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View Poll Results: what should happen?
land sold to make space for new things 7 20.59%
should be fixed up and stay as a baptist church 16 47.06%
knocked down and dont really care what happens 11 32.35%
Voters: 34. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 17-09-2004, 13:01   #16
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Re: what do you think should happen to cannon street church?

No idea, Atarah provided the list, I think, and would probably know. If not, let me know and I will try to find out.
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Old 25-09-2004, 08:06   #17
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Re: what do you think should happen to cannon street church?

Cannon Street Baptist Church is Grade II Listed and is in a Conservation Area, so demolition should be difficult. Grade II listing means that the inside can be hacked about as the owner pleases but the outside may not be altered without permission.

I would think that it is incumbent on HBC to ensure that the building retains some form of public usage. It would make an ideal location for a borough museum and could easily be connected to the Library in St. James's Street. There is, apparently a large body of artefacts from the history of the borough, that are seldom, if ever, seen by the public. Such a museum would present a great educational resource to the borough.
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Old 25-09-2004, 08:21   #18
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Re: what do you think should happen to cannon street church?

Great idea about a museum of local artefacts A-b.

Also - the inside would surely be high enough to allow the location of the Accy (ex-Arndale) clock! Sorted!

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Old 25-09-2004, 08:55   #19
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Re: what do you think should happen to cannon street church?

Excellent Idea! And also the remains of the Ashton-Frost Steam Engine. Now all we need to do is find someone on HBC with a bit of Vision and Foresight. I don't hold out too much hope.
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Last edited by Acrylic-bob; 25-09-2004 at 08:56.
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Old 25-09-2004, 11:30   #20
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Re: what do you think should happen to cannon street church?

It's funny how there seems to be a public outcry when any building of this nature is threatened with conversion into something seen as undesirable, or even worse, demolition. I would like to bet that the majority of people mourning the fate of this and other similar buildings (e.g. Sacred Heart) have never stepped a foot inside them. Perhaps if these same people had used the buildings for their intended purposes they would not now be under the threat of impending demolition or whatever. Just a thought.
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Old 26-09-2004, 22:41   #21
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Re: what do you think should happen to cannon street church?

Well I've stepped inside both of them more than once but I'm not actually of the persuasion of either and go to my own church every Sunday. It doesn't mean I wouldn't like to see the building retained and used for a purpose which would benefit the town, which I think a museum would. It could also incorporate the history of the church itself.

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Old 24-03-2005, 15:56   #22
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Re: what do you think should happen to cannon street church?

It would indeed make a fine museum;was looking at some old Accy photos last night and it's quite staggering how many of the Churches have disappeared.The one that used to be on the site of the Swan carpark was a fantastic building!
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Last edited by lindsay ormerod; 24-03-2005 at 15:59.
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Old 24-03-2005, 17:27   #23
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Re: what do you think should happen to cannon street church?

isnt it gods house therefore bleongs to everybody

since when has god been into realestate

if anything it shouldnt be sold it should be given and since its supposedly gods house let the christians decide what to use it for and make sure muslims dont get it

maybe a new nursery or dare i say it a dentists as we need them more than ever now especialy NHS ones

as an athiest i dont care much for any religeous use but let it be used for somthing us white folk can use as well for a change instead of pandering the so called minoritys
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Old 24-03-2005, 17:28   #24
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Re: what do you think should happen to cannon street church?

No point having a dental surgery without an actual dentist to put in it.

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Old 24-03-2005, 17:30   #25
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Re: what do you think should happen to cannon street church?

should be kncoked down and something else put there
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Old 24-03-2005, 17:38   #26
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Re: what do you think should happen to cannon street church?

Originally Posted by WillowTheWhisp
No point having a dental surgery without an actual dentist to put in it.
for the money dentists earn i will gladly nip to homebase and kit myself out and give it a go
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Old 25-03-2005, 06:36   #27
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Re: what do you think should happen to cannon street church?

Chav's earlier comment about the ownership of the building got me thinking. Presumably the building and the land it stands on were financed, in one way or another, by public subscription. Surley then, natural justice would seem to dictate that the descendants of those subscribers should have some moral right in determining the fate of the building.
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Old 25-03-2005, 12:33   #28
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Re: what do you think should happen to cannon street church?

As it's a Baptist church doesn't the building and land belong to the baptists? If it was built by "public subscription" presumably it was baptist public rather than general Accy inhabitants? I know there were bank accounts with money in which had been donated by members or bequeathed in wills etc which were for specific purposes only and couldn't be used for anything else. I don't know if the decendants of those benefactors would have any say in the matter but if Cannon Street Baptists ceases/has ceased to exist I wonder what happens to the money in those funds?

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Old 26-03-2005, 21:43   #29
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Re: what do you think should happen to cannon street church?

accrington victoria hospital was built by and paid for by the people of accrington yet we get sod all say in it been turned into a minor injuries place
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Old 26-03-2005, 21:46   #30
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Re: what do you think should happen to cannon street church?

It already is accident and emergency as well as community hospital.

sorry misread your post.

Last edited by janet; 26-03-2005 at 21:47.
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