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Old 22-06-2010, 07:44   #1
God Member

Where is the fight back?

The Tories are about to mash this country up.. but were is the opposition?.. it's no good working out the next Labour leader and saying nowt.. or has this country, and it's people, accepted that the newspapers control political issues.. whatever the Sun or the Mail say goes.. they say we have to/must make massive cuts.. does anyone sit back and get the feeling they have been conned?
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Old 22-06-2010, 08:04   #2
Coffin Dodger.

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Re: Where is the fight back?

was wondering that meself, i expect em to open their useless gobs after the budget, but aint holding me breath.
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Old 22-06-2010, 08:28   #3
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Re: Where is the fight back?

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
was wondering that meself, i expect em to open their useless gobs after the budget, but aint holding me breath.
At last..some sense.. and I ain't creepin.. on the run up to the election we all had a good old carp about the wrongs n rights..but I suppose it's all abit boring

Last edited by Mancie; 22-06-2010 at 08:32.
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Old 22-06-2010, 09:15   #4
a multieloquent Mule

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Re: Where is the fight back?

I think at this present moment in time the Labour party are to busy cutting niches & making alignments amongst themselves to really focus on opposition just yet. Once all the tales are told & they've finished squealing on one another (who said what, didn't agree with that, totally against this !) then maybe they can attempt opposition.

Still after their behavior in the past & the general attitude to politics & politicians in general amongst the everyday folk, it may take some time before they become a viable option. Sorry Mancie, but that's how I see it as a neutral & I believe many others think the same due to their tawdry attitude to peoples concerns.
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Old 22-06-2010, 13:53   #5
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Re: Where is the fight back?

Come on, Mancie, what's up with you? You're a shadow of your former self, lad!

What about something on the lines of...We are now witnessing the final death throes of the capitalist, imperialist military-industrial complex, as its bourgeois henchmen and lickspittle collaborators seek to enslave the noble proletariat, extinguishing the spirit of egalitarianism that burns brightly in the hearts of the working classes. Comrades! Now is the time to man the barricades and storm the citadels of the evil money barons, seizing the means of production and establishing a socialist paradise in the true spirit of Marx, Lenin and Engels blah blah…

You, know, the sort of thing. Come on Mancie, give us a rant!
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Old 22-06-2010, 19:36   #6
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Re: Where is the fight back?

he hasn't had enough to drink yet........

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Old 22-06-2010, 20:03   #7
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Re: Where is the fight back?

Or he is still digesting the latest revelations concerning Diane Abbot, Harriet Harman and Sarah Brown?
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Old 22-06-2010, 20:33   #8
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Re: Where is the fight back?

Originally Posted by Wynonie Harris View Post
Come on, Mancie, what's up with you? You're a shadow of your former self, lad!

What about something on the lines of...We are now witnessing the final death throes of the capitalist, imperialist military-industrial complex, as its bourgeois henchmen and lickspittle collaborators seek to enslave the noble proletariat, extinguishing the spirit of egalitarianism that burns brightly in the hearts of the working classes. Comrades! Now is the time to man the barricades and storm the citadels of the evil money barons, seizing the means of production and establishing a socialist paradise in the true spirit of Marx, Lenin and Engels blah blah…
I suspect that you have been visiting some of the forums that I am a member of.
..and I thought I was the only reactionary/communist/anarchist/conspiracy theorist in the village

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Old 22-06-2010, 20:41   #9
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Re: Where is the fight back?

Originally Posted by MargaretR View Post
I suspect that you have been visiting some of the forums that I am a member of.
..and I thought I was the only reactionary/communist/anarchist/conspiracy theorist in the village
Too much time spent verbally abusing the Socialist Workers (a classic contradiction in terms) Party deadbeats in Piccadilly Gardens, more like! They make a change from the Godbotherers sometimes.
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Old 23-06-2010, 07:34   #10
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Re: Where is the fight back?

The 'emergency' budget presents a different approach to a problem and there are actually some very sensible cuts being made but the rise in VAT is something of a mistake, in my opinion.

There should have been a bigger levy on the banks (which is what they were calling for when in opposition) and the benefits system is still open to abuse. Radical reforms are called for rather than simply cuts.

My first action if I ever become Grand Overlord of the Whole Universe would be a nationalised bank, amalgamated with the Post Office, to solve a swathe of problems in one fell swoop.
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Old 23-06-2010, 09:09   #11
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Re: Where is the fight back?

Originally Posted by Wynonie Harris View Post
Come on, Mancie, what's up with you? You're a shadow of your former self, lad!

What about something on the lines of...We are now witnessing the final death throes of the capitalist, imperialist military-industrial complex, as its bourgeois henchmen and lickspittle collaborators seek to enslave the noble proletariat, extinguishing the spirit of egalitarianism that burns brightly in the hearts of the working classes. Comrades! Now is the time to man the barricades and storm the citadels of the evil money barons, seizing the means of production and establishing a socialist paradise in the true spirit of Marx, Lenin and Engels blah blah…

You, know, the sort of thing. Come on Mancie, give us a rant!
Bloody hell Wyn thats a gob full even for Mancie
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Old 23-06-2010, 09:13   #12
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Re: Where is the fight back?

Originally Posted by Wynonie Harris View Post
Too much time spent verbally abusing the Socialist Workers (a classic contradiction in terms) Party deadbeats in Piccadilly Gardens, more like! They make a change from the God Botherers sometimes.
Yea that's always puzzled me too Wyn, there was one guy that used to write to the Obs and signed himself the Socialist Workers Party, he actually dropped the name and changed to the Socialist Party of Great Britain when it was pointed out that he hadn't worked for 20 years
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Old 23-06-2010, 09:24   #13
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Re: Where is the fight back?

Originally Posted by Ken Moss View Post
The 'emergency' budget presents a different approach to a problem and there are actually some very sensible cuts being made but the rise in VAT is something of a mistake, in my opinion.

There should have been a bigger levy on the banks (which is what they were calling for when in opposition) and the benefits system is still open to abuse. Radical reforms are called for rather than simply cuts.

My first action if I ever become Grand Overlord of the Whole Universe would be a nationalised bank, amalgamated with the Post Office, to solve a swathe of problems in one fell swoop.
The thing with VAT Ken is that everybody pays it and those more well off and spend more pay more. I agree with your on the benefits system, but radical changes can't be done at one stroke of the pen, Hasn't the coalition brought Alan Hutton (former Labour Minister) in to look at what can be don't, which to me is a positive step. I have no problem with those in need getting the help they require, but we all know at least two or three people who are swinging it and have been doing for years, in some cases living on benefits runs through generations, with these people having no intentions of ever working if they can get away with it, unfortunately these instances are far more rife than people realise
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Old 24-06-2010, 16:11   #14
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Re: Where is the fight back?

Originally Posted by jaysay View Post
The thing with VAT Ken is that everybody pays it and those more well off and spend more pay more.
I fully understand the reasoning behind it and on paper it does make sense but in essence VAT has now gone up 5% in a year. I know that's figure-fiddling but it is sort of true. It also means that people will be more inclined to tighten their belts and warnings of a double-dip recession are not entirely without merit.

62 million people are now paying a heavy price for the greed of a few hundred bankers, where is the nasty levy on them? 8bn over 4 years between them?

Cheers Gideon, that'll show 'em.
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Old 24-06-2010, 16:13   #15
Coffin Dodger.

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Re: Where is the fight back?

Originally Posted by Ken Moss View Post

62 million people are now paying a heavy price for the greed of a few hundred bankers, where is the nasty levy on them? 8bn over 4 years between them?

Cheers Gideon, that'll show 'em.
Thats were the "Real Cuts" should be.
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