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Old 09-10-2012, 18:20   #91
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Re: vaccine shot

I had my jab on saturday .
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Old 09-10-2012, 18:37   #92
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Re: vaccine shot

Is this what you're afraid of Chris? The conspiracy theory to end all conspiracy theories...

American Chronicle | Swine Flu Outbreak Or Bioterrorism And Intent To Commit Mass Murder?

Evidence of the Use of Pandemic Flu to Depopulate USA
Let sleeping polar bears lie...
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Old 09-10-2012, 18:46   #93
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Re: vaccine shot

Originally Posted by susie123 View Post
Enough of that, susie123- you're stealing margaretRs thunder.
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Old 09-10-2012, 18:58   #94
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Re: vaccine shot

I have no intention of changing your minds about vaccines.

I have a selfish attitude towards health.

I look after my own.

You have the right to decide for yourself, but I strongly suggest you examine the arguments against, and not just leave your health in the hands of others who may, or may not, have your best interests at heart.
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Old 09-10-2012, 19:00   #95
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Re: vaccine shot

I have one simple argument, A doctor knows a damn site more n me, simple as.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 09-10-2012, 19:09   #96
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Re: vaccine shot

Yes Cashy, of course they do, but they are in the pockets of the pharma companies.
Pharma companies are big business and want you to believe that they are good for your health....which may not necessarily be true. One size fits all medicine is suspect.
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Old 09-10-2012, 22:45   #97
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Re: vaccine shot

Originally Posted by susie123 View Post
I notice they stopped talking about Bird Flu a few years back. For a while it was always on the news about a possible Bird Flu epidemic when a bird was found dead. Did they decide to talk about another kind of flu instead?
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Old 09-10-2012, 23:03   #98
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Re: vaccine shot

Originally Posted by kestrelx View Post
I notice they stopped talking about Bird Flu a few years back. For a while it was always on the news about a possible Bird Flu epidemic when a bird was found dead. Did they decide to talk about another kind of flu instead?
The major panic a couple of years ago was swine flu which they thought was going to be a lot more serious than it was.

Swine Flu (H1N1)

Bird flu is still around but so far hasn't affected that many humans. However it could be a major pandemic if it mutates into a form which can more easily infect humans.

Avian flu - NHS Choices
Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Old 10-10-2012, 07:38   #99
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Re: vaccine shot

All the people against the jab obviously have not had the Flu because If they had they would not even comment. They would be down the Doc's having the jab.

I've had It 3 times and each time I thought I was dying.There Is a big difference between a heavy cold and Influenza,But don't worry you will find out when the time comes.

Some people think I'm a bit of an animal, but I'm quite tender really
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Old 10-10-2012, 08:41   #100
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Re: vaccine shot

Originally Posted by susie123 View Post
no the only thing i'm afraid of sue is folk willingly line up arms at the ready,no questions asked,just because the Dr recommeneds it. i'm also afraid the white coat mafia are using folk as guinea pigs and possibly creating unseen problems further down the line which there not even liable for because they paid someone off for immunity
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Old 10-10-2012, 08:54   #101
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Re: vaccine shot

A shortage is declared so that queues form for it, in the same way that shelves empty in supermarkets whenever 'in short supply' is mentioned.
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Old 10-10-2012, 08:56   #102
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Re: vaccine shot

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
Yes Cashy, of course they do, but they are in the pockets of the pharma companies.
Pharma companies are big business and want you to believe that they are good for your health....which may not necessarily be true. One size fits all medicine is suspect.
Well aware of that fact Margaret n agree, but am a believer that once tried,if a medicine works or suits then its worth using. If i had worked fer years in the N.H.S. n never contracted the virus, then probably i would not bother having it, so can understand yer logic. What bothers me is scaremongering bean heads of which theres a few about.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 10-10-2012, 09:19   #103
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Re: vaccine shot

Originally Posted by Benipete View Post
All the people against the jab obviously have not had the Flu because If they had they would not even comment. They would be down the Doc's having the jab.

I've had It 3 times and each time I thought I was dying.There Is a big difference between a heavy cold and Influenza,But don't worry you will find out when the time comes.
Two months before my 65th birthday in 2007, my doc offered me a free flu jab and I complied.

I had enjoyed an active healthy retirement until then - trips abroad once or twice a year - frequent UK coach trips, some where I spent evenings dancing (Gay Gordons even !).

A few weeks after that jab I went down with flu so severe that I was hallucinating and wearing nappies, and lost a stone in weight in seven days.

I never recovered. I had pleurisy that lasted several months and had to cancel a trip to Gibraltar in Feb 2008. I had overwhelming exhaustion and then a year of dental abcesses began, whereby my teeth went down like dominoes one after another, (mercury poisoning).

I had several blood tests which revealed nothing. I was in the doc's waiting rooms, struggling to stay awake, and gasping for breath, only to be told 'there is nothing wrong with you'.

So the only person who could help me was ME, and ironically I eventually diagnosed myself with just that - ME/CFS. It is an autoimmune condition which many docs do not recognise as existing, and when they do, it is only named when tests for everything else prove negative.

I conclude that my immune system was damaged by the flu jab, and the mercury in it tipped my body above the toxic load that I could cope with.

For five years I have tried many 'alternative medicine' regimes and a gradual improvement has occurred. I do not resent the fact that my doc did not diagnose me - because there is no NHS treatment on offer if he had.

I appreciate that most people do not experience such after effects but, be aware -
I didn't expect it either.
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Old 10-10-2012, 09:22   #104
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Re: vaccine shot

Originally Posted by Chris SUI JURIS View Post
no the only thing i'm afraid of sue is folk willingly line up arms at the ready,no questions asked,just because the Dr recommeneds it. i'm also afraid the white coat mafia are using folk as guinea pigs and possibly creating unseen problems further down the line which there not even liable for because they paid someone off for immunity

Are these the same folk that you want to frighten away from having a potentially life saving injection, you know the vulnerable members of society?
They line up because they maybe do think for themselves and aren't prepared to be swayed by the garbage you attempt to spread.
I think, notice that phrase in case you didn't I'll repeat it, I think your first post was just an excuse to start a thread a 'I'm against conventional medicine and the accepted establishment'.
I further think that your second post:-

Originally Posted by Chris SUI JURIS View Post
i'm still in 2minds about it as i've been led to believe they dumb us down if thats the right termanology.
Is a complete fabrication, you aren't in two minds about it, you had already decided, but wanted a soap box on which to stand and spread your ridiculous theories.

We've heard these claims before from far more articulate people than yourself, please, if you don't want the jab then don't have it but why try to scaremonger others to your way of thinking?
Most people aren't sheep following conventional ways anymore than they are sheep ready to be convinced by your half baked and poorely demonstrated ideas.
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Old 10-10-2012, 09:39   #105
I am Banned

Re: vaccine shot

Originally Posted by Less View Post
Are these the same folk that you want to frighten away from having a potentially life saving injection, you know the vulnerable members of society?
They line up because they maybe do think for themselves and aren't prepared to be swayed by the garbage you attempt to spread.
I think, notice that phrase in case you didn't I'll repeat it, I think your first post was just an excuse to start a thread a 'I'm against conventional medicine and the accepted establishment'.
I further think that your second post:-

Is a complete fabrication, you aren't in two minds about it, you had already decided, but wanted a soap box on which to stand and spread your ridiculous theories.

We've heard these claims before from far more articulate people than yourself, please, if you don't want the jab then don't have it but why try to scaremonger others to your way of thinking?
Most people aren't sheep following conventional ways anymore than they are sheep ready to be convinced by your half baked and poorely demonstrated ideas.
i was in two minds less,but the more i look into it the more i think F that for a game of soliders. i'm not trying to fearmonger(if i was there's alot more i could put) i dont want anyone to be swayed/convinced by my doubts/views about vaccines and miss the opportunity to avoid getting sick(that's the last thing i want). i just want them to think twice before rolling up there sleves ......nothing more,nothing less

Last edited by Chris SUI JURIS; 10-10-2012 at 09:43.
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