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21-03-2009, 15:23
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Re: were is the "line" ?
Originally Posted by accyman
im pretty sure teh govenment quite happily lets us get on bickering at each other as its a good distraction from noticing what the govenment is up to if were too busy bickering amongs ourselves
Well said - 'Divide and Rule' - it seems to working because we let it
21-03-2009, 15:28
Beacon of light
Re: were is the "line" ?
I would like to pose the question 'Is the Sri Lankan chap who owns a shop being racist if says he will only serve those customers who speak English?'
He is not white,he is not English, but he has embraced the culture and language of his adopted country........he chooses to be here, he works and pays his taxes here......and he feels that the people who are dmamging this country are the ones who won't integrate by learning the language. He considers that language is a big unifier......and he reckons that if people come here and don't learn the language then they should go back to the country of birth(or that of their ancestors if they were born here).
Do you consider these to be racist remarks?
Personally I think he is saying what an awful lot of the population think.
Thanks for the comment Jaysay. It just seems to me that Mancie has some kind of axe to grind.....though I am sure he will enlighten me if he thinks that I am wrong.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
21-03-2009, 15:34
Beacon of light
Re: were is the "line" ?
And as for the line...it is too late to draw a line. The great influx of economic migrants started years ago and was promoted by our very lax border security.
No-one in government knew how many people were coming in.......and once in they didn't leave.
When you go to the airport it is a joke that there are Immigration Officials checking passports......they give a fleeting look at the passport and sometimes don't even look at the bearer of the passport.
If you go to a country with real Immigration control you would see a vastly different picture.
Australia for instance.....both you and your passport are scrutinised, you are asked the length of your stay and the purpose of your visit...and they want to know where you will be staying while you are in their country.
It makes our immigration officials look like clowns.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
21-03-2009, 15:40
Beacon of light
Re: were is the "line" ?
Originally Posted by Mancie
At what point is the the line drawn between racisism or the "send em home"...brigade..and the open racism towards black people that exists on this forum ?..I honestly would like to know.. if only to see how far it can be pushed... and in my opinion it is getting slam dunk racist .from bods who have never even seen a black person.. and if they have should "get on the bike" and get stuck in... it's not on from me.
I don't quite know how you can say there is racism against Black people on this forum.
I for one, do not know the ethnic origin of many of the folk on here.
I haven't been to any forum meets.......and so unless someone indicates that they are of a different racial origin, I wouldn't know.
And while I am at it.......who is there on here who has not seen a black person?
We meet people of different races in every walk of life.......some of them will interact with us and others prefer to keep with their own people...that is their choice.
Mancie you are, of course, entitled to your opinion, but I don't think you gave any relevant justification for that opinion in this post.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
21-03-2009, 16:17
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Re: were is the "line" ?
I view this issue quite simply.
If I invite someone to live in my house (yes I know I live in a flat) and he starts to take over, then out he goes.
Put that on a national scale and the same applies.
During WWII many Europeans fled the Nazi jackboot to settle over here. But they didn’t try to take over. They didn’t build their own churches and schools. The Polish Catholics negotiated with the local Catholic Church to hold their Polish language masses, confessions etc at a time that was free. The Polish immigrants negotiated with local schools to use them after hours to teach their own Polish kids the Polish language and culture, whilst at the same time teaching them English. The nearest they got to “taking over” was renting suitable buildings to use as Social Clubs mainly for Poles but others could go if signed in by a member. Just like the normal Working Men’s Clubs.
The majority of Muslim Asians, on the other hand, are taking over the country bit by bit as the enclaves in Blackburn and other towns are testimony to.
My view is, always has been and always will be, that England is my country and anyone from abroad who comes to live here, for whatever reason, has to abide by our rules. In the same way that if I go abroad I would be expected to abide by their rules especially in a Muslim country.
I don’t expect immigrants to abandon their culture but I won’t accept them trying to force it onto me.
Actually it is poetic justice as England spent centuries forcing our culture and way of life on umpteen foreign countries, especially in Africa and the far and middle east. The chickens have come home to roost, but that doesn’t make it right.
21-03-2009, 17:44
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Re: were is the "line" ?
As a sort of aside, but on the general topic of immigration: Jason Kenney, Canada's Minister of citizenship, Immigration, and Multi-Culturalism is proposing that no one can become a citizen of this country unless they are fluent in one of our two official languages ...
21-03-2009, 18:15
Resting in Peace
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Re: were is the "line" ?
Don't have a problem with all this racist rubbish.
I just click my fingers and the Punka Wallah springs into action.
He's hoping for a hot summer to stay in a job. 

Some people think I'm a bit of an animal, but I'm quite tender really
21-03-2009, 18:20
Resting in Peace
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Re: were is the "line" ?
By the way the Kulfi Wallah is in the same boat.

Some people think I'm a bit of an animal, but I'm quite tender really
21-03-2009, 18:58
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Re: were is the "line" ?
Re Margarets post #32 The chap in question has now left his job (although I think he was given a push!)
21-03-2009, 19:31
Beacon of light
Re: were is the "line" ?
Well, that is sad, but he still has the right attitude.
In the newspaper that I read, it said that one fo the Asian people who took exception to his rule was going to make sure there was a new postmaster in the post office come Monday...so it seems she got her way then.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
22-03-2009, 10:21
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Re: were is the "line" ?
E-eeh, Mancie, lad, you don't half talk some tripe. Accyweb is like anywhere out in the real world...some people are racist...some aren't. The problem is you seem only too eager to label every Tom, Dick and Harry as a racist. Everyone who dares to criticize your beloved government's immigration policy...everyone who dares to criticize anyone who is non-white (the Islamic fundamentalists who abused our homecoming troops recently)...they're all racists in your little PC world.
But to call Garinda a racist really is ludicrous...the guy hasn't a racist bone in his body. And I noticed that when challenged to come up with examples of his so-called racist remarks, you soon backed down.
I know immigrants, Mancie...dozens of 'em. They've all come here legitimately and they all get on with their lives, working hard and paying their taxes, without recourse to benefits. And believe me, they despise the phoney asylum seekers, the illegals, those who just come here to sponge off the state and those who want to change British society to their own way of thinking. In my view, people like you, searching for racism where there isn't any, actually make life more difficult for them, but, then again, what would I know...after all, I'm just another racist! 
22-03-2009, 10:34
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Re: were is the "line" ?
Originally Posted by Wynonie Harris
E-eeh, Mancie, lad, you don't half talk some tripe. Accyweb is like anywhere out in the real world...some people are racist...some aren't. The problem is you seem only too eager to label every Tom, Dick and Harry as a racist. Everyone who dares to criticize your beloved government's immigration policy...everyone who dares to criticize anyone who is non-white (the Islamic fundamentalists who abused our homecoming troops recently)...they're all racists in your little PC world.
But to call Garinda a racist really is ludicrous...the guy hasn't a racist bone in his body. And I noticed that when challenged to come up with examples of his so-called racist remarks, you soon backed down.
I know immigrants, Mancie...dozens of 'em. They've all come here legitimately and they all get on with their lives, working hard and paying their taxes, without recourse to benefits. And believe me, they despise the phoney asylum seekers, the illegals, those who just come here to sponge off the state and those who want to change British society to their own way of thinking. In my view, people like you, searching for racism where there isn't any, actually make life more difficult for them, but, then again, what would I know...after all, I'm just another racist! 
Think that say's it all Wynonie 
22-03-2009, 10:47
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Re: were is the "line" ?
Is paranoia setting in here or is it a case of panic we are about to have our culture crushed?
22-03-2009, 11:20
Resting in Peace
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Re: were is the "line" ?
Originally Posted by SPUGGIE J
Is paranoia setting in here or is it a case of panic we are about to have our culture crushed?
Well they keep trying Spugs
22-03-2009, 11:33
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Re: were is the "line" ?
Originally Posted by Mancie
At what point is the the line drawn between racisism or the "send em home"...brigade..and the open racism towards black people that exists on this forum ?..I honestly would like to know.. if only to see how far it can be pushed... and in my opinion it is getting slam dunk racist .from bods who have never even seen a black person.. and if they have should "get on the bike" and get stuck in... it's not on from me.
I guess the line should be drawn at the point where anyone shows Hate or Prejudice against someone because of purely their Race or Colour. However if people from different religions or ethnic backgrounds disagree with one another for other valid or perceived valid reasons then there should be the right of open debate, opinions and critisim. We dont live in a society where everyone has to agree with one another, to stiffle debate encourages extremism of all kinds. I dont see any evidence of racist comments on here, and its interesting that you've not been able to specifically highlight any either. I do see an ammount of anger and frustration on here though about the way debate and opinions are being manipulated by an increasingly PC driven society!. Surely your own generalistic comments about the forum is showing a kind of prejudice, buts thats your opinion, and your'e entitled to voice it. Your arguments do tend to lose much of their credibility though when you make unfounded personal attacks on individuals you happen to have differences of opinion with.
Best Regards - Taggy
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