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Old 13-03-2012, 18:39   #1
God Member

what is our government playing at

ok i know its a long standing joke that the UK is americas lap dog but this really is too far

A 23-year-old Sheffield student Richard O'Dwyer is been extrodited to the USA because he broke USA copyright law which if he had done in the USA then fair enough but this young chap didnt commit this crime in the USA he broke it here in the UK where what he did is not illigal or a crime at all.Home Secretary Theresa May has today signed his extrodition papers .

Now today i have broke USA law and so have millions of other people as we drove on teh left hand side of teh road so should we expect to be extrodited to the USA to face trial for doing so.We havnt broken any UK law in doing so infact people having sex at 16 in this country have broken USA law so should they be extrodited and charged with rape?

If we post a youtube link and it infringes americas copyright law will teh site be shut down and its offending member and site owner be extrodited also?

I genuinly cant believe how a UK citizen who hasnt broken any UK law can be extrodited to the USA for braking one of tehir laws on UK soil it just beggars belief.

Also extrordinary how we cant extrodite a wanted terrorist to america but this is acceptable to our government .
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ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right

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Old 13-03-2012, 22:23   #2
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re: what is our government playing at

The story of Richard O'Dwyer, if anyone's unfamiliar with it.

British student Richard O?Dwyer 'sold down the river' as Home Secretary approves extradition - Crime - UK - The Independent

There's a petition, for people to sign, if they think the extradition treaty we have with the US is unfair.

Stop Extradition - Fair UK Trial for Richard O'Dwyer Petition

It is frightening, that people can sit behind their computers, feeling safe and protected, yet they could be breaking laws abroad, which will be enforced by this country's extradition agreements.

The virtual world is very small.

With, it appears, no boundaries.
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Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 13-03-2012, 22:43   #3
God Member

re: what is our government playing at

he only provided links to copyrighted material which is exactly what and many more sites do.

even if you disagree with what he did the main point is that he wa sin the UK not breaking any UK laws yet is been thrown to teh wolves because america says so

by these rules we should be extroditing anyone under 21 who has had a drink of booze and anyone under 18 who has had sex as they have broken american laws.It sounds daft but it is exactly what is happening and this week it will be for copyright laws and teh next god knows what.
All comments above are everything to do with here and therefore the resposibility of the Accrington Web website owners admins and mods.

ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right

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Old 14-03-2012, 01:14   #4
God Member

re: what is our government playing at

Was just wondering if any other country (for instance China) had applied for this blokes extradition would dipstick Thersa May have given the go ahead?...I doubt it, and just as silly is the fact that we have a treaty that British Nationals should not be extradited to countries who have the death penalty.. OK no chance of this bloke getting the death penalty but it seems we bend over backwards fo the USA.
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Old 14-03-2012, 15:43   #5
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Re: what is our government playing at

looks like everything is going to be ok

obama used a few words liek chuffed to show he can speak english although outdated somewhat.Then they swapped a bbq and a cute table tennis set with the countries flags on teh bats

glad they are sorting out real issues and not just using the tax payers money for a massive publicity stunt to show how pally they are.
All comments above are everything to do with here and therefore the resposibility of the Accrington Web website owners admins and mods.

ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right

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Old 14-03-2012, 16:04   #6

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Re: what is our government playing at

I wonder if Cameron will be sticking a steak on that BBQ for Obama today?
He usually does whatever Obama wants.
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