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Old 08-12-2007, 21:05   #31
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Re: Why doesnt religion play a bigger part in UK politics?

Yes I must admit I'm not keen on people who claim God told them to invade other countries or kill people etc.

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Old 08-12-2007, 23:35   #32
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Re: Why doesnt religion play a bigger part in UK politics?

The thing is (IMO), I don't think America is in anywhere close to being full of extreme Christians and certainly not Fundamentalists. I mean I grew up in a Fundamental Baptist church in Rhode Island and I'm now in the home base of the Southern Baptists. However, neither I our very many people even around adhere to this radical view.

Sure, most Americans claim to believe in a God and call themselves Christians. But they certainly don't practice what they preach. Heck, in the last few elections, less than 40% of Born-Again Christians even bothered to vote!

Also, on any given Sunday morning, less than 30% of Americans are worshiping in any type of church, temple, or syngogue. Where do all the ruling fundamentalists fit into these numbers?

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Old 09-12-2007, 10:18   #33
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Re: Why doesnt religion play a bigger part in UK politics?

Currently, 26 Lords Spiritual, sit in the house of Lords and are able to vote on legislation affecting all of us and the way in which we lead our lives.

These men, all of them unelected, are representatives of the Church of England. Add to this the clergy of other faith groups (the Chief Rabbi, Methodists etc.) elevated to the House of Lords as Lords Temporal and there are quite a few more; oddly there are no Roman Catholics though.

It may dismay some to learn that the Lords Spiritual were among the fiercest opponents of extending the franchise to Women, and that their current number also sit on the Synod of the Church of England which is unable to decide to what extent the sin of being homosexual disbars a person from being able to enjoy the rights and privileges taken for granted by the rest of society.

I find it strange and ironic that the adherants of a faith whose central tennet is freedom of will are among the most proscriptive, repressed and repressive people in our society.
Enough is ENOUGH Get Britain out of Europe
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Old 09-12-2007, 10:54   #34
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Re: Why doesnt religion play a bigger part in UK politics?

I don't think there's any thing deep in the reason why religion is never used as a selling point in politics - i just think there are so many religions in England and no real dominant one (I know the main faith is supposed to be CofE but let's face it, their power is dwindling) and there are so few people who actually bother to vote that if a politician were to overly side with any faith they could easily alienate about 80% of the voting population.

Having said that though, I think religion does play a big part in politics in general i.e. abortion laws, homosexual laws etc - the churches have had opinions in these and politicians are very aware of those opinions when stating their own policies.

The views expressed within this post are mine and mine alone.

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Old 09-12-2007, 11:30   #35
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Re: Why doesnt religion play a bigger part in UK politics?

Originally Posted by LancYorkYankee View Post
Heck, in the last few elections, less than 40% of Born-Again Christians even bothered to vote!
How do you know this LYY.. do you have to state which religion you are when you vote ? Or are polls carried out separately, in which case, the fact that someone bothers may show a fear of a leaning to a link between politics and religion.

Of course, there is always some sort of link, as in the way we are brought up and standards of behaviour. To me, anyone who believes in The Garden of Eden is a bit doo-lally anyway, but as long as they are a good, hardworking politician with the public's best interest at heart, and not too extreme a view of one of their beliefs, which could be 'pushed' (i.e. Jehovah's Witnesses view on blood donations) then they will get my vote.

If ever we have a ruling majority with Muslim leaders .. that's when I think we may be in for a change. As it stands at the present, I don't think any law will get through based just on one body's religious beliefs, and not for the good of the whole.
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Old 10-12-2007, 18:45   #36
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Re: Why doesnt religion play a bigger part in UK politics?

Originally Posted by LancYorkYankee View Post
Steeljack, I wouldn't even know where to start. Was gonna start responding to the first of Eric's major generalizations. However, they just kept coming and coming. There were so many odd misinterepretations/errors/views on American religious thought and function, I truly wouldn't know where to start.

Seriously, the generalizations were too numerous to address one by one. Not trying to slam you Eric but you've gotta lay off smoking that moose "stuff." It'd be like me trying to speak on the idea that in Canada, hockey is just another sport like baseball, American football (go Argonauts), or hop scotch. Or that French and English go together like moonshine and hillbillies!
Couldn't agree more, my friend. It's just more of the mythology of America which appears with great frequency.

Unlike England, the U.S. has no state religion. One may have faith or not. Freedom of religion is very important here. The American Founders generally viewed religion as the source of morality and a necessary spring of popular government. However, they wanted no laws establishing same. Personally, I am more interested in how a politician lives his life than what his religious affiliation might be.

As to Eric.....apparently, he is unaware that there are plenty of left-wing Christian groups.....who vote accordingly.
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Old 10-12-2007, 20:53   #37
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Re: Why doesnt religion play a bigger part in UK politics?

There is a group of religious left wingers right here in Kingston, holding vigils for peace, and praying for a better deal for the poor. They are called the Sisters of Providence of St. Vincent de Paul. They also operate a hospital, teen drop in centers, and a detox service. Dangerous people those sisters. Probably under RCMP surveillance.
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Old 10-12-2007, 20:58   #38
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Re: Why doesnt religion play a bigger part in UK politics?

Originally Posted by bullseyebarb View Post
Couldn't agree more, my friend. It's just more of the mythology of America which appears with great frequency.

Unlike England, the U.S. has no state religion. One may have faith or not. Freedom of religion is very important here. The American Founders generally viewed religion as the source of morality and a necessary spring of popular government. However, they wanted no laws establishing same. Personally, I am more interested in how a politician lives his life than what his religious affiliation might be.

As to Eric.....apparently, he is unaware that there are plenty of left-wing Christian groups.....who vote accordingly.
Christianity is actually a socialist religion, see the beatitudes, Jesus's statements on money, (eg it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle etc).

However aside from that just name me one left wing televangelistic preacher to compare with (I think his name is) Jerry Falwell.

Left wing Christian groups in the US don't make me laugh. Televangelism is ruled by the right wing pro life pro hanging/capital punishment (surely that has to be a contradiction) brigade.
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Old 11-12-2007, 10:00   #39
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Re: Why doesnt religion play a bigger part in UK politics?

I've read a lot of posts on American forums knocking Mitt Romney because of his religion and saying he can't be a good choice for President because of his firm beliefs.

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Old 11-12-2007, 13:13   #40
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Re: Why doesnt religion play a bigger part in UK politics?

May we be reminded that the so called 'freedom of religion' (in itself a huge lie, in my opinion) in America has produced such things as the Jonestown Massacre, Charles Manson's cult, child indoctrinating 'Jesus Camps', and the KKK. Cults and extremism are encouraged in America, due to their wrongly titled 'freedom of religion'.
I personally couldn't think of a more horrid place to live; where religious beliefs mix dangerously with politics and business to catastrophical effects.
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Old 12-12-2007, 23:02   #41
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Re: Why doesnt religion play a bigger part in UK politics?

I was unsure about which thread to post this link , gun control or religion here goes ..How about having a "unborn Baby (holding a machine gun) Christmas tree ornament" ...complete with a yellow ribbon to show support for the troops | - Unborn Baby Ornament - US Troop Model

no offense meant or intended towards anyone
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Old 12-12-2007, 23:20   #42
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Re: Why doesnt religion play a bigger part in UK politics?

That is just so wrong on so many levels.

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Old 13-12-2007, 00:28   #43
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Re: Why doesnt religion play a bigger part in UK politics?

It's wrong on just about every level there is
Semper in stercore versor, solum altitudo mutat
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Old 14-12-2007, 01:45   #44
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Re: Why doesnt religion play a bigger part in UK politics?

this British News clip goes a long way in explaining why most of the educated world thinks Americans are nutters when it comes to religion

got to laugh at the quip about the fintstones near the end
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Old 14-12-2007, 10:24   #45
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Re: Why doesnt religion play a bigger part in UK politics?

Originally Posted by WillowTheWhisp View Post
I've read a lot of posts on American forums knocking Mitt Romney because of his religion and saying he can't be a good choice for President because of his firm beliefs.
According to an article I read in The Times, the majority of US Christians think that Mormon is a cult.
formerly cyfr
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