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Old 13-06-2005, 07:57   #16
Resident Waffler

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Re: What a load of RUBBISH!!!!!!!

It looks like there are lumps of wood there too. That should have qualified for a free extra collection surely.

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Old 13-06-2005, 08:17   #17
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Re: What a load of RUBBISH!!!!!!!

Well after reading this lettie i was going to have a walk round the area with the camera and see what other rubbish i could find but this being Accrington its raining so it will have to wait till we have a dry day .
A lot of people have posted that the bin men dont take the extra black bags if they are not in the bin ,but round here they seam to take all the rubbish thats down the back streets i have seen them putting chairs carpets even a kitchen sink and this was on the usual rounds .
There is also a van comes round once a month i think they are tinkers and take all sorts of metal stuff friges,freezers washing machines anything they can weigh in but at least they are clearing the stuff the council wont take
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Old 13-06-2005, 08:24   #18
Senior Member+

Re: What a load of RUBBISH!!!!!!!

Here in Preston they empty the wheelie bins 2 times a month aswell, which just doesnt work, ok let see daddiboo's sister lives around the corner from us and she has a family of 9 7 children and 2 adults, and they only empty the wheelie bin twice a month your having a laugh even if they were to recycle all there rubbish its still not enough, ( maybe thats all their rubbish dumped to teach the council a lesson) they could fill their bin just in nappies in a week.

She even rang the council to ask for more recycling bins and she was replied with "Well we will have to monitor your rubbish before we can issue more bins out" not that i can see the point of montioring the rubbish of a family of 9!

We are a family of 4 and we struggle it might help a little if the manufacturers didnt use so much packaging that is unneeded and if the were more weigh-in-shops for like cereal and sugar and washing powder.

Me and daddiboo once went to take some stuff to the local tip we filled up his works van and off we went only to come back with all the stuff. They wouldnt let us in because the van had more than 4 wheels ( for gods sake it was a transit not a artic)!

I think the whole thing is a farce, we were shopping yesterday and we were going to pack the stuff into the boxes they give you to use instead of the bags and i found myself saying dont use the boxes because we have no where to put them after!!!!!

We also got letters on our bins on the bank holiday weekend from the council saying not to expect the bins to be emptied this week as most of the workers will be at Cardiff at the Preston footie match.

I agree with you willow recycling should be done where possible, but they sure aint making things easy for us now are they!!!!!
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Old 13-06-2005, 09:34   #19
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Re: What a load of RUBBISH!!!!!!!

well said mummiboo all the council are doing is cutting costs and pinching pennies at our expense

if they want to save money they shouldnt have stupid mayor swearing in ceromonies and all the other stupid ideas they come up with

they could also do with not spending money on renovationg private prperties and let the house owners pay for their own new windows and roofs
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Old 13-06-2005, 10:16   #20
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Re: What a load of RUBBISH!!!!!!!

All this and still the council tax increases year on year.

So what exactly does Council Tax pay for (in addition to christmas lights and mayor parties)?
"The Hour of Scampering is usually around teatime, according to the Vorlon/Human Translation Dictionary."

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Old 13-06-2005, 11:29   #21
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Re: What a load of RUBBISH!!!!!!!

this may sound insane but arnt people elected by the public answerable to the public

shouldnt we be able to say oi get your priorities right

it seems all we do is vote somone into power who then does as they want no matter what the people say they want

i know that every issue can not be put to a vote but surely there is a way they can ask us and get a general idea of what people of accy want and dont want

reading accy webb might be a good start

i will give credit to the french for one thing and that is that if their elected officials mess up the peole of france cause so much hassle for them they get it sorted

Last edited by chav1; 13-06-2005 at 11:33.
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Old 13-06-2005, 12:50   #22
Senior Member

Re: What a load of RUBBISH!!!!!!!

I too recycle as much as I can & go to the tip with bigger items but if I have a clearout or do any decorating my bin is not big enough to accomodate my rubbish. We should make HBC accountable for the lack of facilities & maybe some of you without a phobia should catch some of the vermin rubbish causes & deliver it to the town hall, preferably at a public meeting!!!!
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Old 13-06-2005, 14:40   #23
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Re: What a load of RUBBISH!!!!!!!

Perhaps one way of dealing with this problem would be to publicly shame the council for their lack of efficiency. Is there a competition that we could enter them for, something like The Crappiest Council in Britain Awards 2005,

The other thing to do would be to deluge Councillor Anne Scaife, who holds the Cabinet Portfolio for waste, with Zillions of written complaints. One or two won't do, it has to be by the sackfull. It might also help to send her all the bumpf that HBC sends out too, helpfully labeled "Recycle this!"

The only way to deal with incompetence is to expose it! And it seems the only way to sting HBC into action is to kick them where it really hurts - in the Municipal Ego. HBC has this collective vision of itself as whiter than white, holier than thou and the best thing to happen to local government since the advent of sliced bread. That is where you have to strike them.

This pompous regard for its reputation has it's origins with the former Accrington Borough Council; I recall that sometime in the seventies The New Musical Express ran a satirical column and claimed that one of it's fictional characters was a Freeman of the Borough of Accrington. Admitedly not a very good joke, but then NME was never famed for it's scintillating wit. However, a couple of weeks later, there appeared in the NME a retraction of the article and an apology. Apparently the story had reached the ears of the Town Clerk, Nigel D. McGregor, who had written to the NME threatening them with all sorts of legal sanctions if they did not immediately apologise and withdraw the article.

What's the phrase....Know your enemy!
Enough is ENOUGH Get Britain out of Europe

Last edited by Acrylic-bob; 13-06-2005 at 14:42.
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Old 13-06-2005, 14:43   #24
Resident Waffler

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Re: What a load of RUBBISH!!!!!!!

I don't have a phobia but I would be worried about what I might catch from any of the vermin I might catch, if you see what I mean.

It's absolutely ludicrous that any council won't issue more recycling boxes etc when they are supposed to be encouraging recycling! And why the heck should it matter what type of van you arrive at the tip in? The rubbish still exists and still needs to be disposed of! When we went up to Whinney Hill with the trailer on the back of the car they measured the length of it! If it had been too long we'd have been refused. But it would still have contained the same flippin rubbish! It's madness.

I think we are allowed to put cardboard next to the wheelie bins on bin day so those boxes from the supermarket should be OK. I'm using mine for "compost diluting" at the mo, to counteract the soggy stuff.

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Old 13-06-2005, 16:09   #25
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Angry Re: What a load of RUBBISH!!!!!!!

When I saw this pile of rubbish yesterday evening, when we were on our way back from the pizza shop, (that's another story, hehehe) I was seriously pee'd off. So I will get my apology in now, before the diatribe comences. Sorry folks for the effing & jeffing but this represents the way I feel about it.

I think the point is being missed in some cases, debating whether or not recycling is good for the enviroment.
The point that Lettie was trying to make was that the pile of rubbish was there alongside the wheelie bins on Thursday morning but our band of illustrious, jobsworth, BONE F*@KING IDLE bin men couldn't be arsed to take it. All they want to do now is pick up a wheelie bin, providing it is parked within a couple of yards of their wagon; they won't go up a back street to collect 'em, and in one instance I witnessed they were reluctant to go five flaming yards up a pensioners drive way to retreive a bin. Perhaps they can quote chapter and verse regarding council policy for removal of household waste, but this attitude doesn't keep the streets clean; graft and pride in the enviroment does!

Maybe I am wrong pointing the finger at our workshy domestic waste operatives, perhaps the blame lies fairly and squarely with the policy makers in HBC, but as we are all aware our shambolic local council is that far up it's own ar$e that it needs a Davey Lamp and a canary to find it's way about. HBC council doesn't have a policy with regards to hosehold waste disposal, it has a well-oilrd ostrich mentality!

What kind of image does this portray of Accrington, when this pile of refuse is on open display within view of the main thoroughfare through town, and within 100 yards of the main shopping street in Accrington.

As well as being unsightly, this rubbish is a potential breeding ground for rodent vermin and all the associated diseases that come with them.

If it isn't the binmens remit to remove this rubbish, who's is it? Does it have to fester on the street corner whilst various council departments bicker and whinge amongst themselves, debating who is responsible for keeping our streets tidy.

That folks, is the watered down version. I haven't even discussed why our council tax keeps rising to pay for these services, yet appears to be inversely proportional to the quality of service.
Connect it: Red > Yellow, Yellow > Blue, & Blew to ....'kin bits!

Any ramblings, meanderings, thoughts or musings are mine and mine alone. Any opinions expressed are Lettie's!

Last edited by Sparkologist; 13-06-2005 at 18:31. Reason: Once again my standard of English betrays me!
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Old 13-06-2005, 16:19   #26
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Re: What a load of RUBBISH!!!!!!!

Contact details for Anne Scaife can be found here...
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Old 13-06-2005, 16:50   #27
Filthy / Gorgeous

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Re: What a load of RUBBISH!!!!!!!

I have just e mailed the link to this thread to Mrs Scaife. The rubbish is still there today. Some bags are now ripped open either by kids or vermin. There are definitely empty food cans in there which are visible now due to the bags being a little more open. I can only guess that there are probably more foodstuffs in there. By the time anyone comes to shift this it will be strewn all over the road...
Never put off until tomorrow what you can avoid altogether.

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Old 13-06-2005, 17:18   #28

fireman's Avatar

Re: What a load of RUBBISH!!!!!!!

Willow I'm with you on recycling I find that I can arrange my rubbish better and having quite a large garden I get the chance to get rid of my gardening waste . I sympathise with lettie it must be awfull when idiots just dump anywhere with no thoughts of anyone else. If you are seripously going to sort it yourself Lettie count me in for any help you need x
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Old 13-06-2005, 17:22   #29
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Re: What a load of RUBBISH!!!!!!!

I think it is both ridiculous and disgusting that rubbish is left in the alleyways like this. I'm sure if it was on Anne Scaife's doorstep it would have been cleared immediately & not left to fester. While on the subject of litter what happened to the town centre street cleaner(s) this morning? I don't know if anyone else noticed but the walk through from Broadway to the market was full of papers empty cups e.t.c I know there's a boot market on Sunday's now but it's not usually that bad.
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Old 13-06-2005, 17:30   #30
Filthy / Gorgeous

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Re: What a load of RUBBISH!!!!!!!

All I can say is that it is blatantly obvious that the wheelie bin system is not working. As previously mentioned not everyone has a wheelie bin. There are 2 houses at the back of my house which do not have wheelie bins. I can understand from a health and safety point of view that the council don't want to be facing huge payouts to employees with bad backs after years of lifting heavy black bags, but this situation is ridiculous. I wonder how much somebody would be able to claim for illnesses caused by unsanitary conditions due to festering rubbish in our streets. As far as I'm concerned the council have a duty of care to the citizens of this borough as well as their own employees.
Never put off until tomorrow what you can avoid altogether.

The views expressed here are my own and not necessarily those of my family, friends, employer, this site, my neighbours, hairdresser, dentist, GP, next door's dog or anyone else who knows me..
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