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Old 14-06-2005, 20:15   #46
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Re: What a load of RUBBISH!!!!!!!

>>Who is responsible for idiocy like this? Is it the Councillors that we elect, who we entrust to do their best for our neighbourhoods, or is it the clowns they employ who hold down nine-to-five jobs in the council offices and instigate cr@p policies like this? <<

I once went to a meeting of the planning committee of Burnley Borough Council. What an eye opener that was! There was not one of them there, save for the Chair, who knew what they were suppposed to be doing, nor indeed why! There were, I think twelve councillors on the committee who voted exactly as the Chair told them to do, in application after application.

I think that I can safely say, without fear of contradiction, they are all equally to blame; from the brain-dead ******* we elect to the pension-warming, empire-building paper-pushers they employ on our behalf. Lions led by donkeys, doesn't come close to an adequate description.

Why do you suppose people choose to work in Local Government rather than trying their luck in similar positions in the private sector? The answer is plain and simple: Employers in the private sector would fire them before the end of their first month.

"30 years of service to the community"? Don't make me laugh!
Enough is ENOUGH Get Britain out of Europe
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Old 14-06-2005, 20:42   #47
Accy Red

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Re: What a load of RUBBISH!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by mick
I do wish this weather would clear up then i can get round the streets with the camera and shame HBC into doing something about this rubbish.......
if you see a big pile of rubbish let me know and i will go and take pics and send it to HBC
I was going to tell you about a huge pile of rubbish that was dumped on St Leger Court off Plantation St. I noticed it last week on my way to work and after a conversion with a shop owner found it had been reported to the council 6 days ago. Anyway the local scum have done the work for the council and set fire to the lot, unfortunatly the rubbish was next to a house which nearly went up with it, nice try scum or are you working for the council?

"At a football club, there's a holy trinity - the players, the manager and the supporters. Directors don't come into it. They're only there to sign cheques." - Bill Shankly
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Old 14-06-2005, 21:21   #48
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Re: What a load of RUBBISH!!!!!!!

what a bloody good idea that bloke mentioned earlier had removing exess rubbish for £1.00 a bag

who cares if he is a registered waste removal person the council would probably want a massive fee for a licence to do it anyway and this man only makes money because the council are incompitent

it mentioned in the article that they fear he may be fly tipping

heres hoping hes saving it up in a big dumper to tip on the councils doorstep lol
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Old 15-06-2005, 09:17   #49
Resident Waffler

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Re: What a load of RUBBISH!!!!!!!

I wonder if there's any connection between "£1 a bag" man and that neighbour of Janet's with the truckload of full bin bags?

Anyway the council have asked for this sort of thing by fining people £1,000 for excess rubbish.

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Old 15-06-2005, 09:53   #50
Filthy / Gorgeous

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Re: What a load of RUBBISH!!!!!!!

Well you guessed it, the rubbish is still there. I have telephoned HBC Refuse Dept and spoke to a nice lady who assured me that they will pass on my complaint to the officers and come and do an inspection and arrange collection. She re-iterated that it is HBC Policy that extra black bags are not collected and that people have excess rubbish when they don't recycle. I know that some of my neighbours are not recycling and a couple of them use the blue box as a toy box for the kids, but I'm not talking about an extra 1 or 2 black bags here.

The pile of cr@p at the bottom of Meadow St is growing and taking on a new life of its own. There now appears to be extra things there. A mattress has materialised overnight and I'm sure that there are several more bags. It has now been there for 6 days and everytime I walk past it I expect to see a family of rats looking up at me...
Never put off until tomorrow what you can avoid altogether.

The views expressed here are my own and not necessarily those of my family, friends, employer, this site, my neighbours, hairdresser, dentist, GP, next door's dog or anyone else who knows me..
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Old 15-06-2005, 12:13   #51
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Re: What a load of RUBBISH!!!!!!!

Any more recent pics of the growing menace?

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Old 15-06-2005, 19:20   #52
I am Banned

Re: What a load of RUBBISH!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by lettie
I had to post these photographs as this heap of rubbish has been sitting at the bottom of Meadow St since Thursday. I put out my wheelie bin early on Thursday morning and these bags were nowhere to be seen. Came home from work and had to steer my wheelie bin around this rubbish in order to get it back into my yard.

Now we all know that the refuse collectors are not supposed to take black bin bags anymore but this is just an pathetic excuse to leave a blatant health hazard on our doorsteps. It's now 4 days on and the rubbish is still there. It is so bad now that the local kids are using it as a playground. The last time I checked (although it was a few years ago) Bubonic Plague was still a notifyable disease in the UK.

I wouldn't post this if HBC could get its act together and deal properly and cost effectively with our refuse. Unfortunately they don't seem to be able to organise the brewery entertainment. I wonder how long it will take them to shift this lot???

There is a way of getting rid of it quicker. If anyone is off work tomorrow, pop round to mine, with your marigolds on and we will carry it down to the Town Hall and dump it at the front entrance.. I bet they'd shift it pretty sharpish then..

Hi Lettie,

Just an update on this.

The offenders are persistant and I have been aware of them. I want them prosecuted so that will need EH to look through the rubbish. Anne Scaife was informed Monday but nothing has been done. Thingshave been made more complicated because our excellent EH Officer Lee Haworth is leaving [another jumping from the 'good ship Tory']. The Carnival passes at weekend and what a mess. PLus that heap of crap on Burnley Rd with a dead rat.
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Old 15-06-2005, 19:47   #53
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Re: What a load of RUBBISH!!!!!!!

ahh nice one graham prosecute people because HBC provide an inadiquate service

always the peasant folk at fault isnt it

i mean god forbid we should expect weekly clearance of rubbish or at least enough bins to accomodate a family for two weeks

hell its not as though we pay over £800 a year to you lot at the council to take care of things like rubbish is it..?

wheres the money going graham

inadiquate waste disposal becasue HBC downsized the workers

inadiquate ammount of police

comeon graham let us know where all our hard earned money is going besides all the crap we see posted on here like mayor swearing in cerimonies etc

it realy gets up my ass how you can come on here saying you are hoping to prosecute offenders when you lot at HBC are the reason it is happening in the first place

go fine your selves you set of crooks
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Old 15-06-2005, 22:20   #54
I am Banned

Re: What a load of RUBBISH!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by chav1
ahh nice one graham prosecute people because HBC provide an inadiquate service

always the peasant folk at fault isnt it

i mean god forbid we should expect weekly clearance of rubbish or at least enough bins to accomodate a family for two weeks

hell its not as though we pay over £800 a year to you lot at the council to take care of things like rubbish is it..?

wheres the money going graham

inadiquate waste disposal becasue HBC downsized the workers

inadiquate ammount of police

comeon graham let us know where all our hard earned money is going besides all the crap we see posted on here like mayor swearing in cerimonies etc

it realy gets up my ass how you can come on here saying you are hoping to prosecute offenders when you lot at HBC are the reason it is happening in the first place

go fine your selves you set of crooks
Don't be smug and don't talk crap. I am prepared to explain this once [i dont suffer fools easily as you may be aware, however I am more than happy to exchange views & discuss in a civilised way...
The offenders are suspected fly tippers and have nearly been prosecuted before but the case lacked all the evidence needed. However there are several of these perpertrators in this case, residential and commercial, not just one, dumping illegally, regularly, and not just here.

Explanantion, negotiation has not worked previously so its time to downsize the effort to a simple and effective reminder known as a fine and prosecution. You may take some moral high road, but I, and other residents who have to live in this ward dont want to put up with the consequences of your ill thought and anti-establishment conclusions. So find out some facts first or my advice is, keep your opnions to yourself if you dont want to make yourself look stupid.

Every point you made was crap, but heres the most stupid.

"we pay over £800 a year to you lot at the council to take care of things like rubbish"

HBC takes only 15% of the £800 for all its services. The bins work out at about 60p per week per household.
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Old 15-06-2005, 22:41   #55
Coffin Dodger.

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Re: What a load of RUBBISH!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by chav1

i mean god forbid we should expect weekly clearance of rubbish or at least enough bins to accomodate a family for two weeks
without gettin into a slanging match graham whats crap about this point? and while your on the subject of rubbish i noticed you havent responded to a differant matter on the same subject ie,willows thread(theiving ******) if anythings crap mate its hbcs response to willows wheelie bin problem.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 15-06-2005, 22:50   #56

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Re: What a load of RUBBISH!!!!!!!

I understand what you are saying Graham and Chav is getting, along with others a bit up tight about this situation. It is unpleasaant to have this sort of rubbish closr to your home, especially when you have young children around. It has been several days now that the council have known about the problem and to the man in the street nothing has been done. OK behind the scenes moves may be afoot but this does not help the residents who just want, and are entitled to clean streets. Instead of rising to a slanging match is it not just possible to pick up a phone and explain that you, as an elected councillor are getting a lot of flack over this rubbish and then maybe a satisfactoty conclusioncould be on the cards.
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Old 15-06-2005, 23:52   #57
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Re: What a load of RUBBISH!!!!!!!

i have personaly spoke to the council countless times about the new wheelie bin system

i offered to buy a second wheelie bin - they wont empty it coz its not theirs

i asked to buy one of theirs - no because 1 bin is enough

i rang gregg pope who agreed that the 1 pick up every 2 weeks wasnt enough but he has no control over the council so he couldnt help me

The bins work out at about 60p per week per household
35 thousand pounds would have got a lot of bins emptied for people then wouldnt it and helped keep our streets cleaner

how much did that funfair on broadway cost again i cant quite put my finger on the amount

i dont even work for the council and like you pointed out i am STUPID yet for some strange reason even a STUPID person like me can figure out that the money from one pathetic venture alone could have gone a long way in paying for weekly collections of the bins

please feel free to call me any other name you feel will distract peoples attention away from HBC'S incompitant handleing of OUR money

Last edited by chav1; 16-06-2005 at 00:20.
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Old 16-06-2005, 02:17   #58
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Re: What a load of RUBBISH!!!!!!!

Chav has some good points that have not been answered like how much the mayor making cost and how many bins could have been emptied with the money? while looking at that look at your maths, Accrington has a population of 32,746 and is part of the borough of Hyndburn which has a population of 79,000. so 800 x 79,000 = 63200000 div by 52 (weeks) =121.54 we are not talking pence here we are talking pounds so 60p comes from where? While we mention our poor hard done by bin men which the council seem to want to protect with new rules every other week, can't get out and actually move bins, to hard for them? what is there job, to empty bins only if the wagon can reverse to the back gate, or if they have to do more then 4hrs work(I say this in jest) a day then we must up thier wages, lets charge more council tax. So what are our eminent councilors doing about this, getting themselves in the paper so that the average joe sees they are doing something about it, no, one comes on here and tries to belittle a concerned resident and starts calling him names and doesn't even bother answering the questions, must have been asked by a damed conserative, nazi,independent, liberal type git not a good old labor head in the sand type guy.

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Old 16-06-2005, 03:00   #59
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Re: What a load of RUBBISH!!!!!!!

i will be the first to admit i can be an a$$hole about some things but on this matter i feel totaly justified in what i say

HBC simply fails in its duty to keep accrington clean period and has shifted the resposibilty of keeping accrington clean onto members of the public who they then make it impossible or at least verry dificult to do so by putting restrictions on how many pickups we get and threaten us with heavy fines of up to £1000 if we dare make too much rubbish for 1 wheelie bin and put extra bags out for collection rather than have waste food and babys nappies rotting away in our homes

our council tax bills are for ever increasing yet the services we recieve get poorer and poorer

the council wasted countless amounts of our money on hair brained schemes and its us the people who suffer from it

call me what you like but i will tell you exactly what i am

i am an average person who is sick and fed up of HBC'S incompitance destroying his home town and making it one of the dirtiest places in the united kingdom and this may come as a shock to you but many people agree with me

you want to call me names and throw insults go right ahead and let everyone remeber the polititian who couldnt even keep his cool on a website and lost the plot over a STUPID chav

Last edited by chav1; 16-06-2005 at 03:06.
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Old 16-06-2005, 07:10   #60
Resident Waffler

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Re: What a load of RUBBISH!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by Bazf
Accrington has a population of 32,746 and is part of the borough of Hyndburn which has a population of 79,000. so 800 x 79,000 = 63200000 div by 52 (weeks) =121.54 we are not talking pence here we are talking pounds so 60p comes from where?

I'm not defending HBC's ability (or lack thereof) to keep the borough clean but I think this is a case of a slight misunderstanding. The £800 quoted covers many other things and not just the refuse collection. If 60p goes to that then £121.94 goes to other things. We all receive a breakdown of those costs when we get our new council tax bills each year. I don't have the latest one to hand so I can't quote any figures. Perhaps Graham could come back and do that for us?

The wheelie bin system is a bit of a farce though and surely there must be a case for families to have more than one bin where necessary and for the rubbish to be disposed of in the correct manner by the correct people and then there wouldn't be any need for £1-a-bag men to go around fly tipping. I can just about manage most fortnights to cram my unrecyclable stuff into one wheelie bin but a larger family or one with a baby in nappies would obviously have more rubbish than us.

Incidentally, yesterday I put cardboard on top of the bin and that went, but we also had a bag full of old tatty and broken coat hangers and that went too, not sure if it was HBC or the burglars though!!

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