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Old 14-05-2006, 18:50   #1
Senior Member+
mani's Avatar

vandals last nite on blackburn rd

so i finished work at 4/5am and was driving home along blackburn rd and i noticed about 4 lads and one girl walkin down yelling soemthing or another and banging on the shop shutters i presume to wake up the residents etc... as i slowed down to get a look at them out came the usual r****t chanting i did feel like puttin the window down and doin a chant or two myself but i thought forget it and drove on... about 400 yrds down there's those plant displays out the chemist and that asian food store and they'd ripped out loads of plants from there and thrown them in the middle of the rd...

i turned the car around and they were long gone down blackburn rd... i was just so angry that they'd done that - i have to admit when they did put those plant pots there i thought they wudnt last but they did do for quite some time and they did improve the look of the place n i was just soo angry last nite that just after a few drinks they'd done that. thankfully there was a cop car that i think was trailing them i saw it go past a few times. hope they got nicked...

if u cant handle the drink then dont drink it idiots!

Edit: though allow me suggest that in no way shape or form am i suggesting that these nice people were the ones who did the gardening. i did not have s****l relationships with those plants. god bless. g'nite.
If you had not committed great sins, God would not have sent a punishment like me upon you - Ghenghis Khan

Last edited by mani; 15-05-2006 at 04:10.
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Old 14-05-2006, 19:28   #2
Senior Member+

Re: vandals last nite on blackburn rd

and you saw thewm do it did you ? you know for a fact is was them do you ? sometimes 2 n 2 dont make 4 . . . ... and it seems to me that you go through a lot of racial abuse when you go out or is that 2 n 2 makin 5 again ?
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Old 14-05-2006, 19:56   #3
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Re: vandals last nite on blackburn rd

Mani it could have been the same idiots who earlier in the evening ripped out a garden fence, smashed bottles on a street corner and ripped the wiring out of a lamp post making as much noise as possible while doing it. I often wonder how their parents would feel if it was their property these yobs were damaging
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Old 14-05-2006, 20:17   #4

Re: vandals last nite on blackburn rd

Vandalism in any shape or form cannot and should not be accepted. like you say Mani "if you cant handle your drink dont do it fools"
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Old 14-05-2006, 22:46   #5
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Re: vandals last nite on blackburn rd

wether it was them are not- banging on shutters etc,chanting racial abuse don,t exactly make them little angels raver it makes them SCUM.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 14-05-2006, 22:51   #6
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Re: vandals last nite on blackburn rd

yeah cashman i know that and i dont agree with what they were doing ....all im tryna say is its wrong to assume and that every time mani goes out he seems to get racialy abused (as he says every time he posts) its the race card every time and it annoys me ....i got called a white ba**ard the other week off a pakistani taxi driver ....did i go crying about it though ? no i didnt i accepted it and told him exactly what i thought of him ....if it was good for him its good for me ....simple ....:engsmil: :engsmil: :engsmil:
blackburn rovers born n bred since 1977

a proper football club,built on the foundations laid by a true fan..andy dunn notw 08....fantastic !!!
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Old 15-05-2006, 03:22   #7
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Re: vandals last nite on blackburn rd

*L* well near enough yeah raver - to the point i dont go out anywhere near around this area anymore. as much as i love accy and its neighbouring towns dude -

adn if i wanted that to b the core issue i wud've titled the thread racism on blackburn road!!
and i actually spoke to the plants today and they said they wanted to run away to a more plush area of accrington so they uprooted themselves.
If you had not committed great sins, God would not have sent a punishment like me upon you - Ghenghis Khan
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Old 15-05-2006, 07:38   #8
Coffin Dodger.

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Re: vandals last nite on blackburn rd

Originally Posted by mani
and i actually spoke to the plants today and they said they wanted to run away to a more plush area of accrington so they uprooted themselves.
HELL what you on mani? whatever it is i want some.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 15-05-2006, 07:39   #9
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Re: vandals last nite on blackburn rd

For the second weekend running we have had teenage louts vandalising, drinking and causing a nuisance on Medoway, Warwick Close and Norfolk Grove.
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Old 15-05-2006, 08:58   #10
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Re: vandals last nite on blackburn rd

What the golden bell were they doing running around at time of the morning and where did the police hide. we have the same problem up hear to the point that the roit van is out Friday and Saturday nights ready to jump one the aholes causing the trouble. If Accy is anything like up here it is the underage "harden drinkers" causing the aggro at all hours. Going to work at 6:20 on a Saturday morning and seeing them staggering around causing mahem while downing the schoolies favourite tipple of Buckfast is not exactly unusual here. The amount of vandalism is unreal as its cars bikes close doors windows fences even setting the bins alight seems to be the order of the day. One question I wouldnt mind answered is "are their parents not missing them or do they think its normal?"

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Old 15-05-2006, 11:05   #11
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Re: vandals last nite on blackburn rd

you seem to have a lot of racism up there don't you. It looks very bad when you put it on here like that. For the size of the town, I'm sure you don't get ny more than any other town.
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Old 15-05-2006, 11:28   #12
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Re: vandals last nite on blackburn rd

Some towns may have more some may have less racism but because there is a town forum like this it will always be mentioned. Some people face it more than others and it dosnt have to be white on colours it can be white on white colour on colour as well as religion on religion. Non of it is nice and sometimes by sharing their feelings after a racial attack/inference it can help them as it can show as on here that people will not tolerate it regardless of the creed colour nationality that let rip in the first place.

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Old 15-05-2006, 11:32   #13
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Re: vandals last nite on blackburn rd

Ive started to fold my wing mirrors in now at night on the car. Its normal now around here at the weekends for the louts to see how many they can kick off in a straight line.
Have got CCTV but its very poor quality at night.

There is an article in the Observer about Norfolk Grove this week, Around here its getting worse everynight.
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Old 15-05-2006, 13:44   #14
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Re: vandals last nite on blackburn rd

jimmi5bellies and spuggie

as long time consorts of this website it is my duty to warn you not to point the finger before thinking. i must ask you these questions

did you see them vandalise anything? 2+2 does not alwaysa = 5

please remember that before people get angry about it and start deducting karma points from u because of a lack of thinkin

thank you
If you had not committed great sins, God would not have sent a punishment like me upon you - Ghenghis Khan
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Old 15-05-2006, 13:58   #15
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Re: vandals last nite on blackburn rd

Point taken Mani and thanks for putting me straight. Got to remember to put brain in gear before engaging my fingers to the keyboard.

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