain damage or 'mental health disorders' as you put it - and infertility? YES
List of Vaccination-induced Neurological disorders:
  • Encephalitis
  • Ataxia/Apraxia
  • Retardation
  • Meningitis Paralysis
  • Paralytis polio
  • Ms Gullain Barre Syndrome
  • Lupus
  • Hyperactivity - ADD, LD
  • Demyelinization diseases
  • Auto-immune Diseases Epilepsy
  • Convulsions - Seizures
  • Blindness
  • Deafness
  • SIDS
  • Epilepsy
  • Mental confusion - lowered IQ
  • Brain tumors (SV-40)
3) Do I seriously believe the powers that be would create an epidemic of autism, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, whatever, when these diseases cost so much to treat? YES
4)do i have young children? No but if i did i'd definitely deny them vaccinations

As i don't know you can I ask if you have young children? And if you do, have you denied them childhood vaccines?
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Old 11-10-2012, 11:28   #156

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Re: vaccine shot

Originally Posted by MargaretR View Post
Why do doctors qualify as 'unoffendable'?
It is a very well paid job, and they make mistakes.

I have a nephew who is a hospital consultant in Macclesfield. He is in it for the money. He prefers his patients unconcious so specialized in anesthetics.

Since the days of Shipman I expected more people to take them off their pedestals.
This is a link to Doctors pay in case anyone was wondering Pay for doctors - NHS Careers
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Old 11-10-2012, 11:29   #157
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Re: vaccine shot

Oh dear, I think Chris S/J has finally gone over the edge!

Someone send for a doctor, I'm sure there's an injection which can help him.
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Old 11-10-2012, 11:35   #158
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Re: vaccine shot

Originally Posted by Gordon Booth View Post
Oh dear, I think Chris S/J has finally gone over the edge!

Someone send for a doctor, I'm sure there's an injection which can help him.
There Is but It's at a Swiss clinic.

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Old 11-10-2012, 11:37   #159
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Re: vaccine shot

Originally Posted by Gordon Booth View Post
Oh dear, I think Chris S/J has finally gone over the edge!

Someone send for a doctor, I'm sure there's an injection which can help him.
lol i've always been over the edge, maybe i had a injection as a baby or smoked to much herb as a teen
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Old 11-10-2012, 11:53   #160
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Re: vaccine shot

Originally Posted by Chris SUI JURIS View Post
1) I believe there is a Global vaccination agenda to give young children vaccines that will harm their brains? YES and it's spreading like a virus lol
2) I believe that the vaccines actually do cause brain damage or 'mental health disorders' as you put it - and infertility? YES
List of Vaccination-induced Neurological disorders:
  • Encephalitis
  • Ataxia/Apraxia
  • Retardation
  • Meningitis Paralysis
  • Paralytis polio
  • Ms Gullain Barre Syndrome
  • Lupus
  • Hyperactivity - ADD, LD
  • Demyelinization diseases
  • Auto-immune Diseases Epilepsy
  • Convulsions - Seizures
  • Blindness
  • Deafness
  • SIDS
  • Epilepsy
  • Mental confusion - lowered IQ
  • Brain tumors (SV-40)
3) Do I seriously believe the powers that be would create an epidemic of autism, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, whatever, when these diseases cost so much to treat? YES
4)do i have young children? No but if i did i'd definitely deny them vaccinations

As i don't know you can I ask if you have young children? And if you do, have you denied them childhood vaccines?
Well this post certainly shows where you're coming from, thank you for that.

I assume the last paragraph was addressed to me. No I've never had children but I would have them vaccinated if I had. Don't want them growing up too smart do we?

I see you got your list from our friend Dr Mercola, I love the way he cites "a variety of resources" without naming any of them, but we shouldn't be surprised, this is par for the course for this sort of article.

BTW I think you can knock off Alzheimer's and Parkinson's from the diseases you mentioned in an earlier post. Even Dr Mercola does not include these. And another website which copies and pastes his list has this to say:

Most neurological disorders which are vaccine-induced are studied in recently vaccinated children. Although adults are not without neurological injuries from vaccinations, the neurological damage that develops may not be seen until many years later. If a condition takes years to develop then vaccines will generally not be linked to disorder.

Don't Mangage Autism - END IT

I presume that last sentence is referring to children, because if it is talking about adults it rather contradicts the previous sentence. Anyway, as one doesn't see children with Alzheimer's or Parkinson's, they are obviously not causd by vaccines.

Surprise surprise this website is linked to one selling a program that claims to cure autism!

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Old 11-10-2012, 12:16   #161
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Re: vaccine shot

Originally Posted by susie123 View Post
Well this post certainly shows where you're coming from, thank you for that.

I assume the last paragraph was addressed to me. No I've never had children but I would have them vaccinated if I had. Don't want them growing up too smart do we?

I see you got your list from our friend Dr Mercola, I love the way he cites "a variety of resources" without naming any of them, but we shouldn't be surprised, this is par for the course for this sort of article.

BTW I think you can knock off Alzheimer's and Parkinson's from the diseases you mentioned in an earlier post. Even Dr Mercola does not include these. And another website which copies and pastes his list has this to say:

Most neurological disorders which are vaccine-induced are studied in recently vaccinated children. Although adults are not without neurological injuries from vaccinations, the neurological damage that develops may not be seen until many years later. If a condition takes years to develop then vaccines will generally not be linked to disorder.

Don't Mangage Autism - END IT

I presume that last sentence is referring to children, because if it is talking about adults it rather contradicts the previous sentence. Anyway, as one doesn't see children with Alzheimer's or Parkinson's, they are obviously not causd by vaccines.

Surprise surprise this website is linked to one selling a program that claims to cure autism!

This list was generated from a variety of resources and is not, by any means, all inclusive.
the last sentence is referring to children, while were on the subject whats your view on unvaccinated children walking sooner, talking sooner, and having a high degree of manual dexterity at an earlier age?
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Old 11-10-2012, 12:53   #162
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Re: vaccine shot

Originally Posted by Chris SUI JURIS View Post
This list was generated from a variety of resources and is not, by any means, all inclusive.
Funny that's what Dr Mercola says - could it be a direct quote?
Originally Posted by Chris SUI JURIS View Post
whats your view on unvaccinated children walking sooner, talking sooner, and having a high degree of manual dexterity at an earlier age?
I'll reserve judgment till I've seen some references. When I tried to Google the subject all but one of the answers on the first page were quotes from Dr Mercola's article. I gave up after that.
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Old 11-10-2012, 12:59   #163
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Re: vaccine shot

When you attempt to websearch whether vaccines are possibly harmful, you can encounter 'research' results showing harm and others refuting those findings.

Sometimes research by vetinarians is the area where any research which does reveal harm is not so aggressively refuted and supressed.

I have more respect for vets than docs

Here is an interesting article about vaccine damage in dogs.
Science of Vaccine Damage
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Old 11-10-2012, 13:18   #164
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Re: vaccine shot

Thanks for that, Margaret. My problem is that as far as I have been able to search, all evidence for vaccine damage is of the anecdotal kind, not backed up by reference to scientific studies. Words such as "it has been reported that" or "evidence suggests" set the alarm bells ringing.
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Old 11-10-2012, 13:21   #165
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Re: vaccine shot

The thing is Sue, that the companies that produce the vaccines have a lot of clout and I do not doubt that they would have the power to suppress such information, or discredit the researcher if they wished(not that I am suggesting that is what has been done).
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