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Old 15-06-2005, 02:06   #166
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Re: What Are They Going To Ban Next????

Originally Posted by Neil
In my line of work our competitors are in China. How are we supposed to compete while we are burdened with such things as climate change levy charges. In China they don't care how much energy they use. Maybe we should nuke them while we still have the chance.
i think this is an appauling example of racism

you left out ...

france , iraq and a few other countries worthy of a nuke

shame on you
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Accrington Web
Old 15-06-2005, 08:12   #167
Resident Waffler

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Re: What Are They Going To Ban Next????

Originally Posted by Neil
I think this is a good example for you A-B.

I had to phone the bank this morning to sort out an online payment that had got lost. The lady I was talking to at the Natwest in Blackburn was struggling to find out who the recipiant of the payment was. After much waiting and messing around by her I asked to speak to the manager. The manager explained that the lady I had been talking to was visually impared and was struggling to see the computer screen. I really had to bite my lip not ask what on earth was she doing working behind a computer screen that she cannot see.
This reminded me of a situation when I worked in a bank and dealt with accounts of deceased customers. It was often necessary to phone solicitors to chase up legal documents. One Accrington based firm was always difficult to deal with because the secretary was profoundly deaf and had difficulty speaking (as is often the case with someone who cannot hear how a word os suppsed to sound) and yet she was the one who answered the phone! I would have to repeat myself to her several times in a slow loud voice before she heard/understood what I was saying. (thus disturbing those around me who couldn't hear who they were trying to converse with on other topics) and I constantly had to ask her to repeat what she was saying because no matter how I tried it was very difficult to understand her as she didn't form her words normally. There's no reason on earth why the woman shouldn't have had a job and earned a living but why oh why was she working in a situation which required her to be able to communicate with people by telephone?

I have my own limitations and I wouldn't expect to be employed to do something I know I'm not capable of doing. It just doesn't make sense.

I really don't see why A-b needs to have a disabled loo on the off-chance that a disabled inspector may someday call there. Should we all also have disabled loos in our homes just in case we get a disabled visitor someday? Should we all have ramped access? In the later years of her life my mother used a wheelchair and had a stannah stairlift at home but we didn't and at the time we lived in a house with steps up the front. When she came to visit we had to bring her round the back way. It wouldn't have made sense to adapt our house to her needs and she wouldn't have expected us to. Where is it all going to end?

On the subject of hot water though, wouldn't it make more sense to have the water in public loos regulated first? I quite often find that you have the option of scalding yourself (with a polite notice saying "caution hot water" kindly warning you in advance) or using freezing cold water as there are very rarely plugs in the sinks so that you can mix the two for a "warm" option. I like my bath water hot too and if I was forced to have it cooled down against my will I'd find that a totally aggravating intrusion. We've recently had a new shower fitted and I was stunned to find that the "removable" shower head had been rendered unmovable by the hose being fixed to the pole thing. When I queried this with the plumber he explained that new regulations now require that the shower head cannot fall to the ground where it may rest in the water in case the water board turned the water off just as it was doing so and it sucked the dirty soapy water back into the mains. My reaction to that was "humph!" and I disconnected it from the pole myself.

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Old 21-06-2005, 19:21   #168
land of hope and glory

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Re: What Are They Going To Ban Next????

same thing going to happen to foxes and everything else the government are going to ban? we will soon be over run with vermin the only meat you will be able to have is that liddle biddy rabbit anyone fancy doing some dogging during there holidays ............(and i dont mean on a car park lol )plenty of rabbits to watch though. never tasted fox? anybody out there tasted it.
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Old 23-06-2005, 09:55   #169
Senior Member+

Re: What Are They Going To Ban Next????

Not only that but the industries are leaving Europe and going there too and i think that should be banned
BigMikDick from krautland
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Old 07-02-2006, 14:53   #170
land of hope and glory

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Re: What Are They Going To Ban Next????

sorry to bring this never dying thread back into circulation but i real think its about time!How many fish are thrown down the bog?Who are all these people that rape the seas and put this beautiful ,colourful attraction into a tank for them to watch swimming around in circles,then after a few weeks they are belly up on the bottom of the tank yes where is the do-gooder brigade when you want them for something constructive!We now have a self confessed murderer on accy web all those who have been watching and waiting(also having a flutter)have had there wish granted all i can say is let this act of terroism be banished from this land of ours....long live the fish:engsmil:
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Old 07-02-2006, 15:27   #171
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Re: What Are They Going To Ban Next????

What does goldfish taste like, anyway? 'Owt like a sardine? I suppose it would be nice grilled, with a bit of ketchup on top.
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Old 07-02-2006, 15:40   #172
land of hope and glory

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Re: What Are They Going To Ban Next????

think you better ask mez that one tea-leaf,think she has had them done allways,and will be having some more soon
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Old 07-02-2006, 16:15   #173
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Re: What Are They Going To Ban Next????

I hope Greg Pope,MP, does not get to hear of this. You know what he's like when it comes to Goldfish.
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Old 07-02-2006, 20:06   #174
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Re: What Are They Going To Ban Next????

Prime Ministers Question Time as there are too many alledged lies.

All comments above are nothing to do with here and therefore not the resposibility of the Accrington Web site owners admins or mods.


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Old 07-02-2006, 20:21   #175
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Re: What Are They Going To Ban Next????

oy im very careful with my fish !!! just 1 that died & i buried him (roy) in the gardenthe others are swimming round the tank quite happily ..... can be seen through my webcam on msn or skype
Ilove accy, thats why i moved back but now im up ossy
'The views expressed here are my own and are not necessarily those of the site'
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Old 08-02-2006, 02:25   #176
land of hope and glory

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Re: What Are They Going To Ban Next????

lmao mez hope your owd trouts live to a ripe old age...........then you can cook them up and put them on skewers for the next accy web meet nobody would notice cause they are always p......d anyway! and they are always hungary,the smell wont put them off ,they will think they are sat next to gary put them in the freezer mez..........................pmsl
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Old 13-02-2006, 07:31   #177
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Re: What Are They Going To Ban Next????

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Old 13-02-2006, 07:35   #178
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Re: What Are They Going To Ban Next????

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Old 13-02-2006, 07:44   #179
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Re: What Are They Going To Ban Next????

your right stag...ritual animal sacrifice is to be of more concern to us than an
organised cull of vermin .... respect to you man!
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Old 13-02-2006, 07:49   #180
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Re: What Are They Going To Ban Next????

Originally Posted by staggeringman
do the people realise that when they see all those dogs chasing a fox,that when caught it is killed instantly. that is one fox that as been targeted for that hunt.The hunt will then go to to the pub for a beer and a natter whilst another fox takes up residence in the dead foxes den.yes it seems unfair but that is the cycle of life.what will the public think when all those dogs have to be put down along with the horses.does slitting an animals throat until it bleeds to death not seem cruel.....YES...but they call that halal and people get away with it, just like the jews get away with how they slaughter there animals.

well said stag.... respect to your words
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