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Old 14-02-2005, 18:31   #1
land of hope and glory

staggeringman's Avatar

Waterloo Cup!

the first day of the waterloo cup a sport that has gone on for generations will it be here next year?read about it here and find out the truth not the fiction.
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Old 14-02-2005, 18:40   #2
Full Member

Re: Waterloo Cup!

Since when as two one been fair,its a bloody cruel sport wthout those odds,how would
the grey hound owner like it if he was chased by two people bigger than him self and
given a right good pasting.
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Old 14-02-2005, 18:45   #3
land of hope and glory

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Re: Waterloo Cup!

Originally Posted by accyplus
Since when as two one been fair,its a bloody cruel sport wthout those odds,how would
the grey hound owner like it if he was chased by two people bigger than him self and
given a right good pasting.
obviousley you didnt go to the attached site and read many times do you see the hare caught and killed.
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Old 14-02-2005, 19:38   #4
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Re: Waterloo Cup!

According to the RSPCA site 1 in every 5 matches endes up with a hare being killed.Some taking as long as 3-4 mins before dying.....doesn't sound like sport to me.
"Cover up those table legs Mother, they are inflaming my sexual ardour ! "
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Old 15-02-2005, 01:56   #5
land of hope and glory

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Re: Waterloo Cup!

THERE are 32 chases in a day, that is 64 dogs, which chase 32 hares is that correct?That means with your statistics that 6 hares are killed in a day,out of 32.You get a young go faster kid in a souped up corsa and he can kill as many humans as he wants and get a slap on the wrist! good this system of the british public innit!All do-gooders are bothered about is the people that enjoy a sport and follow the sport and want it stopped because some furry critter has had its day. what about concentrating on the people that need people like you to help them out,not the furry rodents that are not from this country in the first place.If you had have been alive during the war you would have been grateful of your dog killing anything that you could have put on your plate.
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Old 15-02-2005, 10:18   #6
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Re: Waterloo Cup!

You dont have to read the rules or stats,the fact is that it is a cruel sport no matter
how you try to justify it.
Being ripped apart by two greyhounds cannot be justified as a sport no matter how
how much you try to wrap it up,eating animals to live and culled humanely can not
be compared with this vile so called sport
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Old 15-02-2005, 11:25   #7
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Re: Waterloo Cup!

How about the 4 out of 5 that escape????? what bad effect does this have on there health? after running for there lives for ages..... I am sure many will never recover fully.

All so some overgrown school bullys can have FUN????
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Old 15-02-2005, 11:29   #8
IggyWiggy's Avatar

Re: Waterloo Cup!

I never herd of a sport could waterloo
Iggy Wiggy :engsmil:
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Old 15-02-2005, 13:31   #9
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Re: Waterloo Cup!

I was brought up with whippets and greyhounds, my dad used to race them but they did not need real animals to chase around the track.They enjoyed it and no other animal was harmed.That's the way it should be.Animals in the wild that kill to live is fine,that's the way of the world.To kill for fun say's something is lacking in the person who enjoys it.That's my opinion, but each to there own.
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Old 15-02-2005, 17:47   #10
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Re: Waterloo Cup!

I have not read so much wet, liberal, do-gooding, politically correct, putrid drivel since Kipax slung his toys out the pram and left.. Thank god you spineless lot were not around 4 or 5 hundred years ago. Just suppose the animal rights mob had succeeded in banning hare coursing and hunting prior to 1415….What would Henry have said on his eve-of-battle speech? Let me remind you in the immortal words of the Bard:


And you, good yeoman,
Whose limbs were made in England, show us here
The mettle of your pasture; let us swear
That you are worth your breeding; which I doubt not;
For there is none of you so mean and base,
That hath not noble lustre in your eyes.
I see you stand like greyhounds in the slips,
Straining upon the start. The game's afoot:
Follow your spirit, and upon this charge
Cry 'God for Harry, England, and Saint George!'

I have no doubt it would have been something along the lines of:

“I see you standing with your kick racism out of war
nike bracelets;The games afoot. Please follow your ulticultural spirit .
Remember the Health and Safety at work act, and whatever
You do, Don’t Cry God for Harry, England and Saint George
Because that might offend the French.

Naturally, we’d have lost at Agincourt we’d all be speaking Frog now, eating frog’s legs and Frois Gois, which makes Hare Coursing seem pampering compared to what the poor old geese have to go through.
Hare coursing, like hunting with hounds is going to continue whether you lot like it or not, and should there be any civil disturbance over this, involving the large scale transfer of police out of places like Accy into the countryside, then it certainly won’t worry me.. I hope you animal rights mob get burgled.

Here’s another one of Shakespeares bits

From Henry VI, Act 2, Scene 5:
Queen Margaret:

Mount you, my lord; towards Berwick post amain:
Edward and Richard, like a brace of greyhounds
Having the fearful flying hare in sight,
With fiery eyes sparkling for very wrath,
And bloody steel grasp'd in their ireful hands,
Are at our backs; and therefore hence amain.

I could read this stuff all day…lovely. By the way, if you don't like what I'm writing here, then please don't respond by an insult or something like "I hope you choke on your beer"....go and take your dog for a walk, that is, if it's not already escaped and is running around on Ossy Moors biting the throats out of some poor lamb's throat.

Last edited by Tealeaf; 15-02-2005 at 17:56.
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Old 15-02-2005, 18:00   #11
Filthy / Gorgeous

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Re: Waterloo Cup!

Whether hunting with dogs is banned or not, farmers will still have to cull foxes and hare. These creatures although nice to look at are vermin. They ruin crops and kill other livestock. A fox will not just pick off one hen out of a coop. It will kill all of them and take just one (this has happened to a mate of mine on a couple of occasions). When our countryside is overrun by wild rabbits, hares and foxes, most of our crops being eaten by them and a national shortage of eggs meaning we have to import therefore bear the expense of over inflated prices, who will be responsible. I think the ways of the countryside are best left to those who understand them.
Never put off until tomorrow what you can avoid altogether.

The views expressed here are my own and not necessarily those of my family, friends, employer, this site, my neighbours, hairdresser, dentist, GP, next door's dog or anyone else who knows me..
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Old 15-02-2005, 18:02   #12
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Re: Waterloo Cup!

Well said. Lettie...I could have sent you some Ackers for that, but I know you don't need 'em.

There's an ominous silenece here from the Animal Riights Brigade....
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Old 15-02-2005, 18:31   #13
land of hope and glory

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Re: Waterloo Cup!


Established 1858

Ten Lies About Coursing

They say " There will be no hares left if coursing isn't banned."It's a lieResearch by the Game Conservancy, a government sponsored body, has shown that hare numbers are increasing on estates where coursing takes place. The farming and keepering is sympathetically directed towards high hare numbers. The numbers of hares killed in coursing are negligible compared with those shot or run over, or those killed by natural predators. Six families of foxes kill more hares in a year than all the coursing meetings run in England, Wales and Scotland put together. They say "The hare is always killed." It's a lieIn the vast majority of courses the hare escapes unharmed. At several coursing grounds, special refuges called "soughs" are installed which aid the escape of hares. If an unacceptable percentage of deaths began to occur at a coursing meeting, the Coursing Inspector, appointed by the National Coursing Club, would stop the meeting. They say "The object of coursing is to kill the hare." It's a lieCourses are a match to test the merit of two dogs. Only two dogs are slipped at a time. The hare is given a start of at least one hundred yards and often further before the dogs are released. The courses are judged according to a time- honoured code of scoring first set down in the time of Elizabeth I. The judge follows the courses on horseback awarding points for speed and agility. The decision does not depend on the death of the hare which in seven courses out of eight escapes unharmed. They say "The hares are torn apart by the dogs." It's a lieThe greyhound, evolved over centuries of careful breeding, can kill a hare instantly. National Coursing Club Rules also provide for four pickers-up strategically placed on the coursing field whose specific duty is to despatch the hare in the very few cases where the dogs fail to kill instantaneously. They say "The hares are let out of boxes." It's a lieAll hares coursed in England, Wales, and Scotland are coursed on their own ground where they are aware of all the natural refuges and escapes. The hares are either driven onto the coursing ground by beaters or are "walked-up" as in rough shooting. They say "The hares are coursed in wired-in fields." It's a lie By the Rules of the National Coursing Club a coursing ground must not be enclosed.They say "The hares are terrified." It's a lieBeing pursued is as natural to a hare as breathing to a human being. Their speed, agility and extraordinary circle of vision have evolved as surely to avoid capture as their pursuers have evolved in the opposite direction. Research has shown that coursed hares, when they have escaped, return immediately to the activity in which they were engaged when disturbed; sleeping, feeding etc. They say "coursing is a sport for the privileged few." It's a lieApart from coarse fishing no country sport is more truly "popular" than coursing. Huge crowds attend the Waterloo Cup, coursing's premier event, and the dogs are owned by a real cross- section of the population.They say "coursing is a shameful sport which takes place in the shadows." It's a lieCoursing is a public sport with nothing to hide. Meetings are publicised in the national racing paper the "Racing Post". Of all country sports coursing enjoys the most sophisticated national administration, and the National Coursing Club has strictly regulated the sport for over 150 years.They say "Banning coursing would stop illegal coursing ." It's a liePeople who take no notice of the laws of trespass will hardly bother very much with a law banning coursing. In fact land owners may respond, if legal coursing were abolished, by shooting hares to discourage trespass on their land. As the House of Lords Committee concluded when rejecting the 1976 Bill to abolish Coursing. "The Bill is not a suitable instrument for reducing the suffering of hares."
We believe that country sports are a matter for the individual conscience. No one should judge them unless they have first-hand knowledge from attending a coursing meeting.

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Old 15-02-2005, 18:39   #14
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Re: Waterloo Cup!

Nice Post, Staggers.........the truth at last!
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Old 15-02-2005, 18:53   #15
Full Member

Re: Waterloo Cup!

I see the baby seal club cullers are out in force today ||||
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