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Old 29-04-2005, 13:33   #1
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VE day 60yrs of Freedom 8th May!

It's all too easy to forget with all the election stuff going on that in a few days it will be the 60th aniversery of the end of world war two.
I would just like to thank all the people that went through so much so that we have the freedom to vote or not next week!
I posted this as I've heard nothing much about it! As anyone heard anything?
Make mine a PINT.......

Last edited by wayneyboy1942; 29-04-2005 at 14:03.
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Old 29-04-2005, 14:09   #2
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Re: VE day 60yrs of Freedom 8th May!

Since Councillor Jones is of the opinion that this is a right wing site and that we are all members of the BNP, is the end of WWII something that we ought to be celebrating? Should we not be in deepest mourning for the loss of the Führer?
Enough is ENOUGH Get Britain out of Europe
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Old 29-04-2005, 14:49   #3
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Re: VE day 60yrs of Freedom 8th May!

never heard a thing about it,didn't even realise the anniversary was due,
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 29-04-2005, 15:04   #4
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Re: VE day 60yrs of Freedom 8th May!

Originally Posted by wayneyboy1942
It's all too easy to forget with all the election stuff going on that in a few days it will be the 60th aniversery of the end of world war two.
I would just like to thank all the people that went through so much so that we have the freedom to vote or not next week!
While the 60th anniversary of V-E day is rapidly approaching and quite worthy of celebration, WWII did not end until August, when the Japanese surrendered. I'll extend my thanks to all those who served, with a very special thought for a man I never met - my Uncle Peter, who won the Silver Star for his gallant actions to save his fellow Marines in the closing days of the battle of Okinawa.

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Old 29-04-2005, 15:06   #5
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Thumbs up Re: VE day 60yrs of Freedom 8th May!

Around here there does'nt seem to be much going on! You'd have thought this would be a big event! I bet big brother coming back will get more news coverage or the winner of that cookery show!
Billcat I should have said the end of the war in Europe! I have known people that served in Burma the pacific etc and of coarse I've not forgotten them!
Make mine a PINT.......

Last edited by wayneyboy1942; 29-04-2005 at 15:13.
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Old 29-04-2005, 15:07   #6

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Re: VE day 60yrs of Freedom 8th May!

Well over here in Moscow they are celebrating it in a big way. Putin has declared 8th and 9th a public holiday.. There are going to be street parades, parties, and massive firework display. There are banners up all over the place declaring the 60th anniversary of victory. The whole centre will be closed to traffic and they are getting out the tanks/weapons etc. for the parade. Isn't it strange how different cultures behave regarding the same historic events. I would have expected more from the UK than from Russia, but then it may offend Germans who are residing in the UK if to much of a fuss is made!
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Old 29-04-2005, 15:20   #7
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Re: VE day 60yrs of Freedom 8th May!

Originally Posted by Roy
Well over here in Moscow they are celebrating it in a big way.... I would have expected more from the UK than from Russia, but then it may offend Germans who are residing in the UK if to much of a fuss is made!
Given how many casualties the Russians sustained during WWII, as well as the fact that they had the Germans invade, I'm not surprised at all the celbration. Here in the USA, it's not been a big item in the news. May have to see if I can rally my Kiwanis Club to do something to honor the Veterans in August.

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Old 29-04-2005, 15:48   #8
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Re: VE day 60yrs of Freedom 8th May!

i tried to keep everyone on there toes wayneboy and mentioned that they should keep there flags flying.
we should all pay are deepest respect for all those people that fought for us,and yes i will be having a do down at the stag with a good owd sing along.
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Old 29-04-2005, 18:37   #9
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Re: VE day 60yrs of Freedom 8th May!

i would like to add my respects to all the people alive and dead ,who did so much for us all the wars .......................
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Old 29-04-2005, 20:37   #10
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Re: VE day 60yrs of Freedom 8th May!

We should celebrate VE day because, before too long in the scheme of things, the day will come when it will just be a date in the History books - when those of us to whom it means something are dead and gone. There must be quite a lot of us who had, and maybe lost, close relatives involved in WW2. My dad didn't fight in the forces - he made aircraft engines (not his choice - you didn't have a choice - if your Peacetime occupation dictated it you worked "behind the scenes") but without the likes of him, too, we would not have had a victory. It's not going to mean as much to England in 2045 so, while we're here, we MUST remember the debt we owe.

We don't make enough of August 1945, I agree. We had a family friend who fought in Burma for 4 years, during which time he became the father of a son he never saw (who died at age 3) and whose wife did not know if he was dead or alive (his letters home never reached her - it's a long story). They called those men the Forgotten Army and, sadly, they still seem to be forgotten when we celebrate the end of the war. We always have a parade, in Warrington, by the members of the Burma Star Association each August. When I see those old men, fewer every year, marching through the town in their blazers and berets I am always moved to tears.

I give thanks to our parents' and grandparents' generation who sacrificed so much for me and you.
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Old 29-04-2005, 20:58   #11
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Re: VE day 60yrs of Freedom 8th May!

Went over to Berlin a few weeks ago and was at Sachsanhosen Camp on the 60th anniversery of the liberation of Belsen. There were a number of German school parties all carrying flowers and we found that they were being taught of the horrors committed at the camp during WW2. They also met up with a group of ex-inmates, Polish guys in their eighties with full medals on show. A very moving scene. Lest we forget.
" Crashes "
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Old 02-05-2005, 20:02   #12
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This website may be of interest to people that may want more info about events etc!
Make mine a PINT.......

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Old 03-05-2005, 08:59   #13
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Re: VE day 60yrs of Freedom 8th May!

My father fought in the far East in the Fleet Air Arms. For those of you with parents/grandparents alive who fought or whose spouses fough in WW2 there are grants available to help finance holidays to return to where they saw action. search for Heroes Return.
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Old 03-05-2005, 14:41   #14
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Re: VE day 60yrs of Freedom 8th May!

Originally Posted by entwisi
For those of you with parents/grandparents alive who fought or whose spouses fough in WW2 there are grants available to help finance holidays to return to where they saw action. search for Heroes Return.
What a great idea, especially with so many of these folks receiving the limited income that many seniors citizens subsist on!

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Old 03-05-2005, 19:36   #15
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Re: VE day 60yrs of Freedom 8th May!

I wonder if VE Day has lost its impact in view of the recent/current conflict in Iraq? Mind you sometimes we are just so darned politically correct in this country it's laughable. It's like that episode of Fawltey Towers "don't mention the war".

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