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19-04-2013, 12:51
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What The F... ...oolishness Is Going On?
That's a generational issue though Jaysay. My parents are older than you but never bought anything they couldn't afford. I think many people today could learn a lot from that as there is no happiness to be found in debt.
Those of us brought up during Maggies era, or later got conditioned to believe we needed all sorts of material crap that is expensive and usually pointless. Buy today and forget about it tomorrow was the norm.
I remember buying carpets for a house that cost £65 a square yard in the 1990s. It was buy now, nothing to pay for a year then payments over 4 years. By the end of year five I had moved house twice and paying for someone else's carpets 2 years prior! In reality I should have bought what I could afford which would have been more like £6 a square yard at the time.
Personal finance should be MANDITORY in schools instead of non-existent. If it were up to me I would move Religious Education out and personal financial management in. There are few life skills more important or young people to learn than this.
19-04-2013, 14:22
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Re: What The F... ...oolishness Is Going On?
Originally Posted by GEaston
Personal finance should be MANDITORY in schools instead of non-existent. If it were up to me I would move Religious Education out and personal financial management in. There are few life skills more important or young people to learn than this.
I would probably do that too. Schools seem to teach very little about taking care of yourself in life, and I don't think religion has a place in education.
Life is 10% what happens to you-and 90% your reaction to it.
19-04-2013, 15:39
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Re: What The F... ...oolishness Is Going On?
Originally Posted by GEaston
Personal finance should be MANDITORY in schools
So should spelling 
But definitely agree on the "generational" thing ... I still behave responsibly when it comes to spending. I shop for "specials", make good use of my freezer, try not to waste food, and avoid the "never never" (I think my grandad used to call it that.) This leads me to think that the type of education you are talking about has to be learned in the home. I guess I'm not that much use to a hot consumer economy ... I still think of a plate as something off which I eat food, and not as something to enhance the ambiance of my kitchen. 
19-04-2013, 17:40
Resting in Peace
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Re: What The Foolishness Is Going On?
Originally Posted by GEaston
That's a generational issue though Jaysay. My parents are older than you but never bought anything they couldn't afford. I think many people today could learn a lot from that as there is no happiness to be found in debt.
Those of us brought up during Maggie's era, or later got conditioned to believe we needed all sorts of material crap that is expensive and usually pointless. Buy today and forget about it tomorrow was the norm.
I remember buying carpets for a house that cost £65 a square yard in the 1990s. It was buy now, nothing to pay for a year then payments over 4 years. By the end of year five I had moved house twice and paying for someone else's carpets 2 years prior! In reality I should have bought what I could afford which would have been more like £6 a square yard at the time.
Personal finance should be MANDITORY in schools instead of non-existent. If it were up to me I would move Religious Education out and personal financial management in. There are few life skills more important or young people to learn than this.
Your last paragraph is spot on Mr. G. certainly it's more important to get life skills, religion doesn't put food on the table or clothe your family's backs
20-04-2013, 13:49
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Re: What The Foolishness Is Going On?
Originally Posted by jaysay
Your last paragraph is spot on Mr. G. certainly it's more important to get life skills, religion doesn't put food on the table or clothe your family's backs
There you go again, what about feeding the five thousand?
We could do with kestrels second coming, then he could feed the millions and stop the charity ads on T.V.

“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
Quotes & quoting
20-04-2013, 13:56
Coffin Dodger.
Re: What The Foolishness Is Going On?
Originally Posted by Less
There you go again, what about feeding the five thousand?
We could do with kestrels second coming, then he could feed the millions and stop the charity ads on T.V.

No way, the firsts been bad enough. 
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
20-04-2013, 13:59
Resting in Peace
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Re: What The Foolishness Is Going On?
Originally Posted by Less
There you go again, what about feeding the five thousand?
We could do with kestrels second coming, then he could feed the millions and stop the charity ads on T.V.

Well there's no need to sacrifice your beer money every week supporting these TV ads Less, just ignore them like I do 
22-04-2013, 00:47
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Re: What The F... ...oolishness Is Going On?
You did the right thing there Jaysay, Same prob with me...Club I used to go in, got friendly with a guy who was working, (I am retired) he asked if I could lend him a tenner...No big deal, here you are--Got it back the week later...Same again for a number of weeks. Then he upt it to £20 so I thought ,,OK got this back for a few weeks. Then the sting....OH dear can I pop round to yours on Friday, to give you the £20 back....Did the same as you Jaysay, ,,only I said, well to save you a bit just give me a tenner back and we will call it straight, NO more loans from now on.... Sorted, well sort of !!
22-04-2013, 08:21
Resting in Peace
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Re: What The Foolishness Is Going On?
Originally Posted by robot1002
You did the right thing there Jaysay, Same prob with me...Club I used to go in, got friendly with a guy who was working, (I am retired) he asked if I could lend him a tenner...No big deal, here you are--Got it back the week later...Same again for a number of weeks. Then he upt it to £20 so I thought ,,OK got this back for a few weeks. Then the sting....OH dear can I pop round to yours on Friday, to give you the £20 back....Did the same as you Jaysay, ,,only I said, well to save you a bit just give me a tenner back and we will call it straight, NO more loans from now on.... Sorted, well sort of !!
After that I have heeded the advice my mother when I was growing up, neither a borrower nor a lender be, doubt if she knew it was first made by Polonius in Shakespeare's Hamlet 
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