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Old 15-12-2007, 05:40   #31
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Re: What will you pay this Christmas?

Originally Posted by Busman747 View Post
Firstly, you have to define the difference between "taxi" and "private hire" !!!

All taxi's fares are regulated by the local council. Three days per year, Christmas day, Boxing day and New Years Day, they are instructed by the council to charge at "rate 3." (which is "double" normal day-time rates.)

Other times, it goes to "rate 2" after midnight or 11pm depending on the area and standard "rate 1" during a normal day! Taxi's are overseen completely by the councils to ensure that the vehicles are legal and are charging the correct price for that time of day or night.

"Private hire" are NOT responsible to the council and can put just about any vehicle on the road providing it is legal. THEY decide how much they charge, and generally undercut "official" taxi's ..........but as a customer, you must bear in mind that the cost of running a "private hire" is so much cheaper as they only have to conform with yearly MoT as opposed to a Taxi that would be taken off the road if it had a dent in a door panel!

If any private hire company over-charges during the Christmas period, they are simply profiting from the excessive charges that official "taxi's" are forced to make during this period.

I have been involved with heated discussions down south between the council and taxi companies where the taxi companies have been very much against raising rates for Christmas.........but the councils have insisted that these prices will be adhered to.

Taxi companies have no choice but to charge as instructed, Private- hire companies just want to rip you off!!!
Busman , quick question , are "private hire" allowed to tout for business on the streets ? or do they have to be called for by phone ? where the price can be negotiated/settled before pick-up .
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Old 15-12-2007, 12:02   #32
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Re: What will you pay this Christmas?

when i was taxi driving steeljack, in accy there were Private Hire and Hackney licenses, the Hackney could be flagged down in the street, but not the Private Hire. so suppose its still the same. hope that helps.
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Old 15-12-2007, 14:39   #33
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Re: What will you pay this Christmas?

Yes it is still the same, if you flag a private hire down in the street and they allow you in the vehicle, you are not insured if you have not rung the job through. If that makes sense at all lol
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Old 15-12-2007, 14:54   #34
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Re: What will you pay this Christmas?

Originally Posted by steeljack View Post
Busman , quick question , are "private hire" allowed to tout for business on the streets ? or do they have to be called for by phone ? where the price can be negotiated/settled before pick-up .
Cashman and Slinky are both correct, Private hires need to be booked through their office in advance whereas a Hackney can be flagged down.

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Old 15-12-2007, 20:19   #35
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Re: What will you pay this Christmas?

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
when i was taxi driving steeljack, in accy there were Private Hire and Hackney licenses, the Hackney could be flagged down in the street, but not the Private Hire. so suppose its still the same. hope that helps.
You .... a cabbie. I would never have guessed it. I have a couple of taxi plates for Kingston and still have one cab on the road as a sort of money making hobby ... keeps me out of trouble when I get bored ... I might just drive it myself over the holidays and give my drivers time of ... and make a few hundred bucks for the Christmas booze bill.
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Old 24-12-2007, 21:56   #36
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Re: What will you pay this Christmas?

Originally Posted by thomas.lee View Post
Something that really irritates me, and is quite a heated topic.. but here goes..

WHY do taxi firms/drivers who do not celebrate Christmas (IE: Muslim taxi firms) bump their taxi fares up by double if not more on and around the Christmas period?! Its absolutely ridiculous, and something that irritates me every year.

When usually paying £8 from Blackburn to Oswaldtwistle with Adams Taxi's on a normal night.. Find yourself paying £20! on a busy Christmas night! (Based on last years fare).

So WHY I ask, do these people rob us blind whilst out celebrating a festive period?! Scandalous. Taxi firms do not bump their prices up on celebrations such as Eid, so why are we taken the p*ss out of during Christmas?

Any firm who changes their prices during Christmas should be taken off the roads. New Years fair enough.. because everyone celebrates that (except taxi drivers obv).

*Rant over*

ive used adams taxis for a while and they have never over charged me at christmas time i pay the same price i normally pay.
yummy mummy !!!!!!
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