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Old 23-03-2011, 10:14   #1
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Exclamation WARNING : Royal Bank of Scotland Users

Hi everyone, this is just an information bestowing exercise for anyone else who banks with RBS and get their statements online, but maybe doesn't open them.

RBS have changed the way they charge for going over your overdraft or bank limit. It used to be that you'd get charged a one off £20 charge in a month for breaching your limit, however this has now changed. RBS now charge £6 per day for every day you are over your limit for example, if you are over your limit for 3 days it will cost you £18, but if like me you didn't check one particular account for a while, a period of 28 days overdrawn will leave you with a charge of £168!!!

Apparently the information was sent out with febuary's electronic statement as a leaflet and if you didn't actually open that statement you will not have recieved this notification.

So finally be aware, as this is obviously how they're planning to afford the £1million pound plus salaries for the big wigs next year.
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Old 23-03-2011, 10:22   #2
a multieloquent Mule

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Re: WARNING : Royal Bank of Scotland Users

That is disgusting ! Surely there is some form of complaints procedure ? Failing that I'd change banks that seems like extortion !
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Old 23-03-2011, 11:20   #3
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Re: WARNING : Royal Bank of Scotland Users

Halifax have now started doing the same with most of their accounts charging £5 a day.

Am I right in thinking they and RBS are part of the same company ??
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Old 23-03-2011, 11:58   #4
God Member

Re: WARNING : Royal Bank of Scotland Users

i wonder if they return the same courtesy when they make an error
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ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right

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Old 23-03-2011, 12:06   #5
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Re: WARNING : Royal Bank of Scotland Users

Sparkie, have you complained and got it refunded?

if they change a T&C there has to be reasonable effort to inform you. a pop up leaflet only if you read a statement online would not qualify as such. They should have written via snail mail to you with any changes.

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Old 23-03-2011, 13:34   #6
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Re: WARNING : Royal Bank of Scotland Users

I was told by the advisor at the bank this morning that as they had done all they could to inform me regarding the changes (ie included it in the email) then they had done nothing wrong and therefore would be unable to refund any of the charge, although she did say she would look at it for me.

I can't wait!!
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Old 23-03-2011, 15:34   #7
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Re: WARNING : Royal Bank of Scotland Users

raise a formal complaint through their process. ( Which they are legally obliged to have). Dont let it be someone "promising to look into it for you". I'd also write to teh financial ombudsman and ask their view on what would be a "reasonable" mechanism of notice and if what they had done was deemed acceptable. Do this seperately and dont tell them at this point you are doing it

HAve you tried googling to see if any others have had the charges refunded? If they have then start stating they have set precedent at them.

If you want to take this to PM just let me know, whilst I work for Barclays I do have a pretty good undertstanding of how Banks complaints processes are regulated as even I have to do the mandatory training courses.

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Old 23-03-2011, 19:02   #8
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Re: WARNING : Royal Bank of Scotland Users

I feel the charge is to High, but if your going over your agreed overdraft I feel you should expect a higher charge

Im with Halifax and get charged £1.00 per day for being in my overdraft.

As entwi says complain all the way.
Everything is OK
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Old 24-03-2011, 18:45   #9
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Re: WARNING : Royal Bank of Scotland Users

Don't get me wrong MrD I'm not complaining at the new charges as such just the notification method that left me with a big bill!! Just for the sake of information I can let you know that the bank have not been back to me regarding this either, despite their promise.
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Old 24-03-2011, 19:59   #10

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Re: WARNING : Royal Bank of Scotland Users

Originally Posted by sparkie View Post
Don't get me wrong MrD I'm not complaining at the new charges as such just the notification method that left me with a big bill!! Just for the sake of information I can let you know that the bank have not been back to me regarding this either, despite their promise.
RBS does text alerts like Halifax do. I know it wont help you now but could in the future.

This is from there website

You can change your free text banking services at anytime. You could for instance choose a different day and time to receive your weekly balance updates or amend the upper and lower limits which prompt your limit alerts. Text banking only customer? Manage your services here
Mobile phone banking application customer? If you’ve downloaded the application, you’ll need to manage your text banking services using your mobile phone. Click on the RBS logo on your mobile, enter your Passcode, click on the relevant account and select ‘text services’.
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