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Old 05-06-2008, 01:15   #1
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Whinney Hill caravan park

Whinney Hill caravan park has featured frequently in the news lately
Drug dealing, drain cover thefts, caravan thefts.
Why should our council continue to provide facilities for these pikies, when they are creating so much trouble for our community?

Is there any legal way we could get that place shut down?

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Accrington Web
Old 05-06-2008, 07:00   #2
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Re: Whinney Hill caravan park

There must be rules regarding lease of the land, or rental I would think, but I have heard in the past that they start off as caravan sites, then they start building on them, after which is it difficult to shift them, and I agree about the amount of trouble they cause.
If time travel were possible, wouldn't somebody have been back or forward and told us by now?
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Old 05-06-2008, 07:14   #3
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Re: Whinney Hill caravan park

You can't get away from them.......just been walking the dog and what did I see on Victoria St on the little car park accross from sully's but a massive big caravan with 2 dogs in a cage, and a big alsation tied to a lamp post..........they are taking over every inch of space they can get.
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Old 05-06-2008, 08:11   #4
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Re: Whinney Hill caravan park

I wouldn't object to them if they were law abiding and didn't make a mess.

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Old 05-06-2008, 08:49   #5
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Re: Whinney Hill caravan park

I think that shutting this caravan park would not solve anything really, it would just spread the problem out. At least at the moment the police know where these people are, and they're not messing up playing fields and the like, there is enough prolems with travellers who pop up all over the borough and have to continually be moved on, without adding to the problem by shutting Whinney Hill
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Old 05-06-2008, 09:21   #6
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Re: Whinney Hill caravan park

It used to be the case where the established sites had a 'leader' or an older chap that used to keep the youngesters in line.

When I worked in a pub that was close to a site, if there was any trouble, we used to call on the chap and it used to get sorted. If this chap was in the pub, none of the youngsters even swore let alone anything else.

I think the 'unofficial' sites are the problem. I also think that if the council had wanted to do something about them, they would. Did anyone else notice that when the council wanted the land at Eagle street for the fair, the resident caravans disappeared, but as soon as the fair had finished, they were back

Last edited by onlyme; 05-06-2008 at 09:25.
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Old 05-06-2008, 09:27   #7
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Re: Whinney Hill caravan park

Originally Posted by jaysay View Post
I think that shutting this caravan park would not solve anything really, it would just spread the problem out. At least at the moment the police know where these people are, and they're not messing up playing fields and the like, there is enough prolems with travellers who pop up all over the borough and have to continually be moved on, without adding to the problem by shutting Whinney Hill
got it spot on wi that, ya got em thats fact like or not, much better to have em where they are. p.s. why ya invisible mate? i can see
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Old 05-06-2008, 09:35   #8
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Re: Whinney Hill caravan park

i wouild be exteemly happy to see the caravan park moved only a mere 300 or 400 yards

that would put it in the tip and would soon be burried under all our garbage
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Old 05-06-2008, 10:10   #9
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Re: Whinney Hill caravan park

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
got it spot on wi that, ya got em thats fact like or not, much better to have em where they are. p.s. why ya invisible mate? i can see
Im invisible so no one will miss me when I'm gone cashy
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Old 05-06-2008, 16:06   #10
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Re: Whinney Hill caravan park

If its the caravan site im thinking of then they are always getting into the cricket club from round the back and causing trouble!
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Old 05-06-2008, 16:15   #11
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Re: Whinney Hill caravan park

Why are the residents of this place referred to as 'Travellers'? Most of them have lived there for years, some of them all their life.
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Old 05-06-2008, 16:16   #12
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Re: Whinney Hill caravan park

My job used to take me visiting there in the 70s.

I have looked today on Google Earth and it looks as though that there are some caravans in the adjacent field too nowadays.

They were council tenants renting the hardstanding concrete pad and the toilet facities etc.

I do not know whether they were transferred to Hyndburn Homes when the rest of council tenants were.

The rules about 'actions leading to eviction' should apply to them in the same way as others tenants.

Drug dealers get evicted from social housing - it should apply to them too

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Old 05-06-2008, 16:18   #13
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Re: Whinney Hill caravan park

I rather think the council has an obligation to provide the site and its facilities. Im not saying its right but if it is a law then they can't close it.
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Old 05-06-2008, 16:20   #14
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Re: Whinney Hill caravan park

Originally Posted by polly View Post
I rather think the council has an obligation to provide the site and its facilities. Im not saying its right but if it is a law then they can't close it.
But they will have the right to evict tenants

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Old 05-06-2008, 16:21   #15
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Re: Whinney Hill caravan park

Originally Posted by [email protected] View Post
My job used to take me visiting there in the 70s.

I have looked today on Google Earth and it looks as though that there are some caravans in the adjacent field too nowadays.

They were council tenants renting the hardstanding concrete pad and the toilet facities etc.

I do not know whether they were transferred to Hyndburn Homes when the rest of council tenants were.

The rules about 'actions leading to eviction' should apply to them in the same way as others tenants.

Drug dealers get evicted from social housing - it should apply to them too
thats a thing i do agree with, same rules should apply to ALL.
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