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20-07-2004, 13:19
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Re: What’s good about Accrington/Hyndburn, what makes you proud?
hey darby, ooo dont suppose i should say this but........, there was always LONG LONG GRASS ont indian beds (tampits square) he he he
Ilove accy, thats why i moved back  but now im up ossy 
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20-07-2004, 13:46
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Re: What’s good about Accrington/Hyndburn, what makes you proud?
I always though you were a "bad 'un".....Mind you the grass was as long on Nelson Square, but down t'backs were darker at night!!
Anyway I were too young when I played on Tanpits......
20-07-2004, 15:54
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Re: What’s good about Accrington/Hyndburn, what makes you proud?
I rememer the maypole to,and further along were some toilets,you had to go down somesteps to reach them.they were in between Burton and Woolworths on Dutton
20-07-2004, 22:16
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Re: What’s good about Accrington/Hyndburn, what makes you proud?
It seems I have missed quite a lot!
I cant believe the fuss that this has kicked up - it was a simple question of which the first part was "what's good about Accy", maybe if I had put a ? before the comma then all this superfluous debate concerning what was expected would have been avoided!
Where and when did Darby confess to being an out and out racist?
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20-07-2004, 23:43
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Re: What’s good about Accrington/Hyndburn, what makes you proud?
Originally Posted by Ceejache
It seems I have missed quite a lot!
I cant believe the fuss that this has kicked up - it was a simple question of which the first part was "what's good about Accy", maybe if I had put a ? before the comma then all this superfluous debate concerning what was expected would have been avoided!
Where and when did Darby confess to being an out and out racist?
He didn't....You where better off out of it Cssjache. But maybe we can get back to the heart of things, there are a few similar threads going now and people are seeing the positives. I hope we can continue you in that vain and maintain the Humour that goes with it...
26-07-2004, 00:05
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Re: What’s good about Accrington/Hyndburn, what makes you proud?
Coke ovens. Need I say more?
01-08-2004, 09:26
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Re: What’s good about Accrington/Hyndburn, what makes you proud?
And what about the oak hill park bandstand what we used to have!!!!!!.
01-08-2004, 10:56
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Re: What’s good about Accrington/Hyndburn, what makes you proud?
Have I missed something here? I thought that the bandstand was still standing.
01-08-2004, 12:07
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Re: What’s good about Accrington/Hyndburn, what makes you proud?
According to last nights telegraph it was burnt to the ground,the picture says it all.
01-08-2004, 12:13
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Re: What’s good about Accrington/Hyndburn, what makes you proud?
I didnt find out until yesterday evening AB. It has been burnt down by a bunch of idiots. Sting 'em up by the bollocks I say..... They had to move the animals out of Oak Hill Park due to gangs of kids and teenagers disturbing them, I heard that they actually killed the goats up there. Then there was the broken fountain in Rhyddings Park last week. It would be good to take something that these people care about and then wreck it right in front of them - things is , I doubt they care about anything much apart from appeasing their irreverant and selfish destructive bloodlust.
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02-08-2004, 07:00
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Re: What’s good about Accrington/Hyndburn, what makes you proud?
I have noticed that according to The Observer, the police attribute the cause of the Rhyddings Park vandalism to underage drinking, adding that there are a number of teenagers in the area who’s behaviour has been causing concern. They now say that they are going to increase the number of Special Constables on the beat to tackle the issue and any one caught will be arrested. Well, I bet that news has the little bu**ers shi**ing themselves all the way to Alcoholics Anonymous!
Given that underage drinking has been a problem for a number of years across the borough, is this not an example of ‘too little, too late’? How about having a look at where the wilful little sh*ts get hold of the booze. Is it not time to take a look at the licences of corner shops, with an eye to making a few, very public, examples ‘pour la encouragement les autres’, as the detestable French have it.
Stephen Twigg, the government minister responsible for Alcohol and Drugs education in schools, believes there is a paucity of education where alcohol abuse among schoolchildren is concerned. And that what is needed is more specifically targeted warnings of the dangers, this, despite the fact that Alcohol Awareness is supposed to be a part of the National Curriculum. (source: Guardian 18/11/03)
Well at least he got that right, but we have to live with the consequences while his department pussy-foots around changing the emphasis on words.
Can no one in authority see that what is needed is action, not words? I, for one, am sick to the back teeth with all the bleeding-heart liberal bleating that we must try to understand them, that we have had stuffed down our throats for the past thirty years.
Where has it got us? Are these snotty nosed little barbarians any better behaved?
These kids need to be confronted with the consequences of their wilfulness. They need to be shown the amount of distress they cause and they also need to be made to take part in the job of cleaning up the mess they leave behind. They need to know that the society they live in disapproves of their behaviour and that it is capable of, and willing to, withdraw the privileges it accords them. They should be publicly shamed and their parents with them, since, it is my view, that the parents are often as not, just as much, if not more, to blame.
I want retribution. I want to see the little swines paraded through town in sackcloth and ashes. I want them made to stand in front of the Market Hall on a Saturday afternoon with a placard of their misdeeds hung round their necks. I want public apologies. A slap on the wrist just doesn’t do it for me! Nor does ‘can’t be named for legal reasons’!
02-08-2004, 07:58
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Re: What’s good about Accrington/Hyndburn, what makes you proud?
I agree wholeheartedly, especially when they have destroyed something that has stood in the area for years and has been central in many community events and gatherings.
I too don't buy into this 'understand them, nothing else to do' crap. When I was an adolescent about 12-15 yrs ago there was as much "nowt to do..." but I dont recall ever resorting to anything near arson or causing a nuisance for kicks. The problem is nothing particularly new and kids should be allowed to get away with causing a bit of mischief - its part of growing up and I remember getting chased off the cops, caretakers and residents for mucking about, but the thing is we ran because we knew if we were caught it was our parents who we were more afraid of, a lot of kids dont fear any form of authority. Saying this consciencious and decent teenagers are rarely involved in these sort of activities, it the idiots who are pains when sober. The parents should share the blame too, I really cant see what good a kid is doing on the streets after 10pm - out of sight, out of mind though isn't it. Enforcing a curfew would be a drain on already stretched police resources and may seem a bit draconian, but it would certainly have an effect.
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02-08-2004, 08:47
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Re: What’s good about Accrington/Hyndburn, what makes you proud?
>>When I was an adolescent about 12-15 yrs ago there was as much "nowt to do..." but I dont recall ever resorting to anything near arson or causing a nuisance for kicks<<
In my own experience of growing up in the sixties it seems that there were always one or two kids in any group that would go too far. But these were always held in check either by the community as a whole or by the police, who were to be seen actually patrolling the streets rather than parked in some layby waiting to catch speeding motorists.
The idea of a curfew is an idea but, as you point out, it would be a drain on limited resources. It also does little to assuage the feeling of outrage at the excesses committed. It places no requirement on the offender to offer some form of reparation for the offence committed.
These kids have to learn that actions have consequences! That bad behaviour earns bad karma. Civic responsibility is not an optional concept.
They need to be taught the simple facts of life that even animals understand, i.e. you don't sh*t in your own bed.
This has to start first of all in the home and then should be reinforced at school.
02-08-2004, 12:38
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Re: What’s good about Accrington/Hyndburn, what makes you proud?
This is all that was left this morning. It looks like several of the trees will have to come down too. For once, I am speechless! 
02-08-2004, 13:04
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Re: What’s good about Accrington/Hyndburn, what makes you proud?
I dont know what world you people grew up in. But in my world (I think its called reality) the kids where just as bad if not worse.. especialy the years you speak of...
60's? Mods and rockers bringing terror to seaside resorts not to mention towns on a sturday night
Late 60's early 70's was skinheads... aw come on..how many did you see helping old ladies accross the road... they roamed in gangs and mostly around asian communities to partake in there favaroute passtime
Then it was punk rockers..
In my own experience of growing up in the sixties it seems that there were always one or two kids in any group that would go too far. But these were always held in check either by the community as a whole or by the police
wow.. where did you live.. never never land? 
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