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22-05-2013, 13:19
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What can/can't the Mayor do for Accrington
Originally Posted by Barrie Yates
One particular item always gets my back up - don't know how long the EU has been an organisation but the auditors have never signed off on the accounts. That suggests to me that there is a great deal of money that cannot be accounted for, in other words a lot of money has been misappropriated
What other organisation or business could operate without having it's accounts audited and verified? 
Bank of England has been in existence since 1694. It has never been audited and even the Audit Commission has no right to enter. However, in the unlikely event that any money was missing they can just print a few more sheets.
22-05-2013, 13:33
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Re: What can/can't the Mayor do for Accrington
Originally Posted by GEaston
I think Mark Carney will also be excellent. He has an excellent track record, and I think it's a stellar replacement of one of the most important jobs in the country.
Change is required in Europe, everyone knows that, but It's not as clear cut as stay or leave. Short term, too many British jobs depend on it.
Yup ... you need a Canadian to sort things out 
22-05-2013, 13:36
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Re: What can/can't the Mayor do for Accrington
Originally Posted by GEaston
The EU is the largest trading black in the world.
If this is the case, why are so many members of the EU in the red   
22-05-2013, 13:41
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What can/can't the Mayor do for Accrington
Accy - Britain is not bailing out any European country. Euro bailouts are for the European Central Bank to which we do not contribute. The Tory govt rejected the Euro and whatever your politics you must give them credit for that.
We don't have their currency so we don't have their problems. We are free to let our currency depreciate versus all others and that makes the UK competitive in Europe and the rest of the world so we have more tools with which we can recover. In the immediate aftermath of the banking crisis the pound was depreciated (by both statements and policy actions of the BoE) by about 30%. While it might not feel like it the country is in far better state because we can do that.
The problem UK has is that London is the undisputed world centre of finance (particularly Foreign Exchange) and as a result we have something like 1000 banks operating from it. The banking system here is 6x the size of our entire economy so if it so much as sneezes we have a big problem.
Nothing to do with people coming into the country and claiming benefits. That is trivial compared to broken banks. Consider this...... Total annual welfare bill (of all claimants real or bogus is £30bn per year). Fixing the 100% Scottish bank RBS cost English taxpayers £44bn and counting. Scottish bank, Scottish board, Scottish HQ, Scottish failure, English bailout (because the sum involved was same size as the entire annual Scottish budget). Bank of Scotland another £12bn. Not heard a word of thanks or apology from Alex Salmond. Ah but of course the two who made that decision, Gordon Brown and Alistair Darling are Scots......
22-05-2013, 13:55
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Re: What can/can't the Mayor do for Accrington
i dont know where you get your information from GEaston but we have bailed out greece twice.Just because we dont have the euro it dosnt mean they wont take our money or that we ar eobliged to pay them our money .We are part of the EU and its problems regardless of our currency
David Cameron has won his battle to limit the amount of money the UK will have to contribute towards a second financial bail-out for Greece.
The current 110bn euros ($156bn; £98bn) Greek rescue package is a combination of funds from fellow eurozone nations and the International Monetary Fund.
With a second bail-out due in the autumn, there had been a suggestion cash from EU-wide funds may be used.
didnt we also give a crap load of money to Ireland for tehir bail out also
maybe the UK should stop paying tax and get a bail out if not two bail outs
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ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right
Last edited by accyman; 22-05-2013 at 14:01.
22-05-2013, 14:34
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What can/can't the Mayor do for Accrington
Greece was a special case that was additionally bailed out by the IMF. We are part of the IMF as indeed are most other nations, so yes in that regard we have a minor exposure.
Ireland was a loan situation agreed on a bilateral basis between the UK govt and Ireland. The UK considered the actual collapse of Ireland to be too great a risk to our country so went and lent them some. What we lent to Ireland is a tiny fraction of ECB lending of which we take no part.
In reality there's so much cross lending that its hard to know extent of it, but as I've said elsewhere I believe modern day finance to be something of a giant Ponzi scheme.
22-05-2013, 14:47
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Re: What can/can't the Mayor do for Accrington
one could argue we have no buisness lending money when we are borrowing it hand over fist and definatly not giving it away.Did tehse cretins not think to put a clause into any aggrements made saying that money would not be given if we wernt in a position to give money away ?
if a friend asks me to lend him a tenner i look at what money i have and how much i need to make sure my kids dont go without and my bills get paid etc
if i can spare that tenner he or she will get it under a condition it is paid back before any more money is lent to him or her and has to be paid back on an agreed date
if friend dosnt pay back or is constantly borrowing week to week friend gets cut off
if i can figure out you make sure yur own dont go without before giving or lending money then i dont see why government cant ?
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ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right
Last edited by accyman; 22-05-2013 at 14:50.
22-05-2013, 17:14
Resting in Peace
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Re: What can/can't the Mayor do for Accrington
Originally Posted by Barrie Yates
One particular item always gets my back up - don't know how long the EU has been an organisation but the auditors have never signed off on the accounts. That suggests to me that there is a great deal of money that cannot be accounted for, in other words a lot of money has been misappropriated
What other organisation or business could operate without having it's accounts audited and verified? 
Think it would be illegal to even try Barrie, but it would be very interesting to know just what our money is wasted on, ups sorry  spent on wouldn't it 
22-05-2013, 17:16
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Re: What can/can't the Mayor do for Accrington
Originally Posted by accyman
corrupt to the core and if i am correct not one euro mp is elected its a dictoatorship
They do have elections every 5 years Accyman, on the Google Page Ranking system, not sure when the next one is
22-05-2013, 17:18
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Re: What can/can't the Mayor do for Accrington
Originally Posted by jaysay
They do have elections every 5 years Accyman, on the Google Page Ranking system, not sure when the next one is
do we elect our euro mps or does government decide who gets to be a euro mp ?
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ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right
22-05-2013, 18:11
Resting in Peace
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Re: What can/can't the Mayor do for Accrington
Originally Posted by accyman
do we elect our euro mps or does government decide who gets to be a euro mp ?
We elect them once every 5 years nothing to do with the government
22-05-2013, 18:21
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Re: What can/can't the Mayor do for Accrington
what has Europe got to do with the mayor of accrington?
The views expressed in this post is mine and mine alone anyone want to argue well tough!!!
22-05-2013, 18:22
Coffin Dodger.
Re: What can/can't the Mayor do for Accrington
Originally Posted by shillelagh
what has Europe got to do with the mayor of accrington?
Accys the capital of Europe. 
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
22-05-2013, 20:14
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Re: What can/can't the Mayor do for Accrington
Originally Posted by shillelagh
what has Europe got to do with the mayor of accrington?
i think it jumped from mayor to councilors ,to MPs then to MPs that lie ,to graham jones to europe
without reading all teh posts again thats about as close as i can explain it
All comments above are everything to do with here and therefore the resposibility of the Accrington Web website owners admins and mods.
ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right
22-05-2013, 21:03
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Re: What can/can't the Mayor do for Accrington
Perhaps our Mayor will ask Tesco to build a drive-through.
A mayor who drove through the doors of his local Tesco Express is blaming his car's brakes, his colleague has said.
BBC News - Mayor Terry Buckle 'blames brakes' for Tesco car crash
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