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Old 10-11-2009, 21:04   #61
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shillelagh's Avatar

Re: Well I'm boycotting Asda! *Merged*

depends if im on a railway station or not tealeaf if i buy one from there!!! but otherwise i'll stick to my own brews when i get home!!
<img src= border=0 alt= />

The views expressed in this post is mine and mine alone
anyone want to argue
well tough!!!
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Accrington Web
Old 11-11-2009, 02:50   #62
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Re: Well I'm boycotting Asda! *Merged*

Originally Posted by shillelagh View Post
depends if im on a railway station or not tealeaf if i buy one from there!!! but otherwise i'll stick to my own brews when i get home!!
i prefer the drive past shillelagh's and if teh lights on knock on teh door for a coffee

much better than any supermarket
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ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right

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Old 11-11-2009, 08:16   #63
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Re: Well I'm boycotting Asda! *Merged*

I'll reply with your first statement.

I have always found Tesco's food to be extremely bland, all low cost food especially the
stores own brand is generally of low quality but I find tesco's to be worse then Asda's.
I dont know what Tesco's do to the bread they bake but it always seemed to go like cardboard extremely quick.

And you'll find that there are plonkas on the tills at Tesco's too.

All the other stores you have listed have nothing to do with it, they have their problems too.

Originally Posted by Tealeaf View Post

If you want the pecking order of quality supermarkets they are as follows - starting with the bottom first:-

1) Aldi/Lidil

2) ASDA/Morrisons

3) Tesco/Sainsburys

4) Waitrose/Booths(North-West only)

I've ignored the Co-Op, Somerfields, M&S and Costas because I can't be bothered with 'em.
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Old 11-11-2009, 16:18   #64
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Re: Well I'm boycotting Asda! *Merged*

Originally Posted by accyman View Post
i prefer the drive past shillelagh's and if teh lights on knock on teh door for a coffee

much better than any supermarket

yes i know!!!!
<img src= border=0 alt= />

The views expressed in this post is mine and mine alone
anyone want to argue
well tough!!!
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Old 19-11-2009, 13:26   #65
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Re: Well I'm boycotting Asda! *Merged*

I've just been poking around Asda's website and this was on there

Help for Heroes wristband row: investigation completed
We’ve come to the end of our investigation at Asda Rochdale and can’t find any truth in the allegation that one of our colleagues refused to serve a customer for wearing a Help for Heroes wristband.

Our regional operations manager Paul Rowland said: “We’ve completed our investigation and it’s clear this exchange never happened. We’ve interviewed over 400 colleagues in the store, examined over three days worth of CCTV footage and talked to other customers and we can find absolutely no evidence that a colleague said what was alleged.”

The investigation has taken longer than some people expected because of the number of people we had to interview.

“We are disappointed and angry that right-wing groups are using this mythical incident to whip up racial hatred,” said Paul. “Thankfully the people of Rochdale will see straight through that. We remain big supporters of the work our troops do serving our country.”

Looks like it was someone stiring up trouble.

The views expressed within this post are mine and mine alone.

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Old 19-11-2009, 13:42   #66
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Re: Well I'm boycotting Asda! *Merged*

Originally Posted by Gayle View Post
I've just been poking around Asda's website and this was on there

Help for Heroes wristband row: investigation completed
We’ve come to the end of our investigation at Asda Rochdale and can’t find any truth in the allegation that one of our colleagues refused to serve a customer for wearing a Help for Heroes wristband.

Our regional operations manager Paul Rowland said: “We’ve completed our investigation and it’s clear this exchange never happened. We’ve interviewed over 400 colleagues in the store, examined over three days worth of CCTV footage and talked to other customers and we can find absolutely no evidence that a colleague said what was alleged.”

The investigation has taken longer than some people expected because of the number of people we had to interview.

“We are disappointed and angry that right-wing groups are using this mythical incident to whip up racial hatred,” said Paul. “Thankfully the people of Rochdale will see straight through that. We remain big supporters of the work our troops do serving our country.”

Looks like it was someone stiring up trouble.
Now that's a surprise.....but I can't wait for the next load of kak along similar lines to this.
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Old 19-11-2009, 14:04   #67
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Re: Well I'm boycotting Asda! *Merged*

Originally Posted by derekgas View Post
If this is aimed at me Mancie, then I take issue with you calling me or a member of my family liars (a family member who was with the lady in question), this debacle was posted on several forums (and not by me), and is in the local (to the asda in question) newspaper, asda would sue if it were not a true account.
Originally Posted by Gayle View Post
I've just been poking around Asda's website and this was on there

Help for Heroes wristband row: investigation completed
We’ve come to the end of our investigation at Asda Rochdale and can’t find any truth in the allegation that one of our colleagues refused to serve a customer for wearing a Help for Heroes wristband.

Our regional operations manager Paul Rowland said: “We’ve completed our investigation and it’s clear this exchange never happened. We’ve interviewed over 400 colleagues in the store, examined over three days worth of CCTV footage and talked to other customers and we can find absolutely no evidence that a colleague said what was alleged.”

The investigation has taken longer than some people expected because of the number of people we had to interview.

“We are disappointed and angry that right-wing groups are using this mythical incident to whip up racial hatred,” said Paul. “Thankfully the people of Rochdale will see straight through that. We remain big supporters of the work our troops do serving our country.”

Looks like it was someone stiring up trouble.
So whos Lying then?
Everything is OK
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Old 19-11-2009, 16:50   #68
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Re: Well I'm boycotting Asda! *Merged*

Well I will believe what any member of my family says over Asda any day of the week.
If time travel were possible, wouldn't somebody have been back or forward and told us by now?
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Old 20-11-2009, 11:14   #69
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Re: Well I'm boycotting Asda! *Merged*

Originally Posted by derekgas View Post
Well I will believe what any member of my family says over Asda any day of the week.
Same here - for the most part. There's at least one member of my (extended) family who could quite easily rile a supermarket employee and then attribute any ban (or refusal to serve) to something completely unrelated.

Was the Asda incident directed at someone in your family? it might be worth pointing them in the direction of that web page so they know it's been dismissed as fantasy...

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Old 20-11-2009, 12:45   #70
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Re: Well I'm boycotting Asda! *Merged*

lol so asda claim that their cameras can also hear what their staff say to customers and that the person next to them on the next till can

absolute rubbish theres no way their cctv cameras could pick up 1 conversation over all the noise of a supermarket checkout and any other cashier would not be listening out for other peoples conversations they will be busy dealing with tehir own customers and have better things to do than earwig on their neighbours conversations

perhaps if the offended person/customer had kicked up an all mighty fuss or punched the till operator then it woudl have got picked up on cctv but otherwise the customer will just look like another customer going through teh tills
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ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right

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Old 20-11-2009, 13:01   #71
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Re: Well I'm boycotting Asda! *Merged*

Any retailer who pays rubbish wages will sometimes get landed with rubbish staff.
I have never heard of any like incident at Marks and Spencer where the staff are paid more and the competition for those jobs ensures a better standard of employee.
Cost cutting at Asda has resulted in poorer quality goods and staff.
You get what you pay for - cheap service and cheap food.
If that is what is needed in these days of recession, so be it.
Personally, I would rather pay more and eat less.
Supermarkets will continue to sell junk only if people are willing to buy it.

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Old 22-11-2009, 01:11   #72
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Re: Well I'm boycotting Asda! *Merged*

I would not be surprised at this happening in Accrington due to the town becoming more like a Asian township everyday but I am a little surprised just a little with it happening in Rochdale,maybe their football club and their town centre pubs are also run by the same anti British soldier brigade as Accrington.
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Old 22-11-2009, 01:43   #73
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Re: Well I'm boycotting Asda! *Merged*

I heard about this story a few weeks back before it hit the papers. but must say it seemed to die down as quickly as it started.

I can say though in Support of our local ASDA . It has fully supported our xmas campaign for Support Our Soldiers.
In 4 weeks Staff and customers filled 5 big boxes of goodies to put in the xmas parcels .

In total making 55 parcels. So thanks to asda blackpool....

I think because of the high media coverage our troops get and especiallly the political side, The slightest Issue, remark or the likes from anyone in a public position aimed at the troops tends to get blown out of proportion. Sadly some are true but a lot do seem to come to nothing and its just newspapers trying to jump on the bandwagon.
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Old 22-11-2009, 02:07   #74
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Re: Well I'm boycotting Asda! *Merged*

What are you exactly saying ? Are you saying because Asda filled 5 big bags of goodies for soldiers that it is ok for one of its check out staff members to discriminate against a person supporting British soldiers and its all hot air blown up with the press
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Old 22-11-2009, 15:10   #75
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Re: Well I'm boycotting Asda!

Are you some kind of psycic.Its only bullcrap to people like you who dont like hearing the
truth. Go and tell this woman and her family that incurred this incident that it did not happen and its all bullcrap because you dont accept anti British feeling from Muslims.
You will be saying next that Accrington and Blackburn are not flooded with immigrants its all bull crap and there would be punch ups if this was the case.
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