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Old 16-12-2016, 21:21   #31
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Re: What a rip off

And so should you, Less. You must be a very small man, in every sense of the word. You just have to have the last word, don't you, and true to form, it's a negative one. Retlaw is right, you seem to enjoy giving grief to newbies on this forum. Well, it's not what it used to be, and so I say goodbye.
There are some good things about Accrington Web, and a good few folk I will miss: Margaret Pilkington, dotti, davemac, Max the Collie, Gremlin, Accyexplorer and Dave in Germany to name a few. So long folks.
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Old 16-12-2016, 21:55   #32
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Re: What a rip off

Originally Posted by Less View Post
Back to what I first asked, is it a rip off?
No it isn't, it's a company charging a legitimate price when all taxes and overheads are included.
I'm sure we've all either used or been used as part of the black economy, that does not mean a legitimate company can be called a rip off.
Time to call the job what it was, a 'foreigner' no way can proper business's compete price wise with them, nor should they be called just because they can't.
So ladies and gents, let's put this thread to bed, the vindictive amongst us will always call the true tradesman and any unfortunate soul that happens to point out that the thread shouldn't have been posted in the first place.
Define 'legitimate price'?

Asda pay taxes and overheads and can sell some of the exact same items that they sell at 33% knockdown.

A local bed centre with same overheads and taxes can sell the exact same mattress at less than 2/3 the price that they charge.

You can buy the same rise/fall recliners at a Whitebirk store that are sold by them, again at roughly 2/3 the price...I guess they have similar overheads and taxes to pay too.

The people that actually work in the shop are friendly, caring and fall over backwards to help..

But that still doesn't excuse the fact that the people in the backroom who set the prices in this company are taking advantage of the word 'disability' to artificially inflate their selling and maintenance prices...

So..that's me, Boxermum, Retlaw and Cashy who have had dealings with them holding similar opinions..

Have you had any dealings with them?
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Last edited by Guinness; 16-12-2016 at 22:01.
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Old 16-12-2016, 22:25   #33
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Re: What a rip off

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
Any fool knows that, but theres a big difference between £20 @ £60, which you have completely ignored,
Any fool knows that the difference between those prices is the result of the extra overheads that I listed. Except one fool, maybe.

My £5 price for a 6x4 is a fraction of what other photographers charge, but you can get a 6x4 from a supermarket lab for about 30p. Your logic suggests I'm ripping people off more than that established scooter shop, because their price is 200% more than the DiY alternative while mine is about 1500% more than the DiY alternative.

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Old 16-12-2016, 22:52   #34
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Re: What a rip off

Originally Posted by Studio25 View Post
Any fool knows that the difference between those prices is the result of the extra overheads that I listed. Except one fool, maybe.

My £5 price for a 6x4 is a fraction of what other photographers charge, but you can get a 6x4 from a supermarket lab for about 30p. Your logic suggests I'm ripping people off more than that established scooter shop, because their price is 200% more than the DiY alternative while mine is about 1500% more than the DiY alternative.
There is a difference between paying extra for skill and expertise and paying extra simply because you cater for a disadvantaged group in society
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Old 17-12-2016, 00:29   #35
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Re: What a rip off

OMG!!! You contradictory old sod.(post#28)..."so ladies and gents let's put this thread to bed" can't (post #30).."only the mods can close a thread".Make your bloody mind up.Take your own advice..THINK before you post.As well as taking your own advice,take your medication and go lay down,in a darkened room.
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Old 17-12-2016, 00:36   #36
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Re: What a rip off

Turtle,apologies, I clicked like, not because you say goodbye, but (even though I'm a newby) I quickly pick up on the antagonists on the site,and I 'like' your sentiments.Please rethink,don't go....or the Victor Meldrews win.
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Old 17-12-2016, 01:00   #37
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Re: What a rip off

Millers quoted £60for a 10min job.deduct £10 price of inner tube.That is £50 for fitting × 6that is No of 10 minutes in an hour.=£300 an hour × 8 hrs in working day=£2,400 ONE worker earns for Millers PER DAY.
Well if that don't cover any and every overhead,then I'm a dutchman but definitely no fool.Very weakargument, OBVIOUSLY you didn't go to business school.
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Old 17-12-2016, 09:05   #38
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Re: What a rip off

Originally Posted by Studio25 View Post
Any fool knows that the difference between those prices is the result of the extra overheads that I listed. Except one fool, maybe.

My £5 price for a 6x4 is a fraction of what other photographers charge, but you can get a 6x4 from a supermarket lab for about 30p. Your logic suggests I'm ripping people off more than that established scooter shop, because their price is 200% more than the DiY alternative while mine is about 1500% more than the DiY alternative.
Having had my own business before i retired i know damn well the extra overheads do no where near amount to what you say, so as far as no fool can see yer attempting to con people, put that in yer pipe.
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Old 17-12-2016, 19:45   #39
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Re: What a rip off

Tis the season to be jolly .... fal-a-la-la-lah, lah-la-la-lah?

And a Merry Christmas to us , one & all!
I don't know half of you as well as I should like, and I like half of you, half as well as you deserve. (Bilbo Baggins)
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Old 17-12-2016, 21:15   #40
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Re: What a rip off

I woke up this morning full of the joys of Spring (or rather Summer as it is here), made a cup of caffeine and sat down ready to start the day with my regular perusal of AccyWeb. I normally enjoy the subjects discussed – and like to put my bob’s worth in when I feel I have something to contribute, I like reading the results of AccyX’s treasure hunts, have a laugh with (not ‘at’) the comedians on the site (and there are quite a few who make me smile, many thanks to them) and so on and so forth. In other words I really enjoy being a member of this ‘family’.

However, today I am more than a little disappointed at the direction this particular thread has taken. Instead of the friendly banter that often crops up when posters to a thread disagree on a subject (and we ARE all entitled to our own opinion) this time it appears that an unwelcome element has crept in that is neither amusing nor worthy of AccyWeb members. So consider yourselves all told off (and I’m old so I can do that).

Like DinG writes, it IS the season to be jolly, and it’s (supposedly) a time of good cheer and kindness to each other, so let’s get on with it!!!!!

And Turtle, while I can understand your feelings PLEASE, PLEASE reconsider – you really are a very important member of the Accrington Web family. Please don’t leave us.
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Old 17-12-2016, 22:35   #41
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Re: What a rip off

Oh for crying out loud.....

Some of you should have been around back in the day when Garinda, Jaysay and Tealeaf were around hurling insults at one and sundry..those guys took no could be at daggers drawn on one thread and bosom buddies on the next.....

People have matter how dumb, puerile, abrupt or argumentative they appear to you

It ain't personal....It's the internet...a place full of pedants, know it alls, muppets, curmudgeons, grumpy owd gits, keyboard warriors and trolls.
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Old 18-12-2016, 01:28   #42
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Re: What a rip off

Yes, Guinness, you are quite right – people do have different opinions on things, and thank goodness they do otherwise we would be living in a very boring world. However, when the ones you mention were slinging insults and arguments around their comments were very funny (hilarious at times), well thought out and definitely worth reading.

Last edited by dotti34; 18-12-2016 at 01:31.
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Old 09-02-2017, 19:28   #43
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Re: What a rip off

I was under the impression that if the motobilty scooter has been obtained through the motobility scheme that this and all types of repairs are covered by the scheme.
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