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Old 14-12-2005, 14:44   #1
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Wink Well known

How many of you have met famous people and who was they and how did you meet them?

Just a few weeks ago bobby ball came into our shop just before he went into the jungle, a few people found him rather grumpy!!

Today Colleen Nolan came into the shop she looked like she had lost some weight and was lovely very chatty.

What are your claims to fame and who were the people you have met and what did you think of them?
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Old 14-12-2005, 14:58   #2
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Re: Well known

Princess Diana-lovely
James Hewitt- horrid.
Bill Clinton- funny.
Mike Tyson-charming.
Paul O'Grady- hilarious but shy one on one.
David Bowie-reserved.
Brian Ferry-flirty.
Ronnie Corbert- hysterical.
The Queen-little and nice.
Ian McKellen-lovely.
Peter Ustinov-caring.
Boy George-mental but nice.
Francois Mitterand- nice.
Rupert Everett-no comment.

There are loads more I've met either through work or socially when I lived in London. It's funny I've just come back from the chiropodist and she was after gossip about who I knew in London. The most shocking tale I can't tell, although Harwood Red got it out of me on Saturday.

My first day at work in London I met Princess Anne, the exiled King of Greece, and Audrey Hepburn. The novelty soon wore off and you realise that famous people are just the same as the rest of us, good, bad or somewhere inbetween.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 14-12-2005, 15:10   #3
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Re: Well known

cannon and ball opened up variety video on broadway i met them then i think it was around 1982

met quite a few people but my proudest moment was telling worzel gummage ( john pertwee) to go F*** himself after arrogantly telling my little brother he dosnt give autographs because he cant write when he attended the accy carnival. back in them days no one was allowed to make my little brother cry except me

he was a crap doctor who anyway lol
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Old 14-12-2005, 15:13   #4
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Re: Well known

Originally Posted by chav1
cannon and ball opened up variety video on broadway i met them then i think it was around 1982

met quite a few people but my proudest moment was telling worzel gummage ( john pertwee) to go F*** himself after arrogantly telling my little brother he dosnt give autographs because he cant write when he attended the accy carnival. back in them days no one was allowed to make my little brother cry except me

he was a crap doctor who anyway lol
You should have just pulled his head off, and made him wear his happy one, then I'm sure old Wurzel would have been as nice as pie.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 14-12-2005, 15:15   #5
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Re: Well known

i believe his relationship with aunt sally was on the rocks due to him not been able to find his F**ing head
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Old 14-12-2005, 15:31   #6
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Re: Well known

Originally Posted by chav1
i believe his relationship with aunt sally was on the rocks due to him not been able to find his F**ing head
That's very funny for you.

I was half tempted to give you karma, but decided against if for the use of the asterixed f-word.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 14-12-2005, 15:39   #7
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Re: Well known

Mmmm, let me see....

I met Lenny Henry at a pantomime in Middleton just before he hit the big time.....I was the kiddie from the audience who had to go on stage with him and his fellow cast member to help them with a magic trick..

I met Frank Carson on the prom in Blackpool when I was on a drunken night out with my mate Julie. He stopped for a chat and was lovely.

I have met Celia Imrie (Acorn Antiques) and Phil Cool at work, both lovely and Phil Cool donated several tickets to us so that some of the staff could go to his show.
Never put off until tomorrow what you can avoid altogether.

The views expressed here are my own and not necessarily those of my family, friends, employer, this site, my neighbours, hairdresser, dentist, GP, next door's dog or anyone else who knows me..
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Old 14-12-2005, 15:44   #8
Filthy / Gorgeous

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Re: Well known

Ooooh, forgot to include Peter Shilton who I met in a bar in Leicester when I was out with my cousin. He was ever so slightly drunk but polite...
Never put off until tomorrow what you can avoid altogether.

The views expressed here are my own and not necessarily those of my family, friends, employer, this site, my neighbours, hairdresser, dentist, GP, next door's dog or anyone else who knows me..
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Old 14-12-2005, 16:04   #9
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Re: Well known

Michael LeVell (kevin webster) off Corrie when he opened a xmas fair he was given a red rose by a young girl and said 'I had a row with the girlfriend last night so this should put me in her good books again!

Chastity from Emerdale When she had a go at stockcar racing.
Les Battersby & Kirk when they tried banger racing at Belle Vue
Charity & Dawn again at stockcar racing & Camilla Parker Bowles niece when she raced a rebel at Northampton earlier this year and the Queen in Preston

A few more I remembered, Pat Pheonix gave me a kiss so I'm told when I was 3 We were at Melbourne st bus station Accy
During Niel Kinnocks election campaign I met Gerald Kauffman and to everyones horror I pointed him in the direction of the kitchen when he asked for a cuppa. I also met Jack Straw not much to tell & Richard Wilson who was extremely funny

Last edited by Debbie J; 14-12-2005 at 17:40.
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Old 14-12-2005, 16:15   #10
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Re: Well known

OK here's my list. it doesn't glitter in quite the same way as G's but, then, I always was a bit of a shrinking violet.

HM The Queen, though I wasn't actually presented, she did smile.

Prince Edward - Dull!
Edward Fox - I nearly knocked him into a hole in the road.
Roy Strong - operatic and ridiculous.
Geoffrey Bernard - lovely, sweet and polite despite being very drunk.
David Hockney - I could not stop laughing.
The late Basil Hume - one of the few Catholic Prelates I have any respect for.
Mel Calman - cartoonist - odd, dry and quite witty.
Rudolph Nureyev - no comment, not now, not ever!
The American chap who did the voice over for the Heineken adverts, name escapes me. Always wore a black stetson hat.
Glennis Kinnock - snootier than the Duchess of Argyl.
Jonathan Miller - clever but bigoted.
Dennis Norden - sharper than I expected.
Timothy West - likes women with large appendages, apparently.
John Mortimer - prefers his women to be a deal stricter, allegedly.
Kenny Everett - lovely and brilliant.
Freddy Mercury - couldn't stand him, the rest of the band were nice though.

Oh and the very late Violet Carson.
Enough is ENOUGH Get Britain out of Europe

Last edited by Acrylic-bob; 14-12-2005 at 16:17.
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Old 14-12-2005, 16:19   #11
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Re: Well known

Lol, go on share the Nureyev story as you did with me.

Totally agree about the little prick Roy Strong. We had an argument about a Missonni sweater. I won. Expert my arse.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 14-12-2005, 16:22   #12
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Re: Well known

Freddie, Kenny? What pubs did you go to in London? Perhaps I've seen you after all. Did you wear full leather?

David Hockney picked me up in Armarni in Milan and took me for tea and things.

We have so much in common why don't we get on better?
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 14-12-2005, 17:12   #13
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Re: Well known

Originally Posted by garinda
The most shocking tale I can't tell, although Harwood Red got it out of me on Saturday.
Yeah and I think my face is still stuck in the shocked and surprised look!!!!

I know this may come as a shock but believe it or not all views I may air on here are my own work!!!!!
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Old 14-12-2005, 18:03   #14
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Re: Well known

I have meet Father Christmas (on a couple of occasions)

Removals - no Job too small....or BIG
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Old 14-12-2005, 18:40   #15
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Re: Well known

Originally Posted by chav1
i believe his relationship with aunt sally was on the rocks due to him not been able to find his F**ing head
ahhhhh!!!!! but what head???
the last time i pulled a crowd like you ,i took my top off at a hen party!!
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