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Old 31-08-2005, 20:27   #16
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Re: What do0o0o you think...

I believe in a basic Christian ideal, which to me equates to pure socialism, of treating people of how you would be like to be treated yourself.

As for organised religion, it's happened in every unconnected civilisation since we first dragged ourselves out of the primeval swamp. It's a natural hope that there must be something else.

No offence to anybody elses beliefs, but to me a belief in a supreme life force is just an aid to living, like a stick is to a cripple.

Ashes to ashes, and in my case, dust to quite a big pile of dust.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 01-09-2005, 14:55   #17
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Re: What do0o0o you think...

Originally Posted by JohnW
If you read your New Testament, it will tell you that the only way to God is through Jesus Christ. If you do not accept Him as your personal saviour you will not be spending any time in heaven. Where did you come up with this stuff above?
Then I'm pretty damn screwed, cause I bow to no man, even if it was Jesus, why should I bow down to something that is no better than myself? Of course if GOD appeared infront of me I'd be licking his boots.

Originally Posted by grannyclaret
samuel.. i am beginning to find that i dont care for your lifestyle very much,, but that is your choice... first you blag your way through life predending to be smarter and cleverer than you are and you cant be bothered to be nice to people, because there is nothing to gain...
why not try to be nice ,you may get a nice suprise ,,and you might find your not so bad after all ..and as for the suvival of the fittest ,it should not be a dog eat dog world...
I don't try to make out I'm smarter than I am, I just work on a differant level than anyone else does, infact it's slowly turning my mind inside out making me as smart as a piece of fruit.

I am nice to people, just because I said i don't see the point in it if there wasn't a god, doesn't mean I'm a meany, but then again how can you be nice in a place like accy with the people, I havn't met one nice decent honest person in Accrington yet that's around my age, yeah I understand you adults are but I'm still a teen, how can I be nice when most people are a-wholes, I admit there are nice people in accy but they never think to come out they just stay in all the time.

How can I be nice when you hate all your mates, all me mates are scum all they do0o0 is get pilled up, go clubbin, or s.h.a.g everyday it's the same crap everyday and it's really borin me.
[who dares wins]

Last edited by Samael; 01-09-2005 at 15:07.
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Old 01-09-2005, 15:13   #18
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Re: What do0o0o you think...

This is an unfortunate part of teen life, their peers first and no one else matters.

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Old 01-09-2005, 15:17   #19
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Re: What do0o0o you think...

Originally Posted by SPUGGIE J
This is an unfortunate part of teen life, their peers first and no one else matters.
yeah I agree at like 14 - 16 but now it's takin the mickey, no ones growin up, they still think they can mess around and do the same crap they did when they where 14.
[who dares wins]
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Old 01-09-2005, 15:33   #20
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Re: What do0o0o you think...

I know what you mean...but do you not like anyone there???
I thought the meaning of 'mates' was you like them do nearly everything together..have fun.. I know it's hard sometimes but you just have to keep on going!!
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Old 01-09-2005, 15:37   #21
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Re: What do0o0o you think...

We have loads of great young people on here all from Accy or round about.

I'm not going to show them up by naming them, but a lot of them come in the chatroom and also the Stanley section.

We should never generalise.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 01-09-2005, 15:38   #22
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Re: What do0o0o you think...

Originally Posted by Samael
Then I'm pretty damn screwed, cause I bow to no man, even if it was Jesus, why should I bow down to something that is no better than myself? Of course if GOD appeared infront of me I'd be licking his boots.
Again, if you read your New Testament; Jesus is God. Three in one, The Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Might I, respectully, suggest that you read up on some of this stuff prior to making decisions and voicing your opinion with such assured vehemence.

As to your reply to GrannyClaret regarding being nice to people. Treating people as you would like them to treat you is a very good maxim to follow. Many of the teachings in the Christian faith are worthwhile even if you don't believe in any kind of God or the hereafter. If all your, so called, mates (they don't really sound like mates from your description) treated other people the way they would like to be treated, you may find them to be more to your liking. They may also gain some self-respect which, if your description of them is accurate, they seem to be sadly lacking at the moment. However, if as is suggested by the tone of your postings, you wish to be a strong and independant person, don't bow to the peer pressure, do what you consider to be the right thing in your heart and start a new fashion. We need a lot of people to do that in order to put this, rapidly festering, world to rights.
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Last edited by JohnW; 01-09-2005 at 15:50.
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Old 01-09-2005, 15:38   #23
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Re: What do0o0o you think...

People do not want to grow up childhood is care free with no worries so the result is you get small bands of people stay together at the expense of othres. Samael it is a downer but there must be a release someware.

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Old 01-09-2005, 15:44   #24
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Re: What do0o0o you think...

Originally Posted by JohnW
Again, if you read your New Testament; Jesus is God. Three in one, The Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Might I, respectully, suggest that you read up on some of this stuff prior to making decisions and voicing your opinion with such assured vehemence.

As to your reply to GrannyClaret regarding being nice to people. Treating people as you would like them to treat you is a very good maxim to follow. Many of the teachings in the Christian faith are worthwhile even if you don't believe in any kind of God or the hereafter. If all your, so called, mates (they don't really sound like mates from your description) treated other people the way they themselves would like to be treated, you may find them to be more to your liking. They may also gain some self-respect which, if your description of them is accurate, they seem to be sadly lacking at the moment. However, if as is suggested by the tone of your postings, you wish to be a strong and independant person, don't bow to the peer pressure, do what you consider to be the right thing in your heart and start a new fashion. We need a lot of people to do that in order to put this, rapidly festering, world to rights.
How we choose to live and treat others is determined by the society we live in. If everyone followed the New Testement to the letter then we would make no social intergration have no tolerence and have the equivelent of the crusades again (not just Iraq).

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Old 01-09-2005, 15:53   #25
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Re: What do0o0o you think...

Originally Posted by SPUGGIE J
How we choose to live and treat others is determined by the society we live in. If everyone followed the New Testement to the letter then we would make no social intergration have no tolerence and have the equivelent of the crusades again (not just Iraq).

Sorry, we have to agree to disagree on this one. How YOU choose to treat other people is determined by YOU. I did not suggest that the New Testament be followed to the letter, I suggested that many Christian ideals were good and worthwhile and I sited the one about treating other people the way you would like to be treated as a good example.
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Old 01-09-2005, 21:04   #26
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Re: What do0o0o you think...

I too am an Atheist, but that doesn't mean I'm an horrible person, infact I respect people for who they are regardless of any religous beliefs, I tend to treat other people how I like to be treated and never preach or comment about anyone elses beliefs, I believe that you reap what you sow.
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Old 01-09-2005, 22:36   #27
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Re: What do0o0o you think...

Do what you want so long has it harms no one
Including yourself.
Remember what comes around goes around.
I started out has C of E and have tried quite a few different religions.
The above condences my belief into a few words.
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Old 02-09-2005, 18:31   #28
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Re: What do0o0o you think...

Wow, this is a really deep topic. I don't have a tremendous amount of time for organised religion but I do think there is a place for specific religious ceremonies - weddings, christenings, funerals, etc as they help to affirm the right messages both within and to other people. For instance, I don't go to church weekly but I would not have felt right if I hadn't had a proper Catholic wedding.

I just try to be nice to people the rest of the time and hope that everyone treats me with the same sort of respect.

The views expressed within this post are mine and mine alone.

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Old 02-09-2005, 18:54   #29
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Re: What do0o0o you think...

Religion is a personal thing which people practice their own way. You do not have to be a church regular to be religious. There are occaisions when a church, chapel, mosque, temple, priest, vicar, iman, lhama whatever but that does not make you a lesser person because you use them at times of joy or sorrow that is part of the remit.

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Old 02-09-2005, 19:05   #30
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Re: What do0o0o you think...

I'm an atheist, but love religious music, everything from Bessie Smith's moving gospel singing to Faure's Requiem, it brings joy into my heart.

I was going to put soul, but of course I don't believe I have one!
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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