Well a very nice man came from Unitied Utilities to change my electric card meter which was not reading the cards so i could not put money on the meter,
today as they said they would, on time too.
i had about 6 cards with money on by the meter.
he changed the meter but its a electronic key not another card meter this time ,so i asked him about the cards he said it had nothing to do with them and i would have to get in touch with the supplier .
Then he said how much is on the cards i said about £15
he said well ring them and they will send a cheque
now on the old meter we where down to about 60p on the emergancy
anyway he showed me how to use the new key and told me where to get them charged .
as he was leaving he turned to me and said you wont need to buy electric for a while .
i looked at him
he just smiled and left i went to check the meter and we not only had full emergancy electric but he had also put £20 on the meter for me.
what a nice man