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Old 21-02-2005, 12:51   #1
Junior Member+

Where to live?...


I'm looking to relocate to the area for work reasons and have spent the past couple of weekends driving round trying to get familiar with the areas.

Can anyone help me narrow down my search? What are the nicest areas of Accrington and the surroundings? Where would you live given the choice? Where wouldn't you touch with a barge pole?

Thanks for any help you can give.

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Accrington Web
Old 21-02-2005, 13:11   #2
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Tealeaf's Avatar

Re: Where to live?...

Are you an asylum seeker, by any chance, Shippers? Just by looking at your name I was wondering if you may have "shipped" over to Dover in the back of a Spanish tomato lorry & you've now been sent up north by the immigration authorities. Please let us know so we may be able to suggest the right area for you.
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Old 21-02-2005, 13:12   #3
Junior Member+

Re: Where to live?...

lets just say i wouldnt live up fern gore coz its full of yobs and biy racers thinking that they own the roads itwasnt that long ago a nine year old girl got ran over on willows lane, and the latest onbe is the bus nearly crashed because of a boy racer doesnt it make you mad that these people get away with it without anyone takin any action.
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Old 21-02-2005, 13:16   #4
Junior Member+

Re: Where to live?...

although i would like to live near the accy vic (hospital) because it quiet there is a view of the coppis if your lucky and its generally a nice area to be in. Hope you find were you want to live. Good Luck. and let us know how you get on
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Old 21-02-2005, 13:17   #5
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Re: Where to live?...

Originally Posted by mulstonian1
lets just say i wouldnt live up fern gore coz its full of yobs and biy racers thinking that they own the roads itwasnt that long ago a nine year old girl got ran over on willows lane, and the latest onbe is the bus nearly crashed because of a boy racer doesnt it make you mad that these people get away with it without anyone takin any action.
Excuse please re phrase that!! I live up fern gore......for one I am definatly not a yob and for two not a boy racer either!! I can't even drive. so please don't assume that everyone that lives up FERNGORE are yobs. Every town has there fair share of IDIOTS
Ossy is'nt any better with teenagers drinking on street corners, calyton is'nt any better and neither is any town round here i can think of so hey ferngore is probably just the norm!
Millions of sperm and you was the fastest??

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Old 21-02-2005, 13:32   #6
Resident Waffler

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Re: Where to live?...

I live near Fern Gore in Willows Lane and one thing I like is the view over towards the Coppice. You get a better view from this side of town.

Unfortunately there are some scruffy people and scruffy houses but like slinky says everyone isn't the same. I used to live in the hospital area but it was too claustrophobic for me, here there seem to be more open spaces.

I like the size of the house too. Some of the newer houses are pretty but not very big. I suppose it all comes down to personal taste. We were watching one of those "house in the country" TV programs the other night and the house the couple fell in klove with I wouldn't have touched with a 10ft barge pole. To me it was hideous, and the "beautiful view " out of the front windows was a boring stretch of coastline with not one variation by way of a rock or a headland or anything. At least if I stand at my door I can see hills.

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Old 21-02-2005, 15:14   #7
Junior Member+

Re: Where to live?...

sorry if i offended anyone but if you see i live in fern gore too as it says in my profile and i was just clearly stating a point. i wasnt pointing the finger at everyone in fern gore just the majority that hang on the corners underage drinking and it doesnt help when shop keepers sell it to them either. i like living up fern gore but i feel that the people hangin on the corners drinkin makes it look scruffy
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Old 21-02-2005, 15:20   #8
Beacon of light

Margaret Pilkington's Avatar
Re: Where to live?...

I think you just have to go by gut feeling.......and anyway, areas do change.
You also have to work within your budget......even the most modest terraced houses these days are fetching a fortune.
Write down a list of things you would like your new home to have or be near.......and then another of things you would prefer not to have in your area......set out with that and see what you can find. OH, and good luck with the house hunting!
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Old 21-02-2005, 15:21   #9
Junior Member+

Re: Where to live?...

Thanks to all for their help. I spent the weekend looking around Great Harwood, Clayton Le Moors, Rhyddings park and Baxenden. No idea where fern gore is though - will check my maps.
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Old 21-02-2005, 15:58   #10
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Re: Where to live?...

i wont post what are considerd bad area as i have lived all over accy and have a good idea of whats what but i dont want to offend others who may live in thise areas

if your looking to spend between 60 - 80 grand i would look around the accrington victoria area like

owen st
garden street
marlbrough road
lime road
devonshire street
westwood st
pansy st

you can get nice properties around that kind of money in rishton as well which is right next door to accy

if your looking to avoid asians lower willows lane and the areas surounding blackburn road are ones to leave off your list but if your not bothered about asians you can pick up some bargains in them areas

hell you can buy my house for 60 grand m8 i just had it valued at 65 grand
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Old 21-02-2005, 16:37   #11
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Re: Where to live?...

think your looking at about 80 grand for anything half decent in ossy and that d be a terrace without sounding biast as i want to move from ossy but its still the most sought after place personally though id move to blackburn over feniscoles way or cherry tree
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Old 21-02-2005, 20:16   #12
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Re: Where to live?...

Blimey - your houses are cheap!

Is that £80 grand for a house or a flat?
"The Hour of Scampering is usually around teatime, according to the Vorlon/Human Translation Dictionary."

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Old 21-02-2005, 20:54   #13
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Re: Where to live?...

Originally Posted by vorlon24
Blimey - your houses are cheap!

Is that £80 grand for a house or a flat?
thats for a terraced house even though i think its a rip off a friend of mine got a quote on there house recently and i was shocked and wouldnt pay half of what they was quoted for it but i know what you mean by cheap compared to other areas my brother bought a brand new house in cherry tree he only lived there a year before moving to essex his new house cost nearly 3 times as much and isnt anywhere near as nice as the last one .Even though its a higher standard of living down there a lot of the wages dont match costs and dont know how people manage to ever buy a house down there or do they all rent .I remember being in the kingston / croyden area about 10 years ago and rent down there was still higher than it is round here now but the properties where a lot nicer
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Old 21-02-2005, 22:15   #14
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Re: Where to live?...

Originally Posted by mulstonian1
sorry if i offended anyone but if you see i live in fern gore too as it says in my profile and i was just clearly stating a point. i wasnt pointing the finger at everyone in fern gore just the majority that hang on the corners underage drinking and it doesnt help when shop keepers sell it to them either. i like living up fern gore but i feel that the people hangin on the corners drinkin makes it look scruffy
NO problem mate!! I hear what you are saying, but it does happen everywhere it's just that you don't live everywhere and don't see it in other towns.
Millions of sperm and you was the fastest??

Miracles do happen!!

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Old 21-02-2005, 23:09   #15
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Re: Where to live?...

Originally Posted by rockrabbit
thats for a terraced house even though i think its a rip off a friend of mine got a quote on there house recently and i was shocked and wouldnt pay half of what they was quoted for it but i know what you mean by cheap compared to other areas my brother bought a brand new house in cherry tree he only lived there a year before moving to essex his new house cost nearly 3 times as much and isnt anywhere near as nice as the last one .Even though its a higher standard of living down there a lot of the wages dont match costs and dont know how people manage to ever buy a house down there or do they all rent .I remember being in the kingston / croyden area about 10 years ago and rent down there was still higher than it is round here now but the properties where a lot nicer
We bought our terraced house for a little under £80,000 in 1999.

Due to house price rises, it is now apparently worth over £200,000 (Estate Agent valuation, and similar houses are selling for these amounts)

If I was starting out, I could never afford a mortgage for my house now.
"The Hour of Scampering is usually around teatime, according to the Vorlon/Human Translation Dictionary."

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