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22-12-2010, 17:57
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Why can't a woman be reasonable and practical-like a man
You spend ages of your valuable time and a fortune before Christmas buying her presents-I hate Marks! Sometimes she's with you and helps you choose(so that should be OK). Sometimes you use your imagination('It's not a surprise if I help you pick it. You know what I like').
On Boxing Day she bullies you into going to the sales and while she's looking at more things she doesn't need you see EVERYTHING you bought her at 50% to 75% off!.By this time she's decided if she helped you pick it she's changed her mind,if she didn't help you it's the wrong size/colour/style etc.'It's about time you knew what I like'.
BUT! the sale is on! You can't take it back and get a refund-they will only give you the sale price. Cut your losses and get SOME money back? Convince her she looks terrific in it?(NO chance!)
So why can't she think like a man-go out on her own on Boxing Day, buy her own presents at half price and save you all that money and hassle?
Who said 'Humbug'?
Last edited by Gordon Booth; 22-12-2010 at 18:00.
22-12-2010, 18:06
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Re: Why can't a woman be reasonable and practical-like a man
Originally Posted by Gordon Booth
You spend ages of your valuable time and a fortune before Christmas buying her presents-I hate Marks! Sometimes she's with you and helps you choose(so that should be OK). Sometimes you use your imagination('It's not a surprise if I help you pick it. You know what I like').
On Boxing Day she bullies you into going to the sales and while she's looking at more things she doesn't need you see EVERYTHING you bought her at 50% to 75% off!.By this time she's decided if she helped you pick it she's changed her mind,if she didn't help you it's the wrong size/colour/style etc.'It's about time you knew what I like'.
BUT! the sale is on! You can't take it back and get a refund-they will only give you the sale price. Cut your losses and get SOME money back? Convince her she looks terrific in it?(NO chance!)
So why can't she think like a man-go out on her own on Boxing Day, buy her own presents at half price and save you all that money and hassle?
Who said 'Humbug'?
What sort of fantasy world do you live in?
You've tried to make a woman happy?
I condemn you to watch the repeats of 'Last of the summer Wine', but to make it easy for you, only the bits where the 'Ladies' are supping tea and discussing us fellas.
It proves we are two different species.
(If there is a God what a sense of humour he has, forcing us together just to procreate!).

“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
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22-12-2010, 18:09
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Re: Why can't a woman be reasonable and practical-like a man
I saw the title of the thread and thought April 1st had arrive early 
22-12-2010, 18:15
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Re: Why can't a woman be reasonable and practical-like a man
Any woman in her right mind prefers to spend her own money.
I found men an expensive hobby which I have grown out of.
She has the satisfaction of knowing she will probably outlive you and will spend yours without such criticism.
22-12-2010, 18:41
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Re: Why can't a woman be reasonable and practical-like a man
You met the wrong sort of men, MargaretR!
Now if you'd met 'Teddy Bears' like Less and me you would have felt VERY different.
22-12-2010, 18:45
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Re: Why can't a woman be reasonable and practical-like a man
Originally Posted by Gordon Booth
You met the wrong sort of men, MargaretR!
Now if you'd met 'Teddy Bears' like Less and me you would have felt VERY different.
Whoa, hang on, have you ever met her?
I have, and can honestly say I wouldn't be able to find a pedestal that deserves her dangling from it!

“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
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22-12-2010, 18:48
Resting in Peace
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Re: Why can't a woman be reasonable and practical-like a man
Originally Posted by MargaretR
Any woman in her right mind prefers to spend her own money.
I found men an expensive hobby which I have grown out of.
She has the satisfaction of knowing she will probably outlive you and will spend yours without such criticism.
Ah Well, I know a fairy called nuff, fairynuff 
22-12-2010, 18:49
Resting in Peace
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Re: Why can't a woman be reasonable and practical-like a man
Originally Posted by Less
Whoa, hang on, have you ever met her?
I have, and can honestly say I wouldn't be able to find a pedestal that deserves her dangling from it!

Ya think the world of really Less    
22-12-2010, 18:54
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Re: Why can't a woman be reasonable and practical-like a man
Originally Posted by jaysay
As usual you can never make a complete sentence,
Ya think the world of HER, really Less
Do think before you powst Jay!

“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
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22-12-2010, 19:08
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Re: Why can't a woman be reasonable and practical-like a man
Originally Posted by Less
Whoa, hang on, have you ever met her?
I have, and can honestly say I wouldn't be able to find a pedestal that deserves her dangling from it!

Now,now, Less, we are all Gods children and we all have our good points-I'm sure MargaretR has one.
Back to the thread- what makes it worse is that while you are spending your valuable time and money on HER presents you are loosing time you should be spending finding the new toys(sorry, presents) you will buy for her to give to you! No shirts, socks, hankies-hi-tech camera, remote controlled helicopter, laptop(allright, it cost more than all hers put together but it will last longer and you deserve it).
THEN what does she do? Wraps them up and won't let you play with them until Christmas Day!By Boxing Day you've read the handbook and are ready to have a go- thats when she drags you off to take all HER presents back!
22-12-2010, 19:20
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Re: Why can't a woman be reasonable and practical-like a man
Does your wife have an email address? 
22-12-2010, 19:25
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Re: Why can't a woman be reasonable and practical-like a man
Originally Posted by MargaretR
Does your wife have an email address? 
A woman with an 'e'mail address!! Giving you ladies the vote gave you all sorts of big ideas!
22-12-2010, 19:27
Resting in Peace
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Re: Why can't a woman be reasonable and practical-like a man
Originally Posted by Less
As usual you can never make a complete sentence,
Do think before you powst Jay!

Will do Less, always makes the powst read better 
22-12-2010, 19:29
Resting in Peace
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Re: Why can't a woman be reasonable and practical-like a man
Originally Posted by Gordon Booth
A woman with an 'e'mail address!! Giving you ladies the vote gave you all sorts of big ideas!
I can see Gordon you and Margaret are going to get on like an house on fire, probably your house 
22-12-2010, 19:36
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Re: Why can't a woman be reasonable and practical-like a man
Mysogynists are almost as unbearable as psychic vampires, but I don't wish you harm.
I just avoid/ ignore you - anger is so destructive
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