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View Poll Results: Do you want a Tory Government to be elected if there is no alternative to a labour
Yes 9 33.33%
No 18 66.67%
Voters: 27. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 25-07-2009, 10:50   #31
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Re: Who wants a Tory Government?

Democracy is 'dead in the water'.
There are increasing indications that national politics are decided at Bilderburg group meetings where both parties are told what to do, so whichever way you vote the outcome is the same.

Anarchy anyone?

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Old 25-07-2009, 10:58   #32
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Re: Who wants a Tory Government?

Originally Posted by Bernard Dawson View Post
I think there's no doubt that unemployment was far higher in the 1980's, than it is now.

It wasn't uncommon to see people being made redundant two or three times during that period.

The unemployment count is also far more accurate now than it was then. The Tories fiddled the unemployment count for years to make it appear lower
Everything is doctored now unemployment, Crime, hospital statistics, you name it Gordie fiddles it, the modern day Nero
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Old 25-07-2009, 10:59   #33
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Re: Who wants a Tory Government?

I cannot believe that people cannot see just what this government has achieved while it's been in power. Putting millions of people into pension poverty , selling off our gold reserves, ruining an incredibly strong economy, putting the country into massive debt with few countries in the world more in debt. Destroying centuries of tradition and placing more emphasis on celeb and spin than substance. The list is endless. Basically anyone who conveniently blames MrsT for all woes should cast there minds back to 1979 when rubbish was left to rot, lights went out, bodies were left unburied and the country was on it's knees. Regardless of what political preference you are without the changes brought in in the 80s you wouldn't be so comfy now.
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Old 25-07-2009, 12:00   #34
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Re: Who wants a Tory Government?

Originally Posted by eric View Post
do you really believe that the collapse of the world economy was due to the actions of the british labour party And at the same time you ignore that the mess you are in is the result of right wing greed gone rampant. And you support a party that will encourage laissez faire capitalism. A year or so ago, the icelandic economy was "a world class athlete"; and now it is about as attractive as athlete's foot. No doubt there are icelandic tories saddling their white steeds as we speak, readying themselves to ride to the rescue .... What a crock.
most sensible thing youve said all year...:d
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Old 25-07-2009, 12:08   #35
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Re: Who wants a Tory Government?

[quote=Perran;731006]I cannot believe that people cannot see just what this government has achieved while it's been in power. Putting millions of people into pension poverty , selling off our gold reserves, ruining an incredibly strong economy, putting the country into massive debt with few countries in the world more in debt. Destroying centuries of tradition and placing more emphasis on celeb and spin than substance. The list is endless. Basically anyone who conveniently blames MrsT for all woes should cast there minds back to 1979 when rubbish was left to rot, lights went out, bodies were left unburied and the country was on it's knees. Regardless of what political preference you are without the changes brought in in the 80s you wouldn't be so comfy now.[/q

whos comfy ,todays woes began with thatcher no economy in the world can survive without a manufactoring industry she and her cronies sold it off or shut it down and asset stripped this country for their own personal greed. they told blatant lies saying we are sticking up for the british people when they sold them down the river in europe in the world .they changed the rules so foreign companies could come and asset strip companies and pillage there order books. they changed laws they made protests illegal yous havent got a clue...
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Old 25-07-2009, 13:53   #36
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Re: Who wants a Tory Government?

Originally Posted by Perran View Post
I cannot believe that people cannot see just what this government has achieved while it's been in power. Putting millions of people into pension poverty , selling off our gold reserves, ruining an incredibly strong economy, putting the country into massive debt with few countries in the world more in debt. Destroying centuries of tradition and placing more emphasis on celeb and spin than substance. The list is endless. Basically anyone who conveniently blames MrsT for all woes should cast there minds back to 1979 when rubbish was left to rot, lights went out, bodies were left unburied and the country was on it's knees. Regardless of what political preference you are without the changes brought in in the 80s you wouldn't be so comfy now.[/q

whos comfy ,todays woes began with thatcher no economy in the world can survive without a manufactoring industry she and her cronies sold it off or shut it down and asset stripped this country for their own personal greed. they told blatant lies saying we are sticking up for the british people when they sold them down the river in europe in the world .they changed the rules so foreign companies could come and asset strip companies and pillage there order books. they changed laws they made protests illegal yous haven't got a clue...
You can't go on blaming Thatcher forever, she went 19 ears ago. Blair, Brown and co have been in power for over 12 years, why haven't they changed things back if they were so flaming brilliant, the only thing Blair did was to line his own pockets and make sure he was okay an on course to be European President, but at least Two Jags did something useful he learnt to play Croquet
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Old 25-07-2009, 14:08   #37
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Re: Who wants a Tory Government?

Originally Posted by cmonstanley View Post

whos comfy ,todays woes began with thatcher no economy in the world can survive without a manufactoring industry she and her cronies sold it off or shut it down and asset stripped this country for their own personal greed. they told blatant lies saying we are sticking up for the british people when they sold them down the river in europe in the world .they changed the rules so foreign companies could come and asset strip companies and pillage there order books. they changed laws they made protests illegal yous havent got a clue...
Yet you support this government, who have presided over a far greater decrease in manufacturing than in the 80's..
formerly cyfr
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Old 25-07-2009, 18:13   #38
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Re: Who wants a Tory Government?

Just curious: there is a lot of talk about the economy on this thread; how is it going in general over there. I could read the papers; but I want to know from "the man in the street" .... ooops that should be "person in the street." Are you guys coming out of the recession? Or is the light at the end of the tunnell just another train?
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Old 25-07-2009, 18:18   #39
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Re: Who wants a Tory Government?

Originally Posted by Eric View Post
Just curious: there is a lot of talk about the economy on this thread; how is it going in general over there. I could read the papers; but I want to know from "the man in the street" .... ooops that should be "person in the street." Are you guys coming out of the recession? Or is the light at the end of the tunnell just another train?
Ah, Economy, yes, we are still economising over here, if you notice the posts are getting shorter to save on ink.
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Old 25-07-2009, 20:06   #40
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Re: Who wants a Tory Government?

Originally Posted by cmonstanley View Post
You can't go on blaming Thatcher forever, she went 19 ears ago. Blair, Brown and co have been in power for over 12 years, why haven't they changed things back if they were so flaming brilliant, the only thing Blair did was to line his own pockets and make sure he was okay an on course to be European President, but at least Two Jags did something useful he learnt to play Croquet
beacuse the multi national companies are the ones with the real power why do you think we were in iraq thatcher and her cronies made sure what about the first iraq invasion bailing out an oil rich nation ..soldiers for hire eh under major who was a thatcher cronie and was made a puppet while the puppet masters pulled the least the goverment are trying to look to the future by giving nissan a grant and creating 300+jobs making electric batteries...

Last edited by cmonstanley; 25-07-2009 at 20:10.
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Old 25-07-2009, 20:23   #41
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Re: Who wants a Tory Government?

So, let's compare the Labour and Tory policies on fishing catch levels around the UK coastline...oh no, sorry, we can't, because despite the fact that this is supposedly our territorial waters, fishing policy is now decided in Brussels. Still, carry on arguing, I suppose it makes a diversion while you watch your independence disappear...
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Old 25-07-2009, 20:56   #42
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Re: Who wants a Tory Government?

Originally Posted by Less View Post
Ah, Economy, yes, we are still economising over here, if you notice the posts are getting shorter to save on ink.
The posts are getting shorter because there is no defence of the current administration.
If we are allowed to continue and sink under these funny men then we have all got problems.
Can anyone on this forum convince me that Labour is the way to go?
Maggie has gone and is done and dusted, so convince me that I should vote for a bunch of losers and I will consider it.
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Last edited by Mick; 26-07-2009 at 14:05. Reason: language
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Old 26-07-2009, 08:28   #43
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Re: Who wants a Tory Government?

European directives, uncontrolled immigration and greed, all allowed by both parties, I had to make 12 employees redundant in the late 80's, and am currently down to 5 from 11 employees before christmas, one of the redundant workers is my eldest son, I wouldnt entertain voting for Labour or the Tories, there isnt a promising alternative imo, I still believe that the MP's of any party will lie, cheat and deceive whilst lining their own pockets, there are people on this forum who who would make better MP's than the current choice, but not because they have a Labour or Tory preference, but because they have an open mind, and are honest.
If time travel were possible, wouldn't somebody have been back or forward and told us by now?
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Old 26-07-2009, 08:36   #44
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Re: Who wants a Tory Government?

Whilst we are on about employment, it was the YTS which led to the system we have now, fast tracking unemployed people into professional jobs, we have doctors, dentists, nurses, plumbers, gas fitters, electricians etc etc who can take very short courses, and then are let loose on an unsuspecting public, with limited qualification, and even less experience, any wonder then (when professions used to have around 7 year apprenticeships), that so many professional people choose to leave the country?
If time travel were possible, wouldn't somebody have been back or forward and told us by now?
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Old 26-07-2009, 09:13   #45

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Re: Who wants a Tory Government?

Originally Posted by mickmc View Post
Enter Labour in 1997, and for the next 11 years we had a growing economy, record numbers of jobs and, for almost all of the period we’ve been in government, virtually full employment.
We are starting to realise all the "virtually full employment" (except those that preferred to live on free hand outs) was generated using borrowed money that could not be paid back.

Now the banks want their money back so the jobs are disappearing again.

Anyone good at maths?
Would it have cost us less than £800 billion to keep those 3 million out of work on benefits and to have properly regulated the banks so we were not in our current situation?
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