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Old 25-11-2004, 09:09   #76
Filthy / Gorgeous

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Re: What Are They Going To Ban Next????

I don't think that the cost of heart attack drugs is the issue here. All drugs have side effects and some people have worse side effects than others. When you end up having to take multitudes of drugs in order to combat the side effects of others it's a pretty poor do. Several years ago I went on holiday and it was recommended that I take anti malarials. They made me really sick to the point where it was ruining my holiday and I stopped taking them. I didn't get malaria, had a great time and took sensible precautions to avoid the mosquitos. There are alternatives available to drugs. Some people will take nothing, some will go for holistic therapies etc. The drug companies will pooh pooh the idea of anything different because of the loss of money for them that these therapies or doing nowt will entail. Doctors aren't licensed to provide alternatives so they have to go with conventional medicine. What people tend to forget is that everybody is different and what will work for one person will not work for another.
Never put off until tomorrow what you can avoid altogether.

The views expressed here are my own and not necessarily those of my family, friends, employer, this site, my neighbours, hairdresser, dentist, GP, next door's dog or anyone else who knows me..
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Old 25-11-2004, 09:45   #77
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Re: What Are They Going To Ban Next????

I take your points Willow. I think that what I am arguing for here is a good dose of common sense. We all make choices about the way we live our lives and what we choose to put into our bodies. The important thing is that these should be informed choices.

I think I have a fair idea of what my choice to continue smoking is doing to my body. I also have direct, first hand experience of what the drugs prescribed by doctors did to me following the heart attack. Yes, perhaps continuing to smoke does not alleviate the threat of further heart attacks or the onsett of cancer. But it doesn't increase the likihood either, which, according to my reading on the subject, Statins would. The cost of the medication was a mere corollary and nothing to do with my decision to stop taking them. The side effects and the increased risk were the real reason.

We all have stories of family or friends who died in unpleasant circumstances. That is part of the tragedy of life; a quiet death at home, is a rarity.

The living of life and squeezing every drop of pleasure and benefit out of it has to be the most important thing. I do not think that a life lived principally in fear of what might happen is a life "lived" at all.
Enough is ENOUGH Get Britain out of Europe

Last edited by Acrylic-bob; 25-11-2004 at 09:47.
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Old 25-11-2004, 17:10   #78
land of hope and glory

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Red face Re: What Are They Going To Ban Next????

One of my mates and his son took there dogs out for a walk yesterday over chorley,they have three dogs,two lurchers and a little terrier,the terrier was running around the field and the lurchers were on leads.Wasnt long before the police came and arrested them for poaching in pursuit of game!! How could a terrier be in pursuit of game?The two lurchers were on leads so they wernt going to catch out,and the terrier would never have caught a rabbit or a hare!the mind boggles.if an emergency had arisen how long would it have took the police to react to that?
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Old 25-11-2004, 17:46   #79
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Re: What Are They Going To Ban Next????

Errm actually terriers are bred for ratting and rabbiting. Acrylic-Biff, The Terrier With Attitude, is very proud of his hunting abilities. He displayed them today while we were out walking in Clayton. A happy, bouncy little squirrel ran right in front of his nose - not a flicker of interest. But you show him a rat or a rabbit and he moves like Sh-one-t off a shovel. Vrooom and he's gone! Blink and you'll miss him.
Enough is ENOUGH Get Britain out of Europe
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Old 25-11-2004, 17:55   #80
land of hope and glory

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Re: What Are They Going To Ban Next????

Originally Posted by Acrylic-bob
Errm actually terriers are bred for ratting and rabbiting. Acrylic-Biff, The Terrier With Attitude, is very proud of his hunting abilities. He displayed them today while we were out walking in Clayton. A happy, bouncy little squirrel ran right in front of his nose - not a flicker of interest. But you show him a rat or a rabbit and he moves like Sh-one-t off a shovel. Vrooom and he's gone! Blink and you'll miss him.
so that is dinner sorted then eh! a-b
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Old 25-11-2004, 17:57   #81
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Re: What Are They Going To Ban Next????

Quiet. Do you want everyone to know.
Enough is ENOUGH Get Britain out of Europe
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Old 25-11-2004, 18:04   #82
land of hope and glory

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Re: What Are They Going To Ban Next????

if its edible eat it! used to go fly fishing(sorry less not for bluebottles)before i had an accident and give all the trout to the people who i knew would enjoy it!I still see today people bring in veg off their allotments and swapping it for a pheasant or a odd rabbit.A fairer and more economical way to trade eh A-B.!!
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Old 25-11-2004, 22:01   #83
Resident Waffler

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Re: What Are They Going To Ban Next????

no VAT either

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Old 25-11-2004, 22:52   #84
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Re: What Are They Going To Ban Next????

or income tax...
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Old 01-12-2004, 18:32   #85
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Re: What Are They Going To Ban Next????

anyone going rabbitting this week got a good recipe but need the big furry rats!
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Old 22-12-2004, 18:06   #86
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Re: What Are They Going To Ban Next????

19th February Hunts will meet as normal on 19th February

Over 250 packs of foxhounds, hare hounds, deer hounds and other hunts and clubs will meet as normal on Saturday 19th February, the day after the Hunting Act comes into force in England and Wales

up and at them!

Last edited by staggeringman; 22-12-2004 at 18:15.
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Old 22-12-2004, 18:34   #87
land of hope and glory

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Re: What Are They Going To Ban Next????

If anyone wants the sight address for the countryside aliance and wants to have a look into the other half here it is!
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Old 23-12-2004, 16:34   #88
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Re: What Are They Going To Ban Next????

Originally Posted by WillowTheWhisp
In some cases I'd be inclined to agree with you but unfortunately common sense doesn't tend to prevail.

Being in a restaurant enjoying a meal which is suddenly ruined by people at another table who have finished their meal and consider it "common sense" to then light up and waft their smoke over our table leaves me asking whose rights are being violated by whom.

The point about the MMR vaccine is a good one A-b and I can see why you wouldn't want to be dependant on a nicotine substitute instead of on cigarettes. However, it wasn't clear to me whether the "cocktail of drugs" related to your heart attack or to the giving up of smoking. My late husband (who was diabetic and insulin intollerant) took a "cocktail of drugs" which effectively kept him alive and he was very grateful for them. His death (in hospital) was totally unrelated to them or the diabetes but that's another story.

If medication is prescribed following a heart attack I wouldn't recommend anyone just giving it up because of the cost. You may feel fine but does that mean that everything IS fine? I certainly hope so but a friend of mine felt "perfectly fine" the day he set out for work and dropped dead before he even got there.

Don't the cigarettes themselves lay you open to the possibility of further heart attacks and cancer? Three of my grandparents and my mother-in-law all died of cancer. I was too young to know much about the suffering of my grandparents who all died within 6 months of each other when I was 4 years old. They were all 3 in different hospitals at one point which must have been horrendous for my parents. I did witness the suffering and decline of my m-i-l and I wouldn't wish that on anyone. I don't think the stories are idle scaremongering by people with an ulterior motive. And on a purely selfish note I have no wish to die from the effects of "passive" smoking.
Willow I respect your wiews of all you have said. I myself am a very heavy smoker.. Nevertheless, I don't like to upset anyone else because of it. As for your thought that you don't want to die of passive smoking, I can assure you that that with all the laws in place at the present time it would be a sheer impossibilty. It wouldn't matter if you got three or four wiffs a day of ciggy smoke it would probably take a 4 or 500 years to die of passive smoking. You would have to be in it all day. 24/7/52. Yes sure I know it's not pleasant sniffing it, and I for one would not want you to, but we have to be realistic in the sense that if passive smoke is harmful then think of the full amount that is breathed in by the smoker. Actually it seems I am lookin for excuses here . No I'm not. I don't think that non-smokers should be subjected to any cigarette smoke whatsoever. But lets face it, we can all of us sit in a little outside cafe and enjoy lunch and enjoy all the fresh vehicle fumes together. You know the ones I mean. The ones that we can't smell, see, or notice that are far worse than passive smoking will ever be, and it wouldn't bother us a shmuck, and still think we are living in a healthy manner.
P.S. I still love you Willow
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Old 23-12-2004, 17:58   #89
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Re: What Are They Going To Ban Next????

One reason I don't sit on those benches in front of the Town Hall in the nice weather is that they are facing the road and I can smell the traffic fumes which I don't find at all pleasant. I prefer to choose not to smell or breath in things which I find unpleasant never mind whether or not they are harmful.

Yes of course the smoker is taking in far more smoke that the "couple of whiffs" or great billowing clouds that I get second hand but my point there is that I don't want it. The smoker wants it. They choose it. I have it thrust upon me even though I don't want it.

I used to work opposite someone who chain smoked and all during that time I had a persistent cough. When I was transferred the symptoms eased off and then disappeared. His smoking made me suffer. I just don't see it as acceptable. I don't object to what smokers choose to do to themselves, only what they do to others who have no option but to suffer it.

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Old 23-12-2004, 18:30   #90
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Re: What Are They Going To Ban Next????

As I said Willow I accept everything you say. If you were in my company ,I simply wouldn't subject you to my habit. End of story. I still love you
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