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Old 21-03-2009, 03:31   #1
God Member

were is the "line" ?

At what point is the the line drawn between racisism or the "send em home"...brigade..and the open racism towards black people that exists on this forum ?..I honestly would like to know.. if only to see how far it can be pushed... and in my opinion it is getting slam dunk racist .from bods who have never even seen a black person.. and if they have should "get on the bike" and get stuck in... it's not on from me.
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Old 21-03-2009, 04:05   #2
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Re: were is the "line" ?

Originally Posted by Mancie View Post
At what point is the the line drawn between racisism or the "send em home"...brigade..and the open racism towards black people that exists on this forum ?..I honestly would like to know.. if only to see how far it can be pushed... and in my opinion it is getting slam dunk racist .from bods who have never even seen a black person.. and if they have should "get on the bike" and get stuck in... it's not on from me.

I don't see where you are coming from personally.
I would like to see many people sent home not because i am racist but because i am fed up of foreigners taking our jobs nothing more nothing less.
Diesels' Wife!!
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Old 21-03-2009, 04:20   #3
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Re: were is the "line" ?

Don't think its a Black on White , or Brown on White or (here in the US) a Bronze (hispanic) on White issue , just think its a culture/lifestyle issue , more and more White Northern Europeans , including North Americans and Australians are seeing the traditional cultures they grew up with disappearing at an alarming rate and are fearful of it , think primarily the folks most affected are the skilled and unskilled working class groups who see themselves on the front line ,since they live in closest proximity to new immigrants, these are historically the folks who have allways been the first to welcome needy strangers into thier midst . providing the newcomer made an effort to adapt to their new surroundings , and many see that this no longer happens .

Going back to the late 50s and early 60s their was never any animosity to Asian immigrants in the Lancashire mill towns , young guys came over , got jobs in the mills, drank in the pubs and were known to their neighbours , same as the Poles who came over after 1945 , inside their homes they lived their "own way" but outside they were like the rest of the community . there was probably more bigotry in most homes against Catholics , they had their own Schools and Church 'walking' days than the rest of us .

Think it would be interesting to hear from someone from the Asian community who came over in the early days and hear what they have to say what their thoughts are about how community relations were then and how they compare to these days ( just using 'Asian' as an example since Accrington never had a big West Indian community)
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Old 21-03-2009, 07:26   #4
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Re: were is the "line" ?

Originally Posted by onlyme View Post
to be honest Mancie, I find your language just as offensive
Ok ..plain speak.. every day... or at least every week a post/thread is placed on here that is blatant propaganda against non whites living here...I take a dim view of that...this stuff is taken as carved in stone if it is reported in any newspaper and certian members give the same old cry "hang em" whip em..send em home... these people really do need to get out more.. even a visit to the pie shop or just sitting on benches provided by the council and watching the new buses go by is sometimes a great therapy for these bods..let em live.. but not for long eh!
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Old 21-03-2009, 09:47   #5
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Re: were is the "line" ?

onlyme..your post has vanished?
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Old 21-03-2009, 09:48   #6
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Re: were is the "line" ?

Originally Posted by Mancie View Post
the open racism towards black people that exists on this forum
You seem to be one of those people who believe that racism is a one way street.

I've posted on here that personally the most blatent and overt reacism I've ever witnessed was by Asians against indigineous Africans in east Africa.

Just this week in the Observer there was a man who was racially abused and had his dog attacked, does that not count because the victim happened to be white?

Prejudice based on someones race is wrong, in my opinion. Though I have no problem demanding immigrants, of whatever colour, move to another country if their sole objective is to take away people's hard earned democratic rights.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
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Last edited by garinda; 21-03-2009 at 09:52.
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Old 21-03-2009, 10:01   #7
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Re: were is the "line" ?

yeah very nice Garinda..but the racism on here is not by Africans or is by respected members of the yourself...openly racist posts are frequent and are nothing to do with people trying to take any rights from us.. anything proposed by a council or this Government that is desgined to intergrate communities is jumped on and slagged off as some PC brigade... it is rampant on this forum.

Last edited by Len; 21-03-2009 at 15:20. Reason: Reported post: astix’s removed (suggestive inappropriate language).
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Old 21-03-2009, 10:02   #8
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Re: were is the "line" ?

I think your right Rindi, nobody ever bothers about positive discrimination, I have no problem with people coming to live and work in this country, what I can't except are people trying to claim asylum after travelling though two or three other countries to get here because they think the streets are paved with gold. I also think that there is no room for people who would have us change our rules just to suit them and those who preach hatred should be on the first plane out, end of
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Old 21-03-2009, 10:08   #9
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Re: were is the "line" ?

Originally Posted by jaysay View Post
I think your right Rindi, nobody ever bothers about positive discrimination, I have no problem with people coming to live and work in this country, what I can't except are people trying to claim asylum after travelling though two or three other countries to get here because they think the streets are paved with gold. I also think that there is no room for people who would have us change our rules just to suit them and those who preach hatred should be on the first plane out, end of
But you do have a problem with peolple coming to live and work in this country! don't talk bollocks...most people here talk a good outlook but don't really want any foriegn people coming here for work or anything solid week you'll be posting crap about summat you read in the Daily Mail.
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Old 21-03-2009, 10:18   #10
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Re: were is the "line" ?

Originally Posted by Mancie View Post
yeah very nice Garinda..but the racism on here is not by Africans or is by respected members of the yourself.
Like myself?

I'd be very interested for you to quote a post of mine that was racist.

I've been publicly fighting racism since the late seventies, a time when your brain hadn't been as pickled by alcohol as it appears to be now.

I'm quite open in that my prejudices are based on the fact that some religions are trying to undermine the very core of our society, and some people, women for example, would have severley restricted lives if they succeed.

Unlike yourself I know the world isn't black or white, and nor are it's problems. There is more than one religion that is trying to curtail democratic freedoms in this country, and those religions have followers of every race, and colour, so my opposition could only be seen as racist by an idiot.

I look forward to reading the evidence I've asked you to post as an example.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 21-03-2009, 10:27   #11
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Re: were is the "line" ?

Originally Posted by Mancie View Post
yeah very nice Garinda..but the racism on here is not by Africans or is by respected members of the yourself...openly racist posts are frequent and are nothing to do with people trying to take any rights from us.. anything proposed by a council or this Government that is desgined to intergrate communities is jumped on and slagged off as some PC brigade... it is rampant on this forum.
I've kept the very first death threats I received at the age of sixteen, from a National Front supporter.

The garbled idiocy was quite funny.

You'd probably understand what they were trying to say.

I couldn't make head nor tail of their semi-literate rant.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

Last edited by Len; 21-03-2009 at 15:21. Reason: Edited inserted quote.
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Old 21-03-2009, 10:27   #12
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Re: were is the "line" ?

Ok..aint got the sherlock holmes stuff to find any comments made.. but I do know that you have posted stuff stating terrorist supporters from Pakistan and Afganistan should be deported but not supporters of the IRA..whatever.. my basic point as in this thread is that there is a racist attitude on this web.. black and asian people get slagged off on where do we draw a line between racism or debate?

Last edited by Mancie; 21-03-2009 at 10:29.
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Old 21-03-2009, 10:33   #13
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Re: were is the "line" ?

Originally Posted by Mancie View Post
but I do know that you have posted stuff stating terrorist supporters from Pakistan and Afganistan should be deported but not supporters of the IRA.
I'll save you the time of searching through my posts.

I have never said anything like what you've just posted in the above quote.

You are wrong.

Simple as.

Even if you took your blinkers off I fear you still wouldn't be able to see.

Get your facts right before you even attempt to try and tell me what I've said on here, or more importantly, what was actually meant.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 21-03-2009, 10:43   #14
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Re: were is the "line" ?

Ok.. don't know your posts ..and can't sat I've trawled through past posts.. but I don't need to because I get a general feeling of opposition to any foreigners living or coming you lot can deny this but the are not many posts with a positive attitude to immagrants... don't stick you heads in the sand.. some people are openly racist in their posts and would not deny it.... I'm saying where is the line drawn between racism and pratical debate?
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Old 21-03-2009, 11:01   #15
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Re: were is the "line" ?

Originally Posted by Mancie View Post
But you do have a problem with peolple coming to live and work in this country! don't talk bollocks...most people here talk a good outlook but don't really want any foriegn people coming here for work or anything solid week you'll be posting crap about summat you read in the Daily Mail.
Only read the Mail twice a week, sometimes have a look on line, I never have had a problem with people coming to work here, I have a problem people coming here taking jobs off British workers, like we are witnessing at the power station in East Anglia, but as usual nobody has to have an opinion other than our great hope Mancie
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