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Old 08-10-2011, 09:41   #1
a multieloquent Mule

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What a diference 75 years make

No doubt many of you are aware of the "Jarrow marches". At a time of high unemployment & poverty how 207 men marched from the North East to London to demand the right to work & pay so they could support their families. A very noble & valid effort showing grit & determination despite all adversities, it really gained them nothing except an entry into the UK's history books.

Fast forward to 2011, amidst much furore & banner waving a new generation inspired by these pioneering & hard men once again stood at the start line in the North East with the aim of taking their grievances to London & Westminster to demand their rights. Unfortunately these people are a new generation & do not have the fire in their bellies & tenacity to see things through, more political than poignant their protest which they've failed to complete.

The outset

Union bosses support new march for jobs - News - Jarrow and Hebburn Gazette

The result

New Jarrow marchers find the going too tough - Home News, UK - The Independent

Is this endemic of our society today ? Or am I missing something ? What's happened to the Great British spirit ? The once mighty bulldog breed that ruled over a vast Empire & in recent history has lost many of our brave young men fighting for freedom & the right to live in peace.
I don't know half of you as well as I should like, and I like half of you, half as well as you deserve. (Bilbo Baggins)
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Old 11-10-2011, 15:30   #2
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Re: What a diference 75 years make

Any country that has spent decades fostering a national culture of entitlement should not be surprised to discover that sizeable portions of its population can no longer cope with adversity of any kind. If these young people do not even have the fortitude to do a little marching, I don't fancy the West's odds in coming years.
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Old 11-10-2011, 15:52   #3
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Re: What a diference 75 years make


Sullies the memory of the original Jarrow marchers. Who did know real hardship, before the creation of the welfare state.

Makes me laugh when things like this are reported, earlier today.

400,000 children will fall into relative poverty by 2015, warns IFS | Society | The Guardian

Sure, 'poverty' is relative, but if three million children in the U.K. are living in it, makes you wonder why every Tom, Dick and Harry bother smuggling themselves into lorries at Calais, in order to come and live here.

As for the today's Jarrow marchers, let's just be grateful they didn't try to recreate the Crusades, and walk to Jerusalem.
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Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 11-10-2011, 15:55   #4
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Re: What a diference 75 years make

Originally Posted by garinda View Post
As for the today's Jarrow marchers, let's just be grateful they didn't try to recreate the Crusades, and walk to Jerusalem.
They could walk to Burnley instead and attack a few mosques there.
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