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24-09-2006, 14:23
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We All Face Death - But Why Mecca As Well?
When you finally snuff it, pass away or maybe just cease to be alive and your friends and family are ready to bury you under several ft. of soil, do you have any preference as to which way you face?
According to tradition, most graveyards bury the dead facing East - but Nottingham have other ideas for their new 40 acre cemetary
Despite there being a low population of Asians in the area, (less than 5%) it has been decided by Steve Dowling, (Services Director for Environment and Public Protection) after liasing with the cities "Multi-Faith Cemetaries Consultative Committee" that EVERYBODY (No pun intended ) should be buried facing the North-East so that they can look over their shoulder towards Mecca
Amonst those that are shocked or angry at this decision is Raza Ul Haq, Iman at the Madni Masjid Mosque. This confirms to me that it is NOT pressure from Asian people but white pc mad demi-dicatators that are actually opening the divide between White and Asian communities in the name of racial equality
Now personally, I couldn't care which way I will be facing (infact I prefer the cremation thing anyway as its cheaper ) but to be deliberately placed in a position that was decided to appease a minority religion would make me want to come back and haunt Mr. S. Dowling!
Pray that there is intelligent life somewhere up in space, 'Cause there's Bu""er all down here on Earth - (Eric Idle)
24-09-2006, 14:36
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Re: We All Face Death - But Why Mecca As Well?
Originally Posted by Busman747
Amonst those that are shocked or angry at this decision is Raza Ul Haq, Iman at the Madni Masjid Mosque. This confirms to me that it is NOT pressure from Asian people but white pc mad demi-dicatators that are actually opening the divide between White and Asian communities in the name of racial equality
It would be very interesting to hear the views from other asians about this subject. To my knowledge, most cemetary's these days have a seperate section for the deceased friends & relatives of the asian community.
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24-09-2006, 14:40
Always EVIL within us
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Re: We All Face Death - But Why Mecca As Well?
Originally Posted by AccyJay
To my knowledge, most cemetary's these days have a seperate section for the deceased friends & relatives of the asian community.
That makes perfect sense AccyJay, - especially as it is a NEW cemetary.
Oo-er, are you saying AccyJay that they should bury the friends and relatives of the deceased 
Pray that there is intelligent life somewhere up in space, 'Cause there's Bu""er all down here on Earth - (Eric Idle)
Last edited by Busman747; 24-09-2006 at 14:45.
Reason: added a bit after re-reading accyjays post
24-09-2006, 14:50
Re: We All Face Death - But Why Mecca As Well?
Originally Posted by Busman747
I prefer the cremation thing anyway
Maybe cremation should be stopped as it might be adding to the greenhouse effect.
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24-09-2006, 15:02
Always EVIL within us
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Re: We All Face Death - But Why Mecca As Well?
Originally Posted by Neil
Maybe cremation should be stopped as it might be adding to the greenhouse effect.
I should think that the vikings would have something to say about that - and they are a minority group
Pray that there is intelligent life somewhere up in space, 'Cause there's Bu""er all down here on Earth - (Eric Idle)
24-09-2006, 15:12
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Re: We All Face Death - But Why Mecca As Well?
Oh NOOO! Don't even joke about cremation being banned. I don't want to go underground. I have a morbid fear of being buried alive if I'm not dead. Anyway what about the people who want open air cremations?
Why should 95% of people who don't want to face NE have to face NE on the off chance that some of the other 5% might object to not facing NE? None of them have complained. This is the sort of PC nonsense which creates racism.
24-09-2006, 15:14
Re: We All Face Death - But Why Mecca As Well?
Originally Posted by WillowTheWhisp
Why should 95% of people who don't want to face NE have to face NE on the off chance that some of the other 5% might object to not facing NE?
How do you know that 95% don't want too?
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24-09-2006, 15:15
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Re: We All Face Death - But Why Mecca As Well?
Originally Posted by Neil
Maybe cremation should be stopped as it might be adding to the greenhouse effect.
Fair point but cant see it happening. As more housing is required then what would get priority "20 hectares for a cemetery or 20 hectares for homes? The way this PC business is going the minorities are gonna blow them of as it makes them out as the bad boys when as in the case here its some arrogent jobsworth. As the Christian and Jewish faiths originated in the middle East then laying a Christian or Jew out with a north east orientation shouldnt matter its just some prat thinks justification comes from Mecca being in the east.
Does that also mean that all those bods that worked in the city of London and look upon Wall Street and New York as the source of their religion, capitalism should be laid to rest with a northwest orientation? Where does that leave the rastafarians? Its a pile of crud from a narrow minded piece of job protecting butt cleaning yes man who's religion is that pile of crap called politically correct. Maybe its time for an anti political correctness lobby!
24-09-2006, 15:20
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Re: We All Face Death - But Why Mecca As Well?
Maybe we should all be recycled after death and used for something else because it does seem a hell of a waste of space ie good land lost and potentially damaging our atmosphere through burning. There may come a day when we don’t only have to put our plastics in the blue sack, our papers in the white sacks we’ll also have to put out our dead in a black sack or something and have it collected every other week.
24-09-2006, 15:26
Re: We All Face Death - But Why Mecca As Well?
Originally Posted by SPUGGIE J
Fair point but cant see it happening. As more housing is required then what would get priority "20 hectares for a cemetery or 20 hectares for homes?
Plant is in green belt land, it would help the wild flowers grow better.
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24-09-2006, 15:27
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Re: We All Face Death - But Why Mecca As Well?
Originally Posted by Neil
How do you know that 95% don't want too?
Waffle alert!
I don't mean that 95% actively don't want to. I mean that 95% don't actively want to. That being an assumption because there is a 5% muslim population and therefore a 95% non-muslim population to whom it does not matter that they should point NE. Maybe to some of those it even matters that they should point elsewhere other than NE. Has anyone asked them?
It also sounds like it hasn't particularly bothered the muslims up to now either as they haven't complained as we know of. Have they perhaps just accepted being buried in whatever directiom prevailed for the cemetary they were buried in? Or did they have a little NE facing corner of their own?
24-09-2006, 15:27
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Re: We All Face Death - But Why Mecca As Well?
I have a morbid fear of being buried alive if I'm not dead.
Done it again haven't you Willow? 
The Only way to be buried alive, Is if your not dead!
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24-09-2006, 15:34
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Re: We All Face Death - But Why Mecca As Well?
Originally Posted by SPUGGIE J
Fair point but cant see it happening. As more housing is required then what would get priority "20 hectares for a cemetery or 20 hectares for homes?
Maybe we chould start doing like they did in old catacombs where they dig up the oldest bodies and just stack up the bones on shelves?
Originally Posted by SPUGGIE J
The way this PC business is going the minorities are gonna blow them of as it makes them out as the bad boys when as in the case here its some arrogent jobsworth.
Wouldn't be at all surprised.
Originally Posted by SPUGGIE J
Maybe its time for an anti political correctness lobby!
Listening to all the people who complain about PC perhaps we should let our voices be heard by our MPs.
24-09-2006, 15:36
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Re: We All Face Death - But Why Mecca As Well?
@ Less
24-09-2006, 17:05
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Re: We All Face Death - But Why Mecca As Well?
Originally Posted by WillowTheWhisp
Oh NOOO! Don't even joke about cremation being banned. I don't want to go underground. I have a morbid fear of being buried alive if I'm not dead. Anyway what about the people who want open air cremations?
Why should 95% of people who don't want to face NE have to face NE on the off chance that some of the other 5% might object to not facing NE? None of them have complained. This is the sort of PC nonsense which creates racism.
Safe bet is to get caught in a fire! 
formerly cyfr
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