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05-05-2005, 17:56
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Re: What Are They Going To Ban Next????
But at least they were prepared to serve a runny egg. Some places won't do for fear of being sued.
05-05-2005, 18:10
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Re: What Are They Going To Ban Next????
One has to laugh at all the stupid rules that come out.My brother had a car accident and the insurance company wanted to pay him 40% less comopensation out.The reason being he must accept that whenever he gets in to his car is that there is a 40% chance of him having an accident.Of course it was quashed in court
BigMikDick from krautland
06-05-2005, 16:24
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Re: What Are They Going To Ban Next????
I can't say as I sympathise with you about the nongs who think these silly rules or bans for this ,that an'tother. We have ,in Oz, loads of dipsticks too. We had the head of the victoria branch of RSPCA call for a ban on insect spray because it was cruel to flies and bugs. Daft sod lost his job not long after. Funny that 
06-05-2005, 16:30
land of hope and glory
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Re: What Are They Going To Ban Next????
Originally Posted by Terry
I can't say as I sympathise with you about the nongs who think these silly rules or bans for this ,that an'tother. We have ,in Oz, loads of dipsticks too. We had the head of the victoria branch of RSPCA call for a ban on insect spray because it was cruel to flies and bugs. Daft sod lost his job not long after. Funny that 
terry are they not going to have that cull on camels yet ? you seem to be getting overun with them down there.
06-05-2005, 16:36
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Re: What Are They Going To Ban Next????
Originally Posted by staggeringman
terry are they not going to have that cull on camels yet ? you seem to be getting overun with them down there.
no they are not they took the hump so they banned it!!
06-05-2005, 17:08
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Re: What Are They Going To Ban Next????
 We don't just have camels that need culling. Allthough I'm not sure that they are culled. There are all the other introduced animals that have turned feral. Camels,horses,cattle sheep,pigs(these are dangerous) dogs, cats, foxes,ferrets,rabbits. The country is so big they can go anywhere. If they find a niche to survive in the're home and hosed. Unfortunately, we can't help to rid them anymore because of the Port Arthur massacre some years ago when some clown shot to death about 40+ people with his semi-automatic. Now we can't have any guns at all without a very legitimate reason. (not that i didn't use mine sensibly) Consequently, I can't even go after my favourite game, the humble rabbit, and there's plenty of them up here despite the rabbit fence. I haven't tasted one for 15 years. Apart from the fact that the rabbit is totally banned in Queensland, even as a pet. The Vic butchers have 'em but that's too far away.  There are camel safaris in the outback where you can hire a camel. 
Last edited by Terry; 06-05-2005 at 17:13.
Reason: bad ambiguous english
06-05-2005, 19:09
land of hope and glory
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Re: What Are They Going To Ban Next????
do you think the government will let in a load of hounds,horses and huntsman, not forgetting the courseing gentlemen who used to keep the farmers fields clear of these succulent little vermin!
06-05-2005, 20:42
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Re: What Are They Going To Ban Next????
Just a word or three about the hunting ban. In days of old when men were bold they hunted to put food on what passed for a table. In this day and age we have no need to hunt for food so now they do it for sport and claim that it is a tradition going back centuries. To justify their cruel sport they claim that hunting with hounds is the only way to control foxes. Hogwash! The hunt is a blood sport, nothing less and takes place to satisfy the blood lust of some people.
Indeed any so called sport that means an animal is injured or killed should be banned and that includes fishing for sport. Although I see nothing wrong in fishing for your supper and I would see nothing wrong in hunting a fox if it was taken home and eaten. But it isn’t. It is chased and ripped apart for the thrill of the chase.
If man and woman wants to participate in a sport they should not use animals to achieve a result.
Originally Posted by -pixie
I fully agree with the smoking ban actually, at least in open public places. I hate walking down the street and breathing in someones second hand smoke. Or if I am standing at the bus stop and someone decides to fill the air with smoke. Their "free will" to smoke, pollutes my personal space.
But pixie you are quite happy to breathe in killer vehicle exhaust fumes. Seems to be a rather odd approach!
I wonder have any of the anti-smoking brigade walked down the street when the traffic alongside comes to a stop for lights or something and they get a face full of exhaust fumes? Did they tap on the driver’s window and complain? No of course not! They would get told where to go.
When you are in your car, anti-smoker, not you pixie, stuck behind a lorry belching smoke and noxious gasses that get right up your nose, do you flag down the driver and explain that his vehicle is polluting your air? When stuck in a traffic jam and the air is foul with fumes, does anyone nip out of their car and remonstrate with the nearest driver?
So why pick on the smoker?
If you anti-smoker are going to castigate the smoker for polluting your air, shouldn’t you also go after drivers who do far, far worse than a few fags?
Oh! I get it! You drive or use public transport so it’s OK to pollute other people’s air but you don’t smoke so we must not do so either or at least do so away from your lungs.
A classic case of hypocrisy if ever there were one.
06-05-2005, 21:15
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Re: What Are They Going To Ban Next????
Originally Posted by jambutty
But pixie you are quite happy to breathe in killer vehicle exhaust fumes. Seems to be a rather odd approach!
Talk about dredging up an old response...
Where did I state that I was quite happy to breathe in "killer vehicle" exhaust fumes?
As I stated on page 2 of this discussion, I do not smoke and do not drive. I walk everywhere as its easier with a pram and my workplace is within walking distance. I try and avoid busy roads as much as possible because I prefer myself and my son to get fresh air.
Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult.
06-05-2005, 21:56
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Re: What Are They Going To Ban Next????
Originally Posted by jambutty
If man and woman wants to participate in a sport they should not use animals to achieve a result.
them jockys would sure look strange galloping around a race track with no horses
and could you please explain how the hell i am supposed to go badger baiting without a badger to bait
most fishermen throw the fish back as it is now the policy to do so at registered places to fish but i have to admit the fish's screams of pain when you remove the hook can send chills down your spine
anyway i cant stop and chat ive got a dancing bear to train up for my kids birthday party 
07-05-2005, 01:24
land of hope and glory
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Re: What Are They Going To Ban Next????
cruel sport have you seen how they do away with animals to put on your table all the s..t they leave in it to make it look better, a friend of mine went to do a job at a burger making place all he saw was a 30ft by 30ft steel plate on a wall your carcasses was sent along this wall and all the meat and sinew was blasted off with air compression onto this wall and a big shammy was sent across to clean it this disposing all the c..p into a bin that was then put into the burger mix, hope you enjoy your next burger!think what your kids are going to eat next?????
07-05-2005, 02:09
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Re: What Are They Going To Ban Next????
i think killing a cow for burgers is just plain sick
best to kill them young and get veal 
07-05-2005, 20:05
Apprentice Geriatric
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Re: What Are They Going To Ban Next????
A good start pixie but did you not have a response to the rest of my argument? Could you not bring yourself to admit that you have never remonstrated with a driver about the filth coming out of the back of his/her vehicle but you are quite prepared to condemn a smoker?
OK! So you didn’t actually say that you were happy to breathe in killer exhaust fumes but you object to second hand smoke yet do not object to first hand exhaust fumes so if you don’t object you must approve by default.
It may be dredging up an old response but it is no older than the anti-smoking campaign with what it costs the NHS etc.
Your fresh air that you claim to breathe is not as fresh as you think. It is polluted by exhaust fumes and industry far more than by tobacco smoke. The only reason that you don’t notice it is because it is there all the time and you have got used to it. You can get used to working in a cess pit after a while and not smell the contents.
Take down this fact. The prevalence of asthma in the young is increasing and has been for the last twenty years. By a strange coincidence the motor vehicle has also proliferated in that time and the incidence of smoking has gone DOWN.
Just think as you walk down the road with a toddler by your side. His/her head is barely 3 feet above the ground, which is inches above where the vehicles spew out their poison. Kids in pushchairs are even more prone. Those poor souls are closer to the ground and thus just about get the full force of an exhaust straight into their faces and lungs.
Go for smokers by all means but go for a far worse killer the internal combustion engine as well or risk being labelled an out and out hypocrite. If you don’t fancy your chances tackling a driver about his air pollution then you have no just right to go after tobacco smokers.
Originally Posted by chav1
them jockys would sure look strange galloping around a race track with no horses
and could you please explain how the hell i am supposed to go badger baiting without a badger to bait
most fishermen throw the fish back as it is now the policy to do so at registered places to fish but i have to admit the fish's screams of pain when you remove the hook can send chills down your spine
anyway i cant stop and chat ive got a dancing bear to train up for my kids birthday party 
There is nothing strange about athletics where human beings gallop (race) around a racetrack. chav1. At least they do so on their own two feet and not on the back of an animal driving it on with the occasional, or even continual, swipe with a whip. A horse is a flight animal rather than a fight animal and humans are exploiting this character to force the horse to run as fast as it can in order to win a race. A lion is a fight animal so let’s see the human exploit that character and fight the lion.
Yes I have seen how a well run abattoir kills animals staggeringman and no I don’t eat burgers and when my kids were at home (the youngest is 32 now) they didn’t get burgers either unless we made them ourselves from a cut of meat. We didn’t eat processed meat other than corned beef.
07-05-2005, 21:25
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Re: What Are They Going To Ban Next????
Originally Posted by jambutty
A good start pixie but did you not have a response to the rest of my argument? Could you not bring yourself to admit that you have never remonstrated with a driver about the filth coming out of the back of his/her vehicle but you are quite prepared to condemn a smoker?
Seeing as how most of them tend to be IN cars and theres me on foot I can't say I have. I learned my Green Cross Code.
Originally Posted by jambutty
OK! So you didn’t actually say that you were happy to breathe in killer exhaust fumes but you object to second hand smoke yet do not object to first hand exhaust fumes so if you don’t object you must approve by default.
Says who? Since when?
Originally Posted by jambutty
Just think as you walk down the road with a toddler by your side. His/her head is barely 3 feet above the ground, which is inches above where the vehicles spew out their poison. Kids in pushchairs are even more prone. Those poor souls are closer to the ground and thus just about get the full force of an exhaust straight into their faces and lungs.
Which is why I tend to avoid the busier roads. I am not disputing what you say here, I just do my bit to reduce my sons exposure to such fumes.
Originally Posted by jambutty
Go for smokers by all means but go for a far worse killer the internal combustion engine as well or risk being labelled an out and out hypocrite. If you don’t fancy your chances tackling a driver about his air pollution then you have no just right to go after tobacco smokers.
Originally Posted by jambutty
I'll run that risk thank you very much. The main difference as I see it is that smoking is done purely for personal pleasure. It serves no purpose whatsoever.
Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult.
07-05-2005, 23:07
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Re: What Are They Going To Ban Next????
I'm with Pixie on this one. I don't like the smell of smoke and I don't like it in my hair and on my clothes. When I've been in a smoke-filled room I want to wash my hair and clothes because the smell lingers. I don't find the smell of traffic lingers on me in the same way but as you said that could simply be because I'm used to it as I walk outside every day and I'm not used to smoke and don't experience a smoky atmosphere very often.
To someone who does smoke the lingering smell (the stale smell which lingers is far worse than the "fresh" second hand smoke) probably isn't even noticeable but to a non-smoker who is used to smoke free environment it is all to apparent and yucky.
If I choose to go into an environment where there is smoke then it's my choice and I don't feel I have any cause to object. I do however have a ban on smoking in my house because I choose to keep it smelling nice and neutral. (Stale smoke "disguised" by air freshener doesn't count as fresh)
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