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View Poll Results: who would get your vote for next US President
McCain 12 36.36%
Obama 14 42.42%
none of above 7 21.21%
Voters: 33. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 05-06-2008, 22:11   #31
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Re: Who gets your vote for the next president

Obama because he is black innit.

No but in all seriousness, I think America needs a change, and take a few risks once in a while too, and whilst there are going to be people who are against Obama, I like the idea of a change of character as president, and he looks alright. I like the bone structure in his face.
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Old 05-06-2008, 23:10   #32
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Re: Who gets your vote for the next president

Originally Posted by polly View Post
Neither of them, they are both Yanks.
The country needs saving before it destroys the world and the only way to do that is if the Presidency was to go to someone from a civilised nation
well ye beat me wi that, thought you were reasonably intelligent?
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 05-06-2008, 23:26   #33
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Re: Who gets your vote for the next president

Originally Posted by blazey View Post
Obama because he is black innit.

No but in all seriousness, I think America needs a change, and take a few risks once in a while too, and whilst there are going to be people who are against Obama, I like the idea of a change of character as president, and he looks alright. I like the bone structure in his face.
I used to give you the benifit of the doubt but now I am convinced you're misconcieved.As politely as I can put it.

Last edited by Benipete; 05-06-2008 at 23:29. Reason: dodgy mouse
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Old 05-06-2008, 23:43   #34
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Re: Who gets your vote for the next president

Originally Posted by Benipete View Post
I used to give you the benifit of the doubt but now I am convinced you're misconcieved.As politely as I can put it.
I'm sorry but why do you rise so angrily to a clear wind up?!
We all know Blazey's got serious political views and in the post you quoted she was clearly giving a bit of banter. Don't get yer knickers in a twist.
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Old 05-06-2008, 23:58   #35
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Re: Who gets your vote for the next president

Originally Posted by shakermaker View Post
I'm sorry but why do you rise so angrily to a clear wind up?!
We all know Blazey's got serious political views and in the post you quoted she was clearly giving a bit of banter. Don't get yer knickers in a twist.
The first bit a thought quite funny. But when someone says in all seriousness then i think they are being serious.Bit like crying wolf or to put it in English.Don't say you're serious if your not.
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Old 06-06-2008, 00:07   #36
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Re: Who gets your vote for the next president

Originally Posted by Benipete View Post
The first bit a thought quite funny. But when someone says in all seriousness then i think they are being serious.Bit like crying wolf or to put it in English.Don't say you're serious if your not.
Yes, those that continually post drivel, just for some weird self-satisfaction, get all teary and huffy when no one takes any notice, when they eventually say something they actually mean.
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Old 06-06-2008, 00:12   #37
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Re: Who gets your vote for the next president

Originally Posted by garinda View Post
Yes, those that continually post drivel, just for some weird self-satisfaction, get all teary and huffy when no one takes any notice, when they eventually say something they actually mean.
Never mentioned you?
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Old 06-06-2008, 00:28   #38
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Re: Who gets your vote for the next president

Originally Posted by Benipete View Post
Never mentioned you?
I was talking about Blazey, and her habit of posting things she doesn't really believe, just to get a reaction.
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Old 06-06-2008, 00:42   #39
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Re: Who gets your vote for the next president

Originally Posted by garinda View Post
I was talking about Blazey, and her habit of posting things she doesn't really believe, just to get a reaction.
Sorry thought you ment me.
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Old 06-06-2008, 02:37   #40
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Re: Who gets your vote for the next president

The post which said 'in all seriousness' was serious in regards to the comments on Obama and a coloured man being president. I don't see what is drivel about that, but I also don't care either.

I haven't been following the American politics because quite frankly there is enough to be concerned with at the moment in our own system without caring about the Americans and their next leader. I just like Obama from what I have seen, and judging from the poll I am not alone in this so why should I be accused of it being a wind up?

Obviously my first sentence was a wind up, I wouldn't pick a politician based on race, gender or religion or anything else, was just having a laugh. Regardless of whether you laughed or not, I found it funny at the time and obviously find it funny that I received such a tense response to it, although it was I must admit unexpected as I made it so blatantly obvious as a joke that I didnt expect someone to try having a go at me for it.
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Old 06-06-2008, 08:25   #41
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Re: Who gets your vote for the next president

Its in times like this that despite the anti-political sentiment voiced in forums such as this that we see that interest in politics is far from dead. People have a vested interest in those that control our lives and there can be no more influential a post than the President of The United States.

Ive studied American Politics and been a keen observer for many years and I defy anyone to predict how this one will go.

Americans tend to vote for heros, war veterans and those 'Old American Boys' who've served. Some would call them an insecure electorate, uncertain of their own standing in the world and even unsure of their own national identity. To a degree this may be true and in such circumstances there can be no better time for someone Like Sen Obama to seize the reigns of power.

Obama is the choice of the heart, Clinton would have been the choice of the brain and its clear from the current feeling in America that in terms Democratic Party politics, the heart won this battle. He needs to come into his own now - anyone can sell stories of a great America, of change, of freedom and position themsevles as the catalyst for all those things, but so far he simply hasnt said anything and has got through by being new and putting on a good show. We'll see now if the US electorate have been paying attention.

McCain is a savvy politician, worldly wise and has been there, done it, got the t-shirt. He has plenty of friends on 'the Hill' and is a gifted public speaker who has laced his addresses with both rhetoric and substance. His age lets him down but dont underestimate the appeal of a steady hand in the current economic and political climate.

If I were to stick my neck on the line, my heart would go for Obama, but this will be a battle of the heart and the brain of the American people.

Cos it rocks!!!

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Old 06-06-2008, 08:39   #42
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Re: Who gets your vote for the next president

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
well ye beat me wi that, thought you were reasonably intelligent?
Sometimes questions arise that need you to think 'out of the box'

To me America stereotypes all that is wrong in the world. They just don't seem to be able to organise themselves without exerting excessive aggression amongst themselves and others. Unfortunately I think we are following them.

Perhaps it is because it is too large a country the Roman empire went much the same wan and many of their leaders were at best corrupt at worst indifferent to the majority
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Old 06-06-2008, 08:46   #43
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Re: Who gets your vote for the next president

One man can't run a country - it is the people he chooses as advisors and administrators that do the work.
The ability to choose the right team is the key to success, plus having the charisma to inspire that team.

Sadly Gordo fails in that ............miserably
I am not au fait with US politics, but think Obama has charisma

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Old 06-06-2008, 08:57   #44
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Re: Who gets your vote for the next president

Originally Posted by blazey View Post
The post which said 'in all seriousness' was serious in regards to the comments on Obama and a coloured man being president. I don't see what is drivel about that, but I also don't care either.

I haven't been following the American politics because quite frankly there is enough to be concerned with at the moment in our own system without caring about the Americans and their next leader. I just like Obama from what I have seen, and judging from the poll I am not alone in this so why should I be accused of it being a wind up?

Obviously my first sentence was a wind up, I wouldn't pick a politician based on race, gender or religion or anything else, was just having a laugh. Regardless of whether you laughed or not, I found it funny at the time and obviously find it funny that I received such a tense response to it, although it was I must admit unexpected as I made it so blatantly obvious as a joke that I didnt expect someone to try having a go at me for it.
Perhaps you could highlight in red the drivel, what you don't actually mean, and leave what you do mean in black.

Coloured man?

Don't you know that is deemed as an offensive term?
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Old 06-06-2008, 11:44   #45
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Re: Who gets your vote for the next president

Originally Posted by garinda View Post

Coloured man?

Don't you know that is deemed as an offensive term?
hey at least she didnt say ni**er ,gollywog or sambo

none of the above words i would ever use

decided to star the n word because even though only giving an example somone is bound to moan lol
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