04-07-2016, 00:06
Full Member
Join Date: May 2016
Location: Ossy
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Water fiasco
Burst water main in farmers field off blackburn road,affecting bb5 area.
Bottles of water being handed out at tesco on Eagle st.Aparently people were fighting over the water and the queues were backed up to Pals.
Gladly I decided not to go this afternoon but as the water was still off at 9pm,I went on the website where I was informed that further supplies of water would be delivered to tesco at 11pm.So ,me,hubby and our two dogs set off....when we arrived it was very quiet,just two or three other cars.(good, we'd be at the front of the queue).After waiting 15mins a lady informed us that an update on United utilities website said the water was being sent to Hyndburn sports centre.Off we all went in our little convoy.Arriving,again very quiet just our posse.one lady rang the emergency number and was assured the water was on its way.
After sitting in our cars, like muppets for 45mins another person rang and was told the water drops had been stopped for the night.   
THANK YOU!!! United utilities...waste of time.  