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Old 21-02-2019, 18:23   #1
Beacon of light

Margaret Pilkington's Avatar
Well...that's a surprise!

Well, according to an online news site, Jeremy Corbyn has expressed his support for Shamimma Begum. The 19 year old girl who left the Uk at 15 to become the wife of a terrorist.
He thinks that she should be able to come back to the UK and feels that revoking her citizenship was entirely the wrong thing to do.
Now isn't that a surprise.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 21-02-2019, 22:24   #2
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Re: Well...that's a surprise!

Whilst I agree she shouldn't be let back into the UK purely because she has another child (the previous two died due to lack of health care) or that she had probably been radicalised from a young age. It is both against UK and International Law that citizens cannot be made stateless. The reason for stripping her of UK Citizenship was down to lawyers assuming because her mother was a Bangladeshi Citizen that she would automatically be a Bangladeshi Citizen.

Interesting to note that the Bangladesh government was quick to quote that under 'no circumstances' would she be allowed in the country.
An Oxymoron is but an Onomatopoeia isn’t. I shall leave you to ponder that one.
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Old 21-02-2019, 23:00   #3
Beacon of light

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Re: Well...that's a surprise!

Her jihadi husband was a Dutch Muslim convert....and Holland has said that they will not take her under any circumstances.

This young woman has shown no remorse for her fact she has justified UK bombings as acceptable retaliation for events in Syria.
When she left this country she (in effect) revoked her citizenship.
Although Bangladesh say that they will not accept her, her mothers family came from there.

She tells the press that she had a 'good time' in Syria(this in spite of seeing severed heads in waste bins and losing two of her children to malnutrition) let her stay there.

I know what the legal position is...but her attitudes are worrying.
You might say that this is because she has been traumatised....I do not buy it.
It was her choice to leave.
She should never be permitted to set foot in this country again.
As for human rights.....well the Manchester bomber was a refugee homed here, but blew up young children and girls....what about their human rights.

I can see that she WILL be allowed to come back....she will be given a home, benefits and social for her hanging her identity...that would not be necessary, she just needs to wear the Islamic dress....all that would be visible would be her eyes.

She thinks we should have sympathy lies elsewhere.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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Old 21-02-2019, 23:23   #4
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Re: Well...that's a surprise!

Don't get me wrong Margaret, I don't think she should be allowed back in the UK under any circumstances, and the fact that both Bangladesh and Holland refuse to let them into their countries, shows they don't want 'suspected terrorists' either.

Her attitude is of no remorse and purely selfish (she wants all the benefits of the UK Health System etc), a country and lifestyle she rejected when she went to Syria.

But the legal status is both UK and International law states the citizens cannot be made stateless or stripped of citizenship unless they have dual citizenship with another country.
An Oxymoron is but an Onomatopoeia isn’t. I shall leave you to ponder that one.
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Old 22-02-2019, 06:44   #5
Beacon of light

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Re: Well...that's a surprise!

Oh yes, I understand that....and this aligns with my feelings too.
She has she is no risk, but I feel that she should not be allowed to sow her malign ideology here...maybe she does not see that as a weapon.....and as far as the child....she should not be allowed to brainwash this new life.
She has not renounced ISIS/DAESH.....and should the movement resurface, she would likely still support their actions.

Use legal process, but make it slow...slow as a gods horse
Maybe fate will sort out the situation for us.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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Old 22-02-2019, 08:03   #6
a multieloquent Mule

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Re: Well...that's a surprise!

The creature isn't stateless, she's aligned herself with ISIS (Islamic STATE of Iraq & Syria) & as such one of their citizens.

Letting it back into the UK would be supreme stupidity & folly! The only way I & I assume many others would accept its return would be if it was brought back & strung up in parliament square, all within a week as an example of the punishment for would be traitors & terrorists threatening the UK & its way of life.
I don't know half of you as well as I should like, and I like half of you, half as well as you deserve. (Bilbo Baggins)
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Old 22-02-2019, 08:36   #7
Coffin Dodger.

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Re: Well...that's a surprise!

Thats a real shock!!! no country wants her but CORBYN does. Labour is finished in the U.K. i think.
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Old 22-02-2019, 10:30   #8
Beacon of light

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Re: Well...that's a surprise!

The only way I think she should come back(and avert your eyes if you are of a sensitive disposition) is in a body bag for her parents to identify and dispose of in any way they thought fit. This woman turns my stomach every time I see her face in the media.

The UK should not welcome nreeders of terrorism.
She only wants to come back becuse of the liberal benefits and the protection she would be afforded by the bleeding heart hand wringing loonies that seem to infest our country.

I find myself appalled at my attitude to this, but I am honest and that is what I feel.

The other thing Son....ISIS might have state in it's name. but do they issue passports?
Are they a recognised country or just a terrorist organisation?
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The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 22-02-2019, 13:01   #9
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Re: Well...that's a surprise!

The title of your thread Margaret is, "Well... that's a surprise" It's not a surprise to me knowing Jeremy Corbyn's views on such matters.

I do agree with you on the body bag though.
Gremlin R.T.
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Old 22-02-2019, 13:55   #10
Beacon of light

Margaret Pilkington's Avatar
Re: Well...that's a surprise!

It was my attempt at being ironic, cynical, sarcastic.
He is a man who supports terrorists....people of ethnic diversity...unless of course they are Jewish...
It seems that he thinks that the persecution of them is the way that this woman thinks severed heads and the murder of young girls enjoying a concert is acceptable.
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The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)

Last edited by Margaret Pilkington; 22-02-2019 at 13:58.
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Old 22-02-2019, 16:43   #11
God Member

Re: Well...that's a surprise!

S’funny, the rabid Wahabbis in Saudi Arabia are more than happy to fund Sunni terrorists and psychopaths to fight their proxy wars against their fellow Muslims in other countries, but don’t seem so keen to ‘invite’ them to live in Mecca when they’ve been corralled in internment camps and begging to be somewhere else.
Given the state of this country I suspect Begum will be back, with her own show on the BBC, eventually.
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Old 22-02-2019, 17:12   #12
Beacon of light

Margaret Pilkington's Avatar
Re: Well...that's a surprise!

It grieves me to say this, but I feel sure you are right.

But forget giving her a new identity...she doesn't need one....she can just hide under a could be anybody under one of those.
She is hardly likely to be at risk from people of her origin.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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Old 25-02-2019, 13:47   #13
God Member

Re: Well...that's a surprise!

Given the state of this country I suspect Begum will be back, with her own show on the BBC, eventually.[/QUOTE]

or a new reality show hosted by jeremy corbyn, i,m a terrorist get me out of here.
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Old 25-02-2019, 13:59   #14
Beacon of light

Margaret Pilkington's Avatar
Re: Well...that's a surprise!

Oh...that would be a turn up for the books.

Apparently she has been interviewed by a reporter and now says she wants to come here to be an example of what girls should not do.
She was also reported to be showing contrition for the insensitive remarks she made earlier.

Well's too little and way too late.
We have you sussed. You just want to get yourself a house benefits and a new identity.

You said you had 'good times' in stay there!
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The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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Old 25-02-2019, 14:18   #15
Coffin Dodger.

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Re: Well...that's a surprise!

Her dad who now is in Bangladesh living says the home sec was correct to revoke her citizenship. but Jeremy thinks not. what a first class prat.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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