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Old 22-01-2010, 05:22   #16
God Member

Re: who do you trust more the BNP or the Muslim Police officers association

Originally Posted by jaysay View Post
I for one am totally against sections of any organisation being formed on the basis of race, colour or religion. If there were white police officers ass. white trade unions, music of white origin, there would be holly hell to pay, So why is it allowed the other way round
You make a good point . the law is that certain creeds or whatever can form any group they like.. the law only intervenes when a group or association are deemed to be of a political nature and subersive.. there are gay groups, white groups, black groups,..if these groups were found to lets say not accept whites or lesbians they could be brought to book.. I don't feel the urge to join a lesbian group becase it would be taking the pee.. but if I was rejected because I am a man they could be prosecuted.
so lets not get carried away with this rubbish.
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Old 22-01-2010, 05:37   #17
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Re: who do you trust more the BNP or the Muslim Police officers association

Originally Posted by garinda View Post
Alhough I detest everything the B.N.P. stands for, they are a legal political party, albeit one that is being forced by the law to change it's membership policy, so that anyone can join, but it is worth noting that anyone who works from the police is barred from joing the B.N.P., unlike the N.A.M.P.

Merseyside policeman Steve Bettley sacked after BNP membership probe - Wirral News

It's this sort of hypocrisy, aided and abetted by our politically correct politicans, that is fuelling the move to right-wing nationalism.
I think there is a big difference here.. the BNP have barred people from taking membership to thier party on the basis of colour with no consideration of wether you are british by birth .. I'm shamed to say I know this as a fact..
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Old 22-01-2010, 10:44   #18
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Re: who do you trust more the BNP or the Muslim Police officers association

Originally Posted by Mancie View Post
I think there is a big difference here.. the BNP have barred people from taking membership to thier party on the basis of colour with no consideration of wether you are british by birth .. I'm shamed to say I know this as a fact..
I always though that a serving police officer wasn't allowed to be a member of any political party, because of the nature of their work, don't know know if that's still the case
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Old 22-01-2010, 10:46   #19
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Re: who do you trust more the BNP or the Muslim Police officers association

i recall a policeman getting a load of crap last year for been a member of the bnp party but i dont reall the issue been him a member of a political party just his preference of choice
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Old 22-01-2010, 11:55   #20
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Re: who do you trust more the BNP or the Muslim Police officers association

Originally Posted by Mancie View Post
I think there is a big difference here.. the BNP have barred people from taking membership to thier party on the basis of colour with no consideration of wether you are british by birth .. I'm shamed to say I know this as a fact..
You know this as a fact?

So does everyone else! Which is presumably why the laws we have relating to racism are being used, so that the B.N.P. are legally being forced to change their membership criteria.

BBC NEWS | UK | Legal action over BNP membership

Meanwhile groups that are based on religion are allowed to remain exclusive, and can exclude those who aren't of the same faith.


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Old 22-01-2010, 12:12   #21
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Re: who do you trust more the BNP or the Muslim Police officers association

Originally Posted by garinda View Post
You know this as a fact?

So does everyone else! Which is presumably why the laws we have relating to racism are being used, so that the B.N.P. are legally being forced to change their membership criteria.

BBC NEWS | UK | Legal action over BNP membership

Meanwhile groups that are based on religion are allowed to remain exclusive, and can exclude those who aren't of the same faith.


Everything in this country is balanced against the white indigenous population Rindi, but if you say so your called racist, which is a load of b*****ks
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Old 22-01-2010, 12:25   #22
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Re: who do you trust more the BNP or the Muslim Police officers association

Originally Posted by jaysay View Post
Everything in this country is balanced against the white indigenous population Rindi, but if you say so your called racist, which is a load of b*****ks
The laws relating to race, religion, gender, and sexual orientation, are there to protect everyone, irrespective of colour.

The law's been used to prosecute people in Scotland, for example, who racially abused English neighbours. Both the prosecuted, and the victim, happened to be white.

This is just one of many cases.

Scottish-English race case settled - News - The Independent

Contrary to popular opinion, people of all racial backgrounds have been prosecuted if found guilty of racism, and that includes white on white hate crimes.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 22-01-2010, 15:02   #23
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Re: who do you trust more the BNP or the Muslim Police officers association

Established good working relationships with HMIC, Police Federation of England & Wales, Police Superintendents' Associations, National Black Police Association, Gay Police Association, National Disabled Police Association, National Transgender Police Association and National Association of Muslim Police, in order to work together on issues of mutual concern
from the web site of the British Association for Women in Policing (BAWP for short)
How would you decide which group to join?
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Old 22-01-2010, 16:11   #24
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Re: who do you trust more the BNP or the Muslim Police officers association

Originally Posted by garinda View Post
The laws relating to race, religion, gender, and sexual orientation, are there to protect everyone, irrespective of colour.

The law's been used to prosecute people in Scotland, for example, who racially abused English neighbours. Both the prosecuted, and the victim, happened to be white.

This is just one of many cases.

Scottish-English race case settled - News - The Independent

Contrary to popular opinion, people of all racial backgrounds have been prosecuted if found guilty of racism, and that includes white on white hate crimes.
I bet you'll find its not equally balanced Rindi, we know what its supposed to be but is it, again I make the point why different associations within the police, the police are the police as far as I'm concerned
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Old 22-01-2010, 17:37   #25
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Re: who do you trust more the BNP or the Muslim Police officers association

christian church schools have to take in muslims and they in most schools get to wear viels and allowences made for tehir faith but muslim schools dont have to take in christians and make allowences for their faith.

a muslim stopped me at teh airport at passport control wearing a viel yet a christian woman was sacked or repremanded for wearing a cross while working in teh airport

there are special mortgages offered to muslims that are interest free yet despite been with the same bank i couldnt get the same deal

when examples like this occur its not surprising people think the rules are one sided

teh thing is in most cases its not the muslims that ask for favouritism its the liberall knob heads that are scared of offending anyone

as for teh law it shoudl be one law for all regardles of colour or creed and if you dont like it you shoudl piff off elswhere where the rules suit you better
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Last edited by accyman; 22-01-2010 at 17:40.
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Old 22-01-2010, 18:44   #26
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Re: who do you trust more the BNP or the Muslim Police officers association

Yet another example that irks some is the issue of single faith schools using corporal punishment.
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Old 22-01-2010, 19:16   #27
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Re: who do you trust more the BNP or the Muslim Police officers association

Originally Posted by accyman View Post

a muslim stopped me at teh airport at passport control wearing a viel
you are joking ....aren't you ?
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Old 22-01-2010, 19:24   #28
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Re: who do you trust more the BNP or the Muslim Police officers association

Originally Posted by steeljack View Post
you are joking ....aren't you ?
nope i even asked her to show me her face seen as i was about to show her mine which got a few laughs along the line and teh attention of teh security

i couldnt appear and sound more lancashire if i wore a flat cap and carried a whippet under my arm through teh airport yet i was asked to prove my identity by somone not willing to show theirs before been allowed to continue into the country.

its a pitty they arnt so sharp at spotting illigal imigrants we wouldnt have a single one lol
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ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right

Last edited by accyman; 22-01-2010 at 19:28.
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