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Old 23-09-2007, 16:43   #16
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Re: What Is This Country Coming To?

The only way that the NHS has a chance is to free up money used for all the management levels they have. There seems to be that much bureaucratic interference it is bogging it down and stopping medical staff doing the job properly and efficiently. Chuck in the obsession with targets and we are in the situation we are now.

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Old 23-09-2007, 17:17   #17
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Re: What Is This Country Coming To?

Originally Posted by alan7554 View Post
just want to say yes its scandalous,my mum went into a nursing home in hapton,and had to put her house up for sale even though it had been left to me in her will,it was sold for 39,950 3 years ago, she is being charged 360 per week for the privilage of a room 12x 6 feet wide,and this comes out of the sale of the house and her pension money,she worked from the age of 13 -------60 and is now treated worse than a prisoner,she has had a failed hip replacement and now has to use a wheelchair to get around,she very rarely is taken out of her room except for meals and the cleaning is non existant(once a week) this country treats its old and infirm like s**te and need to get its prioirities right first,never mind giving countless of millions in aid relief to tinpot countries they should look after there own FIRST
Sadly this wouldn't have been the case for your mum if she lived in Scotland. They get care without having to sell their homes to pay for the privilege.

Nye Bevan must me spinning in his grave, at the way the system that was meant to care for the older generation, has turned out.
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Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 23-09-2007, 17:57   #18
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Re: What Is This Country Coming To?

I know that I've banged on about this a fair bit, but this present government have spent billions on a useless computer system for the NHS, not to mention all the money they've squandered on pointless bureaucracy. All this money should have been spent on "hands-on" staff and equipment.

It's no good asking Nu Labour supporters about this, though - they'll immediately retreat to the past and tell you what the Tories were doing to the NHS 20 years ago. Why? Because they're frightened to talk about the present!
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