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11-12-2016, 15:11
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Re: What a rip off
Originally Posted by Less
Isn't life strange?
A member starts a very negative thread that is of no use to the site, the local community or users of mobility scooters.
Why? Well, lets see.
Now I don't use a mobility scooter...
...yet! however when the inevitability arrives I would like the freedom to choose from whom I purchase one.
I see no use in starting a thread that just calls a local employer without the positive information of any alternative that there may be.
Eventually we were given the name of one such alternative good news for mobility users? I hope so, certainly better than just slagging off that one particular company the thread now offers perhaps a cheaper company that I hope will be of at least the same quality so far as repairs are concerned.
As Cashy says:-
I agree wholeheartedly we should shop around to get the best service for the best price.
We can only shop around however if there is more than one company supplying a service in the area, it is competition that brings down the prices claiming that Millers would fold if another company opened in the area is well, stupid and to state:-
Smacks more of petty jealousy than a reason why a company should close.
As for myself just like the old far' Erm I mean gentleman that thinks someone should face a life time ban more proof of petty and inarticulate thinking.
Strange isn't it he holds grand and weird ideas about life (as do we all) never hesitates to give an opinion on them (rightly or wrongly) and yet anyone he takes a dislike to should be banned for life.
Oh dear, oh dear not really a level playing field is it?
Perhaps it's time he put aside his obvious dislikes and concentrate instead on the parts of life that he claims to know about, Oh hang on, that's everything.
Just a friendly warning, be careful not to upset him or you too might end up with about 10 years worth of venom and bile being poured onto anything you might say.
Thats a belting miiror your lookin in, you've described yourself to a
11-12-2016, 15:21
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Re: What a rip off
Originally Posted by boxermum
Less,you have the right to your opinion,as do I.How do you know that my thread IS'OF NO USE TO THE SITE,THE LOCAL COMMUNITY OR USERS OF MOBILITY SCOOTERS' especially as you admit, you don't use One?.If it is of no use,why the hell do you keep commenting,and defending said Company?
Have you got shares in the place or some family connection,which makes you REPEATEDLY jump to their defence?.Kettle and pot jump to mind,reading YOU last post.Tell me,What USE TO THE SITE, LOCAL COMMUNITY Is YOUR rant about Retlaw?(and me for that matter)..
Read it again and explain to me what good will it do
Originally Posted by boxermum
Oh dear,got a puncture on my mobility scooter.Rang millers,new inner tube, fitted.. £60!!... bought inner tube....less than £10, got someone to fit it...total cost... £20... MILLERS..RIP Off!, NEVER GO THERE...RIP OFF MERCHANTS....
The answer is there, I have said I don't yet use one I also want to be able to choose from where I buy one, I hope when the day comes Millers is still there for me to choose to use them if I wish to.
I keep commenting because I keep being asked questions it would be rude not to reply (almost as rude as shouting and swearing in a thread).
No shares, no family connections just a heartfelt wish for fair play, very easy to call them, very difficult for them to come on here and defend themselves against such a biased opinion.
Well, a rant about Retlaw? Nah, you haven't yet seen me rant about Retlaw nor are you likely to unlike him I have no need, I just point out a few of his imperfections.
As for yourself again read my first post:-
Originally Posted by Less
But are they a rip off?
You were lucky enough to be in a position where you could get the part and repair done for £20.
Was it done as a favour? A mate of yours doing the job without overheads, not charging tax & VAT?
Not everyone can be that lucky, they have to rely on a prompt & professional service to get them mobile again.
I hope this minor problem of a puncture is the worst problem you have with your mobility scooter, however, what if something more serious or technical was to go wrong with it? Would your mate be able to provide the parts and know how needed to get you mobile or would you turn to a company that has been there for years serving the needs of folk such as you?
Perhaps you judge them too harshly?
Hardly a rant?
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
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11-12-2016, 15:23
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Re: What a rip off
Originally Posted by Retlaw
Thats a belting miiror your lookin in, you've described yourself to a
So says a man suffering denial.

“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
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11-12-2016, 16:27
I am Banned
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Re: What a rip off
Last edited by Retlaw; 11-12-2016 at 16:33.
11-12-2016, 17:19
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Re: What a rip off
Originally Posted by Less
Read it again and explain to me what good will it do
The answer is there, I have said I don't yet use one I also want to be able to choose from where I buy one, I hope when the day comes Millers is still there for me to choose to use them if I wish to.
I keep commenting because I keep being asked questions it would be rude not to reply (almost as rude as shouting and swearing in a thread).
No shares, no family connections just a heartfelt wish for fair play, very easy to call them, very difficult for them to come on here and defend themselves against such a biased opinion.
Well, a rant about Retlaw? Nah, you haven't yet seen me rant about Retlaw nor are you likely to unlike him I have no need, I just point out a few of his imperfections.
As for yourself again read my first post:-
Hardly a rant?
Of course you,or anybody else for that matter,can CHOOSE where they buy anything from...I merely pointed out that IMO Millers overcharge ,and until the law of the land takes away my freedom of speech I will continue to inform any and everyone of MY opinion.
As far as I'm aware anyone can join Accyweb and defend themselves, should the need arise.You say you defend because you seek 'fairplay'?.You don't use a mobility scooter,so I presume you don't have need of Millers "services",so, fairplay .....what do you Base your defence On??
11-12-2016, 17:28
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Re: What a rip off
As already stated, I do not yet, use a mobility scooter, I expect to in the future, therefore I am one of millers potential customers, if they still exist by then.
You can of course tell anyone what you want about anything, that in turn allows anyone else (including me) to defend what they feel needs defending from the irresponsibility of others.
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
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11-12-2016, 18:19
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Re: What a rip off
Sorry Less,no time to comment.Husbands just finished decorating lounge,I want to watch the paint Dry! Byeeeee
11-12-2016, 18:26
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Re: What a rip off
I bought a large mobility scooter for my wife when she became ill.
She didn't drive a car so we thought if I was indisposed it would be handy for her to get to the nearest shop half as mile away. Fortunately for me she never had to use it but unfortunately she passed away two years after we got the scooter.
A while later I rang Millercare and explained the situation and they came and collected the scooter and asked how much I wanted for it. I'm not greedy and just wanted rid of the memory so I quoted £750 and they happily paid me. No complaints from me there.
Gremlin R.T.
13-12-2016, 22:43
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Re: What a rip off
Any company that maintains their own premises, employs staff, pays their public liability insurance, rent, utility bills, employer's NI, taxes and rates, and guarantees their work is bound to be more expensive than a DIY job.
That extra £10 you paid to get the innter tube fitted - is the person who you paid going to declare that to HMRC? Thought not.
14-12-2016, 08:00
Coffin Dodger.
Re: What a rip off
Originally Posted by Studio25
Any company that maintains their own premises, employs staff, pays their public liability insurance, rent, utility bills, employer's NI, taxes and rates, and guarantees their work is bound to be more expensive than a DIY job.
That extra £10 you paid to get the innter tube fitted - is the person who you paid going to declare that to HMRC? Thought not.
Any fool knows that, but theres a big difference between £20 @ £60, which you have completely ignored, 
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
14-12-2016, 13:12
I am Banned
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Re: What a rip off
Originally Posted by Studio25
Any company that maintains their own premises, employs staff, pays their public liability insurance, rent, utility bills, employer's NI, taxes and rates, and guarantees their work is bound to be more expensive than a DIY job.
That extra £10 you paid to get the innter tube fitted - is the person who you paid going to declare that to HMRC? Thought not.
So you've had a job priced, and you thinks its a bit much, your struggling with it, along comes a mate, who says I can do that for a fiver, do you say no thanks and finally take it to the over priced firm.
I think not, you like most others will take up your mates offer. Get Real.
14-12-2016, 16:12
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Re: What a rip off
Why ask a question then answer it Yourself? Of course he hasn't declared it.....HE'S A PENSIONER. Thank you anyway,for being sooooo pedantic.
14-12-2016, 20:05
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Re: What a rip off
Originally Posted by boxermum
Why ask a question then answer it Yourself? Of course he hasn't declared it.....HE'S A PENSIONER. Thank you anyway,for being sooooo pedantic.
Back to what I first asked, is it a rip off?
No it isn't, it's a company charging a legitimate price when all taxes and overheads are included.
I'm sure we've all either used or been used as part of the black economy, that does not mean a legitimate company can be called a rip off.
Time to call the job what it was, a 'foreigner' no way can proper business's compete price wise with them, nor should they be called just because they can't.
So ladies and gents, let's put this thread to bed, the vindictive amongst us will always call the true tradesman and any unfortunate soul that happens to point out that the thread shouldn't have been posted in the first place.
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
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15-12-2016, 12:55
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Re: What a rip off
Thanks for all comments on my thread,although some have completely missed the point.It was NOT that the charges would have been more expensive, it was the EXTENT of them.I know (fact)that an inner tube would cost no more than £10 (that is RETAIL not TRADE)..therefore I would have been charged £50 just for a 10min job of fitting it.Anyway I made my point,which I maintain and anyone (IMHO)who think that is NOT a rip off must have money to burn.
Less, I started the thread..so I'LL put it to bed.
16-12-2016, 20:20
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Re: What a rip off
Originally Posted by boxermum
Thanks for all comments on my thread,although some have completely missed the point.It was NOT that the charges would have been more expensive, it was the EXTENT of them.I know (fact)that an inner tube would cost no more than £10 (that is RETAIL not TRADE)..therefore I would have been charged £50 just for a 10min job of fitting it.Anyway I made my point,which I maintain and anyone (IMHO)who think that is NOT a rip off must have money to burn.
Less, I started the thread..so I'LL put it to bed.
Strange as it might seem, it isnt your thread, it is your gift to the world.
You started it, yes indeed, however it now belongs to the WWW anyone that Googles can read it not just a local website.
So far as putting it to bed, not your decision, only the mods can close a thread.
We all should think before we post.
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
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