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Old 28-11-2005, 19:05   #1
Filthy / Gorgeous

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What a hapless lot we are..

We are all aware that accidents happen but while searching for some information about something completely unrelated, I stumbled on the RoSPA website. Unable to restrain my natural curiosity I spent an enlightening few minutes checking out some stats...(like you do)..

Did you know that in 2002 a staggering 248,216 of us were seen in A&E following household accidents??????!!!!!!!!

Among these accidents stats were some which I found alarming (but funny)

19,932 people were injured by their furniture and a further 10,539 were injured by their furnishings... I take this to include curtains, cushions and bedding.

An amazing 33,855 of us were injured by our clothing or footware.....Thats right!!!!! Clothing.. It appears that the Great British public are incapable of getting dressed without a mishap.

2,888 people were injured by containers or wrapping..........That does it, I now refuse to wrap another Christmas present as long as I live.

4,386 people were injured by a hygiene or care item!!!!!! What the hell were they doing????? I never did trust that smarmy looking man in the Remmington nose hair remover advert...

only 611 people were injured by sewing or knitting equipment. We could probably reduce that one if thimbles were to make a comeback.

Surprisingly only 2,333 were injured by falling from ladders or support equipment...... I think that's great considering the clothing stats.

My mind boggles at this one though. 5,194 people were injured within the home.......persuing a miscellaneous or unspecified art????? I wonder if Ann Summers has anything to do with that one.

Have any of you had an unusual accident?

I would be especially interested in talking to/ laughing at...............anyone who has had an accident putting on their clothing.
Never put off until tomorrow what you can avoid altogether.

The views expressed here are my own and not necessarily those of my family, friends, employer, this site, my neighbours, hairdresser, dentist, GP, next door's dog or anyone else who knows me..
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Old 28-11-2005, 19:21   #2
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Re: What a hapless lot we are..

i am a very clumbsy person and although hurt i no longer go to A&E unless i cant stop the blood because the list of accidents i have must be making good reading for some doctors lol

i once was putting my jeans on while walking across the landing then tripped and fell down the strairs with one leg in my jeans and my other in some god awful position

Last edited by chav1; 28-11-2005 at 19:23.
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Old 28-11-2005, 20:17   #3
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Re: What a hapless lot we are..

Was mucking about on the varander when I fell into the open side window catching it in the spine. Hospital thought there was something seriously wrong with me because of a slow heart rate. They were relieved when I told them a played a lot of footy and cycled everywere.

All comments above are nothing to do with here and therefore not the resposibility of the Accrington Web site owners admins or mods.


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Old 28-11-2005, 21:29   #4
Resting in Peace

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Re: What a hapless lot we are..

Let me see now ... oh yes, broke my hip slipping on spilt water in the kitchen, eight stitches in forehead/black eyes, bruising all over body whilst falling downstairs, three broken toes (on separate occasions) from pulling door over feet or hitting items left on floor, broken big toe from pulling out drawer completely and ninety degrees drop on aforesaid. Broken nose from hitting cupboard left open in error .. ribs, don't mention. Well, those just inside ... guess added a little to the stastitics.
Never had the pleasure of an Ann Summers accident yet though
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Old 28-11-2005, 21:41   #5
Resting in Peace

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Re: What a hapless lot we are..

Sorry Lettie, just realised you wanted funny ones, fallen downstairs a few times catching my foot in flares but that's about it. (quite common I believe)
My son did however get angry whilst playing on the playstation 'cause he wiped it off or summat ...slammed his hand against the wall and broke bones in that area .. pratt !
Still not really what you are looking for .. will ask around, will be some good tales somewhere.
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Old 28-11-2005, 22:31   #6
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Re: What a hapless lot we are..

Originally Posted by katex
Never had the pleasure of an Ann Summers accident yet though
are those the kind of accidents where you have a cigrette afterwards...?
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Old 28-11-2005, 23:05   #7
white rabbits

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Re: What a hapless lot we are..

corned beef i think the most common accident in the kitchen ,is with a corned beef tin ,,

Not a full brick
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Old 28-11-2005, 23:08   #8
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Re: What a hapless lot we are..

Ok I think I have mentioned on here before I broke my toes when my friend tried to shoo me out of the room with the hoover and my toes got sucked up and stuck round the spinning doofer thingy (can't remember what it's called).

At secondary school I was once taken to hospital with crush injuries after the fire alarm went off and I was a bit slow when it came to getting out with the crowd and was sucked under everyone!!!


I know this may come as a shock but believe it or not all views I may air on here are my own work!!!!!
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Old 28-11-2005, 23:13   #9
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Re: What a hapless lot we are..

Nearly 20,000 people suffered injuries from furnishings?

How, what, why?

I need more details, as I feel I must be missing out on some exciting new pastime.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 28-11-2005, 23:13   #10
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Re: What a hapless lot we are..

I have broken my arm due to friend picking me up, then dropping me.

I once had a cricket ball smash into my nose, I was only 3 at the time, blood everywhere ouch!!!

I have broken my toe twice, once by kicking a milk crate while full off empty bottles with nothing on my feet. Once play fighting with Ginger and kicked his shoe, with nothing on my feet again (must remember to wear shoes at all times).

Too many cut fingers to fingers to even mention.

Once got stuck in a chimney pot that was in the back garden when I was a kid. Playing hide and seek with tinks and got in it, bent down, then when she found me realised my knee's had locked.
Mum and dad having to roll me down the back yard where we lived on manor street, and having to put margarine down into the chimney pot to slide me out. It was that or call the fire brigade, and if it happened today, no way would I let them put margarine down.........GET THE FIRE BRIGADE!!

Hurt my hip badly last new years eve, trying to stand up when very very very drunk, with a friend that was trying to help me but was just as drunk as me. We both ended up falling over and she landed on top of me. My poor hip for the next week or so killed me every time i turned over in bed.

I sliced all my head open when i was about 4 years old. Playing shadow boxing, and went straight through the glass door, again, blood everywhere and loads of stitches. Never have glass doors where there are kids, not a good idea.

I thinks thats it for me. I have had bumps and scrapes but nowt too bad.

Oh yeah before i go. I was once coming down the stairs with my pram and doll when i was about 7 years old. The pram started going hell for leather down the stairs and rather than let go and break my pram, i held on for dear life. I ended up going ass over breakfast time, smashed my head on the radiator at the bottom of the stairs, the pram landed on top of me, and I was out cold for about 3 minutes hehehe. Don't worry the doll was fine.
Millions of sperm and you was the fastest??

Miracles do happen!!

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Old 28-11-2005, 23:17   #11
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Re: What a hapless lot we are..

Laughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...... you and Tinks playing hide and seek in a chimney pot. I bet you two only did it so you could see the firemen. I do think you should have tried the margerine lubricant before calling out the emergency services though.

Was it a full size chimney pot, or one from a doll's house?
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 28-11-2005, 23:42   #12
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Re: What a hapless lot we are..

Originally Posted by garinda
Laughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...... you and Tinks playing hide and seek in a chimney pot. I bet you two only did it so you could see the firemen. I do think you should have tried the margerine lubricant before calling out the emergency services though.

Was it a full size chimney pot, or one from a doll's house?
The margerine did get me out rindy.........we didn't call the fire brigade!!

I said if it happened now, i would call the fire brigade out hehe

It was a proper chimney pot off the top of the house that my dad had taken down from the roof. It was a good hiding place til i got stuck haha
Millions of sperm and you was the fastest??

Miracles do happen!!

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Old 28-11-2005, 23:49   #13
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Re: What a hapless lot we are..

Sorry for not reading properly, tears were streaming down my face. It was nearly as good when you got splashed and caught the wrong bus.

You two should write a book.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 28-11-2005, 23:54   #14
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Re: What a hapless lot we are..

Originally Posted by garinda
Sorry for not reading properly, tears were streaming down my face. It was nearly as good when you got splashed and caught the wrong bus.

You two should write a book.
OMG don't tell people on here about that rindy you naughty boy

We didn't even catch a bus we had to get a taxi, there was no more buses after the one we missed................owwww the memories
Millions of sperm and you was the fastest??

Miracles do happen!!

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Old 29-11-2005, 00:14   #15
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Re: What a hapless lot we are..

Originally Posted by slinky
I have broken my toe twice, once by kicking a milk crate while full off empty bottles with nothing on my feet..
the sad thing is even to this day she believes shes the first person to find a cow's nest
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