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Old 26-10-2006, 13:20   #1
Resident Waffler

WillowTheWhisp's Avatar

veedoo from threegi

It's bad enough getting those annoying phone calls trying to sell you something when you're trying to do a bit of gardening but to be dragged away from my potting compost to the phone, having to wash soil off my hands and settle down to listen only to be met with somebody telling me that they are calling on behalf of 'threegi' about 'veedoo' is really trying my patience. If you have to employ telesales personnel at least make sure they can speak intelligible English!

No, this is not a racist comment. I would say the same if it was any regional English accent which was so pronounced as to make the words sound like some alien tongue.

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Accrington Web
Old 26-10-2006, 13:41   #2
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Re: veedoo from threegi

They are sooooooooo annoying. I can usually tell that it's a telesales call as soon as i pick up the phone, there is a pause of about 2/3 seconds before they reply to you. I usually just put the phone down, but recently i've started to answer the phone, then just leave it on the side for about 5 mins. I can hear them at the other end "hello .......... hello ............hello .........". Welcome to my world.

"It wasn't me, you can't prove a thing"

The views expressed here are my own & are not necessarily those of the site.
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Old 26-10-2006, 13:46   #3
God Member

Re: veedoo from threegi

could be closer to home than you think willow..maybe Ormerod street?..then again "treegi" or "veedoo" ..sounds like gobbinlanders, "aye up asti skend mi vidi an tu got treegi" common chat for the bods livin up from clock
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Old 26-10-2006, 13:55   #4
Resident Waffler

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Re: veedoo from threegi

Our conversation went something like this:

Me: Hello?
Her: Mrs T......?
Me: Yes
Her: Hello yes, I m call you from threegi.
Me: Pardon?
Her: I am call you from threegi.
Me: Fiji? I don't know anyone in Fiji
Her: Threegi yes I am call you from threegi about veedoo.
Me: Veedoo?
Her: Yes veedoo from threegi
Me: Sorry, Veedoo is in Fiji? Who is Veedoo?
Her: Veedoo network, from threegi.
Me: What is veedoo network?
Her: Calling, veedoo calling.
Me: Veedoo? Calling me from Fiji? I told you I don't know anyone in Fiji and who is Veedoo? I don't know anyone called Veedoo.
Her: No, we are call about veedoo calling network provide by threegi.
Me: What is veedoo? I have never heard of veedoo.
Her: It is provide by threegi.
Me: Threegi? OH! THREEEGI! ........... What is threegi?
Her: Threegi mobile. We provide now veedoo.
Me: Veedoo? Who do?
Her: We do veedoo.
Me: Do you?
Her: Yes we do veedoo.
Me: What is veedoo?

pause.................. click.........................

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Old 26-10-2006, 14:07   #5
Resting In Peace
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Re: veedoo from threegi

Oh Willow, that was hilarious, made me spill my coffee LOL!
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Old 26-10-2006, 14:23   #6
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Re: veedoo from threegi

.......... nice one Willow

I had, imo, the height of ignorance the other day. Phone rings I pick it up and it's an automated machine that was on the line! I can't tell you who the company was, it got the whole of 15 seconds of my time before I put the phone down!
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Old 26-10-2006, 14:33   #7
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Re: veedoo from threegi

When i answer the phone if they dont say hiya back straight away i put the phone down - that way i dont get any of these calls. A couple of years ago i picked the phone up and it was a bloke who was selling double glazing and i said ive got double glazing i dont need it oh but you dont have ours ours is the best on the market. I put the phone down then. I've found though if you say your house is a council house they put the phone down on you!
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Old 26-10-2006, 14:36   #8
Resident Waffler

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Re: veedoo from threegi

We had a double glazing one once. I told him I'd defy him to find anything left here he could double glaze!

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Old 26-10-2006, 14:44   #9
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Re: veedoo from threegi

It's not only the accents that are the problem. I had one of these foriegn telesales people on the phone the other week trying to sell me a new mobile. I informed him, that my phone is provided by the company i work for (it isn't, but this usually does the trick), therefore i didn't need a new one. He then continued to explain the benefits of their phone package. Again i told him that if i need a new mobile, work will supply it for me. "Yes, but, we are cheaper" he tells me, once more i tell him that work pay the bills, so the cost is irrelevant to me. He then ask me if i'd like my own personal phone. To this i replied ..............


Strange how the line went dead at that point.

"It wasn't me, you can't prove a thing"

The views expressed here are my own & are not necessarily those of the site.
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Old 26-10-2006, 14:46   #10
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Re: veedoo from threegi

I think I've mentioned it before on here about how I got rid of the cold caller that caught me on one of my days when I was just feeling 'that way out'.

It was a salesperson trying to sell me a mobile phone, the conversation was getting very tedious so in the end I just said "look, I'm more than happy with the phone I have, it's an excellent phone". He made the mistake of saying "why is it excellent?". I said "Because it does this" ....... click
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Old 26-10-2006, 15:02   #11
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Re: veedoo from threegi

Excellent. My usual reply's are ................

Home insurance - Not my house (parents).

Car insurance - Can't drive.

Double glazing - Rented house.

Mobile phone - Supplied by work.

these tend to work.

"It wasn't me, you can't prove a thing"

The views expressed here are my own & are not necessarily those of the site.
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Old 26-10-2006, 16:35   #12
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Less's Avatar
Re: veedoo from threegi

For some reason when these people ring me they end up confused.

My name 'Leslie Westwood'

Their attempts at pronouncing it hilarious!

The friendly ones that give themselves an English sounding name are the best.

Them "Hello, lelly weoood this is Tracey"
me "pardon?"
Them again "Hello, lelly weoood this is Tracey"
me "Sorry, no lelly weoood at this address"
Them "No not, lelly weoood, lellsey wetood"
me "Sorry no Idea who your talking about"
Them "you not lelly weoood?"
me "no I not lelly weoood or any relation who did you say you are?"
Them "me, I Tracey"
me "Oh Tracey, sorry why didn't you say that to begin with how are you luv', (long silence because luv' is not on their standard phraseology crib sheet).
Them "I Tracey, and I ring about"
me "look Tracey if your ringing about last night I'm sorry, I know we said we'd meet for a drink but I went for a few with the lads......"

On and on this conversation goes with poor little tracey trying to work out what the heck sort of conversation she is having, but I don't care they are paying for the call and until they realise that they are not going to be able to mention their product or get a word in edgeways I'm not hanging up.

I suppose if I was really evil I could treat it as a free phone sex chat up line but even I'm not quite that perverse, I'm quite happy to continue until I hear a little sigh of dismay or the first hint of a sob then I let them go. 'cos I'm a good boy really ain't I?
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
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Old 26-10-2006, 16:39   #13
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Re: veedoo from threegi

I usually go with
" I`m sorry Mr Lynn was murdered during the night and I`m just removing the body.."
They don`t usually have an answer for that!
" Crashes "
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Old 26-10-2006, 17:22   #14
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Less's Avatar
Re: veedoo from threegi

I've just tried a new one, Some gentleman with an accent I could not possibly describe tried to talk, so I said, "sorry this must be a bad line I can't understand you, can I give you my other telephone number?". He was over the moon with gratitude, "have you a pen and paper?" Yes he has, "0845 300 44 XX", He hung up with the promise to ring me straight back, I wonder if he really did need car insurance?
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
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Old 26-10-2006, 18:25   #15
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Re: veedoo from threegi

I've just had one trying to sell insurance, nothing new there except they asked for Mr ******. When i said im sorry you cant speak to him they asked if they could ring back later to speak to him i said he died 20 years ago. Why dont they look at electoral rolls or census forms? Wonder where they got the name from though?
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