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04-03-2010, 11:51
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What ever next
04-03-2010, 12:24
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Re: What ever next
The views expressed in this post is mine and mine alone anyone want to argue well tough!!!
04-03-2010, 12:58
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Re: What ever next
I was bullied verbally at secondary school - it assumes great proportions when you are young.
I took great delight in reminding that bully of her behavior when we met at a school reunion a few years ago. As a retired head teacher she shrivelled with embarassment
When I was doing granny duty collecting my three from primary school, one of my grandsons was afraid due to threats of violence from another boy. I gave him my car keys so that he could lock himself in my car, and went into school to make his teacher aware of the problem.
Little kids can be big bullies
Stop it early before it becomes habitual
Last edited by MargaretR; 04-03-2010 at 13:03.
04-03-2010, 20:08
Common Sense Member
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Re: What ever next
I agree with your basic premise, Margaret, but part and parcel of school life is taking a few hard knocks. I hated most of my time in school because I was never one of the popular kids but nobody was immune to being picked on. I don't know one person who looks back fondly on being a pupil more because of the other kids than the teachers and lessons.
When I was at primary school, absolute fear of the fourth form teacher was a superb deterrent. He would wield George the Slipper with neither grace nor gravy if anyone stepped out of line and it certainly made most of us think twice. Sadly, those days are gone.
I fear that being listed on the 'hate register' will come to be viewed as the same high accolade that ASBOs are in certain areas of the community. By the same token, it is also a system open to abuse and false accusations.
Bullying is something that should be nipped in the bud but I'm not convinced that giving teachers even more paperwork so that there can be new statistics and league tables of the best and worst schools is the way.
04-03-2010, 21:25
a multieloquent Mule
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Re: What ever next
Originally Posted by jaysay
Dabs, Mug shots & details in a DNA database, you never can tell by the time he's 6 or 7, he'll be inciting riots. Pathetic Kids are Kids & they say things with no inference what so ever. Words like Mong, Pleb & Spaz were often enough bandied around the playgrounds & parks of Britain all through out the 70's & 80's, I presume in the 90's also but not as frequently due to the creeping insidious grip of PCness crawling across the Land.
We had Winners & Losers, non of this pussy attitude everyone's a Winner. They need to learn to take their knocks & disappointments because that's what life is about. They need to be allowed to learn amongst their Peers as to how the game is played, the game of life is cruel & hard. If they can't learn how to handle it now because of these imbecilic rules & regulations imposed on them, they'll grow to be even sorrier Adults.
To what end ? No discipline & determination ! No fighting spirit or understanding of injustice ! How to stand up against it for themselves & the weaker amongst them ! the Noughties Generation will sadly be the poorer for it. I don't think I'd like to be around to see the sorry demise of a once Proud Nation. Will someone please turn out the lights as the darkness descends on our Country.
04-03-2010, 21:48
Beacon of light
Re: What ever next
while I appreciate that bullying is not acceptable, neither is this.
We are rearing children who are going to be unable to cope with any kind of criticism, and the climate they will eventually face once they leave school.
Yes, children can be cruel in their jibes, but then the world is sometimes a cruel place......where are children being taught to build strategies to cope with what life and the world throws at them?
I was taught that bullies can't take being stood up to, and that to stand up to them and face them down was the only way.
I worked with colleagues(Consultants mainly) who thought it was Ok to bully their staff.......to bellow at them for things that they had no control of.
I would not accept this type of treatment......I stood my ground, and gained life experience and also respect from the people who were bullies with others.
I feel that there are other ways of dealing more effectively with this kind of situation, than the ones that are proposed.
We are in a mad mad world.......a world where someone who tortured and killed a child can be allowed out of prison on licence, who can have their identity changed, their anonymity protected, and yet we want to criminalise children for name calling.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
04-03-2010, 22:53
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Re: What ever next
Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington
while I appreciate that bullying is not acceptable, neither is this.
We are rearing children who are going to be unable to cope with any kind of criticism, and the climate they will eventually face once they leave school.
Yes, children can be cruel in their jibes, but then the world is sometimes a cruel place......where are children being taught to build strategies to cope with what life and the world throws at them?
I was taught that bullies can't take being stood up to, and that to stand up to them and face them down was the only way.
I worked with colleagues(Consultants mainly) who thought it was Ok to bully their staff.......to bellow at them for things that they had no control of.
I would not accept this type of treatment......I stood my ground, and gained life experience and also respect from the people who were bullies with others.
I feel that there are other ways of dealing more effectively with this kind of situation, than the ones that are proposed.
We are in a mad mad world.......a world where someone who tortured and killed a child can be allowed out of prison on licence, who can have their identity changed, their anonymity protected, and yet we want to criminalise children for name calling.
Totally agree ... bullies feed on fear ... stand your ground and they could back off ... if they don't, let 'em know they've been in a scrap  ... they won't be back.
05-03-2010, 09:44
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Re: What ever next
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
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