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Old 25-06-2010, 15:40   #31
Common Sense Member

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Re: Where is the fight back?

Originally Posted by Barrie Yates View Post
"62 million people are now paying a heavy price for the greed of a few hundred bankers, where is the nasty levy on them? 8bn over 4 years between them?"

Why weren't they sorted out before they got us into this financial mess?

Oh, sorry, that was Tony and Gordon and Alistair who didn't get to grips with it all. Anyway we can blame the new government for what it is costing us - even the money spent to place more of a burden on the incoming government - because sure as apples are apples, the populace was not going to trust Gordon and his cohorts any longer.
If you think I'm going to bury my head in the sand and state that mistakes weren't made by the Labour government then you'll be disappointed. The recession is a global problem and the root cause came from America, it's just a pity that we didn't have a more stringent system over here to cushion the blow. Guilty as charged.

However, the banks have caused the problem so tax the sodding banks, not the man at the coal face. George Osborne has been bleating that we all need to pay the price for the recession but millions of people up and down the country were nothing to do with it and those who saved prudently are now being hammered while the banks walk away with a pitifully tiny levy.

As I said, some sensible cuts are being made but if anyone can stand up and say with impunity that the banks have not got away lightly then let me hear them speak.
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Old 25-06-2010, 16:21   #32
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: Where is the fight back?

Originally Posted by Ken Moss View Post
If you think I'm going to bury my head in the sand and state that mistakes weren't made by the Labour government then you'll be disappointed. The recession is a global problem and the root cause came from America, it's just a pity that we didn't have a more stringent system over here to cushion the blow. Guilty as charged.

However, the banks have caused the problem so tax the sodding banks, not the man at the coal face. George Osborne has been bleating that we all need to pay the price for the recession but millions of people up and down the country were nothing to do with it and those who saved prudently are now being hammered while the banks walk away with a pitifully tiny levy.

As I said, some sensible cuts are being made but if anyone can stand up and say with impunity that the banks have not got away lightly then let me hear them speak.
Well, I've come late into this conversation, (Been busy trying to find a bigger hole to bury my savings & other such bullshine), but so far, this seems to be the best quote in the whole thread.

Thank goodness, the Conservatives haven't dumped everything onto the less well off, or have they?...(small print, magnifying glass needed?), or maybe the Liberals have kept them in line? (Nah, only there to make up the numbers).

At least they seem to be more tolerant of the less well off than Maggie ever was!

(Wasn't going to mention that Bitch but what the hey? Anything against her gets green karma from Mancie so I'm on a winner).
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