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Old 23-12-2005, 16:36   #16
God Member
SPUGGIE J's Avatar

Re: What's this all about

Some will chance their arm and businees for an extra quid or two. These youngsters gather outside and as has been pointed out someone will buy it. if these kids are lifted the shop owner denies it as some adult bought it for them and the shop keeper wont drop them in it as they would buy again. Catch 22.

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Old 23-12-2005, 17:11   #17
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Re: What's this all about

In the majority of cases I bet that if the kids hadn’t entered the premises of whoever trying to buy alcohol in the first place then the shop keepers and landlords wouldn’t have any problems (prosecutions). I’m sure the shop keepers and landlords don’t push their products on kids that just happen to be passing by.
The kids are a fault and they need to be told. The law is the law, break it and …………….?

But obviously it doesn’t seem to be working, kids can’t be told, so why not let them into the pubs legally and save everyone else the hassle apart from landlords who may now have the added problems of trying to distinguish between the 14, 15, and 16 year old kids.
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Old 23-12-2005, 17:29   #18
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Re: What's this all about

Does the main responsibility not lie on the shoulders of the parents for most of this. I know of kids being taken home drunk by police officers, only to be back on the streets an hour or so later.
I think in the case of a lot of the parents of these teeny terrors, it's out of sight out of mind

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Old 23-12-2005, 18:05   #19
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Re: What's this all about

We were allowed a glass of wine at christmas when we was younger, with a splash of lemonade in. As teens, mum used to buy us a keg of cider that had to last us a month, we never abused the trust in us and non of us go OTT on alchohol now. In fact i will be having a glass of wine this christmas, my first glass in a few years.
I will also be giving both my teenage sons a glass of wine as well with their christmas dinner.
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Old 23-12-2005, 18:19   #20
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Re: What's this all about

Originally Posted by Len
Oh…. This is why everyone blames the shop keepers and landlords, is because they can be prosecuted. Nice one, well leave the kids As is and prosecute every other poor sod. hehe

Makes sense to me.
I did use the word 'equally'. Yes, if the kids didn't go into the shop the shopkeeper wouldn't be selling them stuff! I'm not suggesting leaving the kids as is - I'm suggesting that both the kids who buy the stuff and the shopkeepers that sell it should be treated equally and both prosecuted.

As for catching them at it - yes, it's easier to catch the shopkeepers because the police can send someone in who's underage to buy alcohol and see if they sell it. It's a lot harder to catch the kids at it but here's where better police patrols and community wardens would come in!

The views expressed within this post are mine and mine alone.

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Old 23-12-2005, 19:45   #21
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Re: What's this all about

Originally Posted by jimmi5bellies
We were allowed a glass of wine at christmas when we was younger, with a splash of lemonade in. As teens, mum used to buy us a keg of cider that had to last us a month, we never abused the trust in us and non of us go OTT on alchohol now. In fact i will be having a glass of wine this christmas, my first glass in a few years.
I will also be giving both my teenage sons a glass of wine as well with their christmas dinner.
Is that not the correct way to do it, "we never abused the trust in us" is that not what is lacking in todays society, a parents trust in their children, and children respecting their parents

Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.
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