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Old 06-05-2010, 01:33   #16
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Re: Voting

Originally Posted by accyman View Post
i have to vote so that i have a right to complain if teh torys get in because i will bet my last penny a large amount of people wont vote yet will be the ones moaning if the torys get in at how they no longer get tax credits or how they cant get treated in hospital.

if you dont vote you have no right to compalin in my book
So if i decide not to vote tomorrow because i think they all talk the same bull i can't complain yet if i vote and the party that wins isn't the party i voted for wins i can complain?
I don't see the sense it that tbh...
Personally i think that no matter who i do or do not vote for the country is in trouble so why should i bother?
Is my one vote really going to make that big a difference?
I think not...
Also if i voted labour and the tories get in ill be unhappy but if i don't vote and the tories get in ill still be unhappy but in your opinion can't moan ofc ill moan and whether i vote or not means nowt imho...
Diesels' Wife!!
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Old 06-05-2010, 01:37   #17
God Member

Re: Voting

Originally Posted by Less View Post
Please, whatever you do, whoever you believe, should or should not be in power, VOTE tomorrow, even if you just go in and spoil your vote.

After all it is one of the only times you can make a difference.

I've a good idea about which person/party I will be voting for, but to waste your vote by not even turning up is a shame.

Turn up, make sure, even if you don't want to put an 'X' against anyone, ruin your vote, you will have spoken, don't leave it and then complain.

well said.. was in the company of at least ten bods tonight and I doubt if 3 of them vote .. wasted labour voters
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Old 06-05-2010, 02:10   #18
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Re: Voting

Don't vote Tory!.. just words..lets have a sing along

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Old 06-05-2010, 02:47   #19
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Re: Voting

Originally Posted by Loz View Post
So if i decide not to vote tomorrow because i think they all talk the same bull i can't complain yet if i vote and the party that wins isn't the party i voted for wins i can complain?
I don't see the sense it that tbh...
Personally i think that no matter who i do or do not vote for the country is in trouble so why should i bother?
Is my one vote really going to make that big a difference?
I think not...
Also if i voted labour and the tories get in ill be unhappy but if i don't vote and the tories get in ill still be unhappy but in your opinion can't moan ofc ill moan and whether i vote or not means nowt imho...
votes are like pennies they add up, people who dont vote dont have a right to complain as it would be the equivalent of somone complaining they didnt win a race that they didnt enter or that they havnt won the lottery yet but havnt bought a ticket.At least if they vote regardless if their choice wins or not they have tried but to sit on their arse and not vote and leave it to everyone esle to do and then complain about whos in charge when they havnt even bothered to put a cross in a box is a bit cheecky to put it mildly.

people who drag themselves to the polling station and participate after a hard days work , struggle down to the polling station with 3 kids in tow or push themselves there in a wheelchair or on crutches earn their right to moan ,many people are disillusioned by all the corruptness and lies polotitans tell but they take time to think about it and cast a vote as to who they think will do teh best job and if somone cant be arsed to do that then why shoudl anyone give a damn about what they think should they decide to have moan about the state the country is in and whos in charge?

mind you we still live in a free country and it is a persons right not to vote but they shoudlnt complain unless they have tried to do somthing about it
All comments above are everything to do with here and therefore the resposibility of the Accrington Web website owners admins and mods.

ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right

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Old 06-05-2010, 06:16   #20
Common Sense Member

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Re: Voting

Originally Posted by Loz View Post
So if i decide not to vote tomorrow because i think they all talk the same bull i can't complain yet if i vote and the party that wins isn't the party i voted for wins i can complain?
I don't see the sense it that tbh...
Personally i think that no matter who i do or do not vote for the country is in trouble so why should i bother?
Is my one vote really going to make that big a difference?
I think not...
Also if i voted labour and the tories get in ill be unhappy but if i don't vote and the tories get in ill still be unhappy but in your opinion can't moan ofc ill moan and whether i vote or not means nowt imho...
In every election it is always one vote that pushes a result one way or another.

The opportunity is there for everyone to have their say, if you don't vote then you have no right to complain.

As I've said so many times before, use your vote.
__________________ - Updates from the Rishton Councillors - Updates from the Hyndburn Labour Group
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Old 06-05-2010, 06:20   #21
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Re: Voting

Well been n done the deed but they were 2 mins late in opening. Something to do with councillors checking the boxes. But the councillors failed to appear. Must be too early for them to get out of bed.

All comments above are nothing to do with here and therefore not the resposibility of the Accrington Web site owners admins or mods.


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Old 06-05-2010, 06:24   #22
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Re: Voting

It's remarkably lively in Rishton!
__________________ - Updates from the Rishton Councillors - Updates from the Hyndburn Labour Group
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Old 06-05-2010, 06:43   #23
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: Voting

Originally Posted by Loz View Post
So if i decide not to vote tomorrow because i think they all talk the same bull i can't complain yet if i vote and the party that wins isn't the party i voted for wins i can complain?
I don't see the sense it that tbh...
Personally i think that no matter who i do or do not vote for the country is in trouble so why should i bother?
Is my one vote really going to make that big a difference?
I think not...
Also if i voted labour and the tories get in ill be unhappy but if i don't vote and the tories get in ill still be unhappy but in your opinion can't moan ofc ill moan and whether i vote or not means nowt imho...
It's less than a hundred years since woman and a large majority of working men have won the right to vote.

The struggles those people went through will have been wasted if you as a woman can't drag your backside off the settee and down to the polling station.

If you don't believe any of the people are of any use then make sure your vote is ruined, (easy enough just vote for two people), this will make sure it goes onto a different pile to the rest, that pile will be counted and if enough people do this rather than sit at home moaning that they, can't be bothered, the people that do gain the power will know there are some unsatisfied people out there.

It is your right to vote or not, but how can you complain about the system or what is going on if you aren't prepared to do just this one little thing yourself?

Right, I'm off to my polling station now to get a place in the queue, this year will be a busy one I'll be behind a load of ne'er do wells that have never voted before and will be asking the guy in charge how to spell 'X'.

“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
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Old 06-05-2010, 06:51   #24
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Re: Voting

went down at 7.15 and votededededed
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Old 06-05-2010, 07:38   #25
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Re: Voting

I've voted too.........just had mac out for his walk this morning and he pulled me in.........It's that Graham Jones been whispering in his lughole
" The views or whatever I post on here are the ravings of a woman possessed, not the site"
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Old 06-05-2010, 08:10   #26
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Re: Voting

my vote will be in the undecided pile, but it will show that I hauled myself off to the polling station, but little else
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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Old 06-05-2010, 08:27   #27
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Re: Voting

After not sleeping for days, and days, which makes my condition worse, I finally slept.


Sadly, in this much needed slumber, I dreamt it was announced on television that Hyndburn had been taken by an Independent...which turned out to be Logan!!!!

I will definitely be casting my votes today.

'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 06-05-2010, 08:33   #28
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Re: Voting

Originally Posted by Ken Moss View Post
It's remarkably lively in Rishton!
The Elections had some benefits then Ken!!

Best Regards Taggy
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Old 06-05-2010, 08:35   #29
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Re: Voting

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
my vote will be in the undecided pile, but it will show that I hauled myself off to the polling station, but little else
Someone might threaten you with your pin, into voting a certain way.

'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 06-05-2010, 08:45   #30
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Re: Voting

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
Well after much reflection, ya convinced me, i WILL vote, same party as jaysay.
Thats my man cashy Great minds think alike, maybe for differnt reasons though
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