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Watching the actions of this church going bank worker, is shocking. What she did is cruel, and heartless.
Apparently she's now under police protection, after thousands of people have joined social network groups, threatening her similar harm, or even death.
What do we think?
Thousands of acts of nasty, cruelty are carried out every day, but we don't get to see clips of them on the internet, so those people aren't the target for our massed wrath.
A moment of madness, or an illustration of how seemingly civilised people will act...if they think no one's watching?
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.
Under democracy one party always devotes its chief energies to trying to prove that the other party is unfit to rule - and both commonly succeed, and are right.
Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive.
You might Tealeaf, but what she did was a premeditated act of cruelty against a defenceless animal who was doing her no harm. I hope they hit her with an eye watering fine.
And before you ask...yes I do own cats (or more realistically, they own me).
__________________ The world will not be destroyed by evil people... It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing. (a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
You might Tealeaf, but what she did was a premeditated act of cruelty against a defenceless animal who was doing her no harm. I hope they hit her with an eye watering fine.
And before you ask...yes I do own cats (or more realistically, they own me).
Do you think it was premeditated?
One second she looks like she's enjoying stroking it, a split second later she's dumping it in the bin.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.
Apparently she's now under police protection, after thousands of people have joined social network groups, threatening her similar harm, or even death.
Of course she got death threats, it would be useless her neighbours sending her to Coventry.
I am harrassed by a live in cat, do you think if I was to pay her bus fare she could perform a similar service for me?
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
1) It seems a bit of a coincidence that someone just happened to be filming the cat & wheelie bin when this woman just happened to walk past and then do the deed.
2) The article says that officials from the RSPCA interviewed her. Under what statute or legal authority has this outfit got the right to interview people in the context of possible criminal prosecution? Surely this right rests with the cops and the cops alone. I know if someone from the RSPCA attempted to interview me on suspicion of cat cruelty they would be told where to go and if they persisted they would get a good headbutting followed by a mighty kick in the bollocks.
3) I notice in the video clip that a car drives past as she is about to bung the moggy in the bin. If that had have been me, it would have been sod the bin - sling the cat under the car wheels.
1) It seems a bit of a coincidence that someone just happened to be filming the cat & wheelie bin when this woman just happened to walk past and then do the deed.
2) The article says that officials from the RSPCA interviewed her. Under what statute or legal authority has this outfit got the right to interview people in the context of possible criminal prosecution? Surely this right rests with the cops and the cops alone. I know if someone from the RSPCA attempted to interview me on suspicion of cat cruelty they would be told where to go and if they persisted they would get a good headbutting followed by a mighty kick in the bollocks.
3) I notice in the video clip that a car drives past as she is about to bung the moggy in the bin. If that had have been me, it would have been sod the bin - sling the cat under the car wheels.
Apparently, like many houses nowadays, it has CCTV running all the time.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.
I think it was premeditated, as she looked around before she performed this heartless deed.
And now she professes deep sorrow. The sorrow that she feels is because she was caught on CCTV.....and that she is being vilified for her actions.
There are some animlas that i don't like, but I wouldn entice them to come to me and then put them in a bin, from which they had absolutely no chance of escape.
Like the thugs who tortured a terrier by placing it in two carrier bags, attaching these to a rucksack full of bricks and then tossing the poor animal into the canal. what a terrifying death that poor dog must have had. I hope the perpetrators have a similar end to their lives. (PBWY)
Do these morons have any sensibilities at all? Well, obviously the answer is 'No' or they would not have done such a cruel thing.
Cruel, nasty and senseless.
__________________ The world will not be destroyed by evil people... It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing. (a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
I've not actually read this story properly, I almost feel I don't need to now that she's the most famous woman in Great Britain. There's almost certainly a reason for her doing it but I haven't been told what it is yet.
Of all the things that wind me up at Rishton Towers, it's other people's cats. We seem to have in the region of 2 billion cats in our village and they all avail themselves in my bloody pot plants each day and kill the sparrows that come to my back yard for food.
I'm not condoning what she's done but if she's as fed up of scraping cat muck out of her roses as I am then I can at least partially understand why.
in all fairness though, the cats owner has forgiven the woman and has said that there is no need for the death threats its ridiculous, twas on This Morning (this morning)
When people walk away from you, let them go... It doesn't mean they are bad people, it just means their part in your story is over