Don't you dare say wasp's are rare, there I was minding my own business at the Railway, smoking a fag, (got to admit, after the way Lynx and I had been adding to the research on beer and it's affects on the human kind I needed a smoke).
A scream went out, " Arghhh look out there is a wasp", I sat there over-confident as usual and said, "Stop fussing, leave them alone and they won't bother you".
Lynx then said, "but there are two of them under your chin!".
I looked at her and said, "stop worrying woman, they aren't a... Ow!" It was at that point one of them without any prompting or encouragement buzzed up and stung me just under the eye.
Both she and Dave1 took piccys of how the skin around my eye increased, while everyone else tittered and reminded me of how I was so confident that a wasp left alone won't attack.
O.K. I admit it, I was wrong!