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Old 16-07-2009, 12:31   #1
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Vetting and Barring list..

Theres a new ruling coming out regarding visitors to schools or anyone who has regular contact with children. Its called the vetting and barring scheme. It covers CRB checks and list 99 ... in fact it covers all the loopholes. Now some authors who go into schools are going to stop going in if they have to be checked for this list.

BBC NEWS | UK | School safety 'insult' to Pullman

As far as im concerned its nowt different from being CRB checked and why are they complaining ... If they had kids in a school do they not want them to be protected and to know for certain any visitors to the school are going to be checked and then know their kids are going to be safe.
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Old 16-07-2009, 12:35   #2
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Re: Vetting and Barring list..

ive seen this on the news today, its a good idea, the authors (or whoever) that go in will be remembered by the children as a 'safe' person because they have been into school. that puts them in a position of trust so they should be fully checked!
Like the old woman who lived in a shoe, i have so many children i can't fit the tickers in my signature.....

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Old 16-07-2009, 12:54   #3
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Re: Vetting and Barring list..

That link includes this
"Once passed, an individual will not need separate checks for each place they work or volunteer in"
....which is not strictly true. Our local school bus drivers are checked TWICE - once by LCC and then again by Blackburn Council, if they happen to drive school buses in both districts.
This beaurocracy does give the impression that collecting fees from it is just as important as child safety.

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Old 16-07-2009, 13:17   #4
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Re: Vetting and Barring list..

I was CRB checked by LCC for volunteering in a school, by rossendale borough council due to work bringing me into contact with children as i was on reception and kids were coming into the sports centre and by the credit union because i was going into a school to do the school collections all within the space of 2 months ... and they were all done by LCC's clearance centre. I would expect the school bus drivers to be done the same ... When i told my boss at work that i was already CRB cleared she told me that rossendale borough council wanted one of their own ... so filled in all the forms again .. then the credit union needed one ... so already told them rbc and lcc had already done it and they said they needed a separate one for their records .. so i would expect Blackburn with Darwen Council which is a unitary authority would want to do their own besides having LCC doing one. I took it as this new one once you were cleared and on it you wouldnt need it doing again ...
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Old 16-07-2009, 15:04   #5
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Re: Vetting and Barring list..

you need one for each job as there maybe a conviction in between jobs...
Like the old woman who lived in a shoe, i have so many children i can't fit the tickers in my signature.....

I finally found someone daft enough to marry me, my wonderboy is 11, my monkeygirl is 3 and my bananaman is 2, my beautiful little flower was born in feb 2012
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Old 16-07-2009, 16:48   #6

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Re: Vetting and Barring list..

The measure was drafted in response to recommendations made by the inquiry into the murders of Holly Wells and Jessica Chapman in 2002, by college caretaker Ian Huntley.
Typical stupid Government bringing in pointless legislation for the wrong reasons. Huntley will have been CRB checked if he was a college caretaker. How would this new idea have saved the girls who did not even go to his college?

Anyone who has "regular" or "intense" contact with children or vulnerable adults will by law have to sign up to the Vetting and Barring Scheme from November 2010.

"Regular" is defined as more than once a month and "intense" as three times a month or more, the Home Office says.
So if you only visit once every 2 months you must automatically be safe to be with the kids.

Mr Pullman told BBC Radio 4's Today programme: "It's actually rather dispiriting and sinister.

"Why should I pay £64 to a government agency to give me a little certificate to say I'm not a paedophile.

"Children are abused in the home, not in classes of 30 or groups of 200 in the assembly hall with teachers looking on."
Exactly and that is why it is a waste of time.
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Old 16-07-2009, 16:50   #7

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Re: Vetting and Barring list..

Originally Posted by emamum View Post
you need one for each job as there maybe a conviction in between jobs...
Another stupid idea - if you hold a valid CRB any convictions should be reported to your employer. Then if you have a conviction while working in the same place the employer will be informed. It should be more of a registration scheme than just a bit of paper.
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Old 16-07-2009, 19:31   #8
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Re: Vetting and Barring list..

I agree that the CRB system is flawed. I go into schools and as it happens I have a CRB check with LCC which covers me for going into LCC schools. But the fact is that I have had to have THREE CRB checks from different organisations costing three times as much. In fact, the CRB check costs £24 I think, which means that three times that is £72, so in theory getting one of these new checks would cover everything and would in the long run save money perhaps.

But, if the system is not meant to replace CRB checks then it could mean that some of us who work in these situations could end up paying out twice.

The views expressed within this post are mine and mine alone.

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Old 16-07-2009, 19:38   #9
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Re: Vetting and Barring list..

Theoretically this also affects an parent volunteers who want to help out at the school. There are a number of parents who sell school sweaters, join the PTA, join the walking bus, go on library trips with classes etc.. who would feel so pressurised about the whole thing that they would just not do what they're doing. Schools would start to really struggle.

These are all mums of pupils who are at the school - they are trying to help their own children get a good experience from being at school - this would just put them off.

These people know that they aren't CRB checked and so aren't ever left alone with children but they are doing a valuable job.

The views expressed within this post are mine and mine alone.

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Old 16-07-2009, 19:39   #10
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Re: Vetting and Barring list..

A question that seems begging for an answer is: "What has gone so wrong since I went to school"? And that may give rise to questions like: "Has it got so bad that all this is necessary"? "Are we overreacting"? and probably lots more.
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Old 16-07-2009, 19:49   #11
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Re: Vetting and Barring list..

It is just another tax raising excercise.
Now we have flu epidemics, so expect a tax on sneezing soon

The idea of investigating the past of persons who work with children is sound, but taxing them isn't

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Old 16-07-2009, 19:55   #12
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Re: Vetting and Barring list..

Originally Posted by MargaretR View Post
It is just another tax raising excercise.
Now we have flu epidemics, so expect a tax on sneezing soon

The idea of investigating the past of persons who work with children is sound, but taxing them isn't

And not only sneezing; there will be an added tax based on how many times you flush the toilet .... and while we are talking of the toilet, Schopenhauer was full of it
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Old 17-07-2009, 01:03   #13
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Re: Vetting and Barring list..

the thing is all organisations need to cover their back it only takes one person not to do their job properly and it would have left the rest of the organisations open to scrutiny if anything did happen.
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Old 17-07-2009, 01:28   #14
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Re: Vetting and Barring list..

Another thing about the CRB clearance ... because at work we have the coaches for the kids courses and also clubs bringing their own coaches in we need to have copies of the clubs own coaches crb clearances and we also say that the crb clearances need to be redone every 3 years ... I dont know what hyndburn council say about their crb clearances .. and if/when they say their crb clearances need to be renewed ...
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Old 17-07-2009, 01:52   #15
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Re: Vetting and Barring list..

Originally Posted by Eric View Post
A question that seems begging for an answer is: "What has gone so wrong since I went to school"? And that may give rise to questions like: "Has it got so bad that all this is necessary"? "Are we overreacting"? and probably lots more.

Seems its ok to dress your 7 year old up as an 18yr old slapper , but then start crying pedofilia (sp?) when her classmates father wants to take a group photo
The primary school prom queens: The 7-year-olds with £800 dresses, limos, make-up and fake tans | Mail Online

seems to me if more parents did the right thing and accepted their parental responsibilities instead of expecting the Govt. to take care everything half of this stuff would not be neccessary
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